[ This article is also available in But its more difficult to shift peoples thinking the other way, though more resourcesbooks like Somethings Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuseand Freeing Yourself from Its Power by Wade Mullen and A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing by Laura Barringer and Scot McKnightare changing how people see abuse within the church. Pickering, however, said he was not surprised by Nasellis response at the meeting. It transitioned to a formal degree program that eventually became accredited in 2015. Rev Juan Dominguez. And if the elders were to move for that motion, I would resign out of principle.. In an interview with The Roys Report, Bryan Pickering, the former pastor for care and counseling at the church, said he resigned over a pattern of abusive conduct by Bethlehem's leaders that he not only witnessed but experienced. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. The other, and far more contentious, motion concerned an October 1, 2019, episode of Man Rampant, a podcast on Christianity, leadership, and masculinity hosted by Doug Wilson. When he resigned, he came to an agreement of some kind where he committed to not interfering in the elders leadership or the direction of the church. The congregation is the highest authority and there are systems in place which allow congregants to bring up concerns (motions) to the rest of the congregation. Zuleger also asked church members to pray for their leaders. The resignations and fractures in leadership at Bethlehem Baptist Church (BBC) extend to the congregation and have been simmering for years. This idea has come up in the cultural conversation with more loaded and often less theological terms: the overly sensitive snowflake generation, the debate over trigger warnings, and the 2018 bestseller The Coddling of the American Mind. He added that Wilsons church has received a great deal of scrutiny about its poor handling of abuse cases in the past, so I cringed when I heard (Wilson) bring up . Piper has hosted and defended pastor and author Doug Wilson over the years, even as hes become an increasingly contentious figure in evangelicalism for his teachings on slavery, women, and other issues. He said he felt a conviction that he couldnt in good conscience stay at BCS and by the end of 2020 his family left Bethlehem too. There's domineering. One need only look at the life of John Calvin, father of Reformed theology (deformed is more like it) and how his followers minimize his past (as Piper himself does; this is referenced in Dave Hunts book What Love is This? Maybe this is normal for most people, but its mind-blowing to me. WebBethlehem Baptist Church. Elders and ministers at Bethlehem Baptist Church in 2. At Bethlehem, Rigney said, we want to un-coddle the American mind, or at least the Christian mind. Theyre drawn to Reformed theology and Pipers Christian hedonism, which is reflected in the schools motto: Education in Serious Joy., In a classroom full of men who would give their lives for the gospel, to have somebody whos supposedly training you for ministry doubt your commitment to that gospel because youre not convinced hes right about everything is really hard to deal with, said Karl Grant, who studied under Naselli in the seminary, as the sole Lutheran in the program. In the podcast Mr. Rigney basically said, show compassion but dont have empathy.. I have been majorly burdened for our church for the past several years regarding how we approach ethnic harmony and related issues in our culture, including partisan politics, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, etc. In their minds, claims of inappropriate behavior or abuse wont always be justified. Meyer told his congregation to expect that race would continue to be addressed from the pulpit. As far as I can see, Pipers church and seminary are just carrying the torch. A narcissistic family system can be a family, a local church, an organization, or any other group. I never met Jason Meyer but I know an oblong blur generality, when I read one. Seriously? He has previously served congregations in Lake Benton and Blaine, both in Minnesota. The issue of abuse also has particular resonance at Bethlehem. I have found abuse of power issues typical among conservative churches. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. When the image of the family is more important than the individual members of the family, this is a narcissistic family system. there's harm being done," Pickering said. Speaking as a 18 yr attender at BBC (currently planning on leaving) the closest Piper ever got to decrying Wilson was during a interview with Joe Rigney. Then they got themselves in trouble (ultimately with God) when they opened their mouths and spoke words without knowledge in their attempt to fix Job. | Screenshot/YouTube/Fellowship Church Church of the Highlands and ARC officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit when contacted by The Christian Post on Tuesday. The Takatas, like the group of Nasellis former students, felt like they too had gone through a convoluted process of praying, reporting, documenting, scheduling, meeting, and working for resolution only to have the process end without feeling like their concerns were fully understood and that nothing would change as a result. Rather, I believe our leadership culture has taken a turn in an unhealthy direction