April 7th, 2006 by Matt Sutton

Some theological truths roll off our tongues like reciting our ABC’s. In some sense, they are so foundational to our faith that they can become somewhat unremarkable over time. For me, the encouragement contained in Romans 8:1-4 is a prime example of a foundational truth that can loose its luster over time in the tarnishing environment of familiarity. Let me quote the passage for you:

1. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus. 2. because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 3. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1-4)

So, how much condemnation is there in “no condemnation”? You know, I think I understand this truth until I look at how I live my life before my God and Savior. (more…)

March 27th, 2006 by Matt Sutton

Is Obedience Really Worth It?

There are some questions, which when asked in the presence of other believers, might make the one asking the questions appear rather uncouth. Asking these embarrassing questions may cause you to be snubbed, scoffed at or humiliated by other believers who actually have it all together. Having it all together, of course, applies to their state prior to when they snub you, scoff at you or humiliate you… Nonetheless, I think the question “Is obedience really worth it” fits into the category of biblically uncivilized questions. (more…)

March 8th, 2006 by Matt Sutton

If you have been a Christian for long, you have probably at least heard of the parable of the talents, which is recorded in Matthew 25:14-28 and similarly in Luke 19. I’ve heard this parable from my earliest days in Sunday School, and quite honestly, I’ve historically just chalked it up as a nice story and then moved on with my life. It really never affected me at all until I recently read a work from John Bunyan entitled The Fear of God. Bunyan’s comments sharpened the teeth of this parable for me. In fact, as a believer, his comments this parable become like one of the frightening warning passages in Hebrews. I encourage you to buy Bunyan’s book. It is worth every penny, even though the sentence structure and old English verbiage require a period of acclimation. (more…)

February 28th, 2006 by Matt Sutton

Some people are simply obnoxiously optimistic.? A ship might be submerged to the gunnels and sinking fast, yet some eternally optimistic chap will still see fit to yell? ?Set the jib!? and ?Trim the mainsail!? Now, barring a miracle, the stark reality of the above situation only lends itself to one of two options: Either you start chucking water like mad and plug the hole, or you swan dive overboard and freestyle swim like you’re in the Olympics.? Rest assured, however, if you are foolish enough to busy yourself tending the sails while waist deep in water, you can pretty much cast aside worrying about tomorrow.? Miracles notwithstanding, you’re sunk. (more…)

February 23rd, 2006 by Matt Sutton

Time is a peculiar thing. Ask any scientist to fundamentally define time, and the honest ones will likely shrug their shoulders. Why do we remember the past but not the future? Why does time move forward and not backward? Spatial dimensions like distance aren’t that bad, but time… well time is a bit of an enigma. (more…)

February 3rd, 2006 by Matt Sutton

I am an avid football fan. I grew up in a family of avid football fans. I even had legitimate hopes of playing Division I college football until I was sidelined by a neck injury in high school. So at this point in the calendar year I begin to experience minor withdrawals as my favorite sport winds to an end. Nonetheless, some of the most humorous aspects of football for me are the mind-numbingly simple philosophical phrases coaches and players create each year for motivational purposes. There are two things that are humorous to me regarding these phrases. First, they almost always have to be three words or less. More than three words and you begin to infringe on the outer intellectual boundaries of your target audience. There just aren’t that many Rhodes Scholars that buckle chin straps on a regular basis! (more…)

January 13th, 2006 by Geoff Volker

In this series of blog entries I would like to begin to interact with Neil Cole’s book, Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens. I am going to break with convention and use Neil Cole

December 23rd, 2005 by Matt Sutton

If you haven’t mentally dismissed me as a heretic or blasphemer after reading the title to this blog entry, and instead have decided to read further, I must assume at this point you are reading with anticipation that I will make things right!

I will not disappoint you. (more…)

December 15th, 2005 by Geoff Volker

The following is a question and answer that is from an issue of the journal a few years ago that I believe bears repeating.

Question: New Covenant Theology is a system of theology.

November 28th, 2005 by Geoff Volker