as we try to navigate conflict and division.. We dont want that kind of escalation, inflation, and fragility in play. Thank the Good Lord that Jesus Chris didnt consider empathy a sin. Janette Takata also wrote emails to BBC elders in 2019 with concerns about the episode. In the following weeks, as the church attempted to make peace between them and Naselli, the couple felt maligned in the process, as the professor went on to characterize their motion as divisive and disrespectful. Members who spent 10, 20, or even 30 years worshiping and serving there, who expected they would be part of Bethlehem for the rest of their lives, said goodbye to their spiritual home. Today was the first time Ive ever heard of the controversy re: the concept of empathy as discussed by Doug Wilson and Joe Rigney, and also now the idea the some biblical counselors are also thinking similarly. Rigney has a degree from New Saint Andrews College, founded by Wilsons Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, and has maintained ties with him. She described how hard it was to leave a church theyd helped plant, even as disagreements about race and gender emerged. And let us pray for Gods rescue and healing of those victimized by these wicked hired-men posing as undershepherds. We learned Augustine in doctrine class, Carvette said. A unity or one voice culture puts a lot of focus on institutional protection. Meyer adds that while unity is a great goal, the problem comes when unity moves from a desired goal to a demanded outcome.. Frankly, its because I graduated from our undergrad program that I have concerns. There are things that professors would admit in classroom settings when I began that they wouldnt be willing to admit now.. But his take has also resonated. Part of whats happened, in the last five years plus especially, is emerging fault lines among people with sensibly shared theological commitments, Rigney said in an interview with CT. At the same time, Theres been an escalation of language and inflation of language such that when a certain issue rises to where it becomes the litmus test, where it becomes, Youre either with us or against usas opposed to simply a different instinct or tendency within a same shared theological commitmentthats when theres real problems, and its hard to work together.. WebView Jason Meyers profile on LinkedIn, the worlds largest professional community. God has moved at FCC in amazing ways. The school also hired its only female faculty professor, Betsy Howard, this year. What a dysfunctional mess. The Sunday after George Floyd was killed, he preached on racism and the call to sit in solidarity with those who are suffering. "Pray for your leaders as we pray for you. I attended Bethlehem for nearly 3 years, belonged to one of the small groups. "There's unethical behavior. "Jason Meyer's resignation is not due to impropriety or moral failure, and we thank God for Jason's ministry among us for the past nine years, first as Pastor for Preaching & Vision for Bethlehem's three campuses, and then since last summer as Pastor for Preaching & Vision at the Downtown Campus," the statement concluded. The successor to John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church this week resigned in what appears to be a major shake-up at the church amid allegations of toxic Are there good reasons why members are leaving? And according to audio obtained by The Roys Report, Naselli responded to the motion by stating publicly: I am the pastor that Mrs. Takata just quoted. Jason Meyer has resigned from his position as the lead pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, amid allegations of toxic and Four other congregations with female pastors were also determined to be not in friendly cooperation with the SBC, as well as one removed over its abuse response. Brian Tabb, a BBC elder and dean at BCS, told Takata in an email that he could understand her concerns. Many of us (myself included) were blessed by Johns teachings on Christian hedonism and we gave him a pass on certain teachings because of his warmth, enthusiasm, and geeky charm, but make no mistake, this is the house he built. Meyers exit last month followed two others at Bethlehems downtown campus. Rigney recognizes spiritual abuse as something that does happen in Christian contexts, but he also challenged what he saw as the possibility for criticism or correction from a position of authority to get inflated as abuse. This is another painful and confusing moment for us," Zuleger wrote. The key thing in a lot of waysmaybe Im feeling this one more directly nowis the way that our emotional responses to reality need to be in accordance with reality.. Learn more about Urban Refuge Church 4. WebNOW!!! She requested that, prior to Rigney taking office, the elders make a statement to separate Rigneys views in the episode from the views and teachings of Bethlehem Baptist Church.. Is this not the very thing that the Pharisees did that got Jesus so mad that he would call them out by comparing them to that which was the most filthy and disgusting thing in their own theology? There is no one factor that has driven me away from this school. However, Takata said nothing ever came of her efforts. ", "We also have troubles that have played out at Bethlehem over the past year. I was pretty disappointed. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. Join now Sign in Jason Meyer Jason Meyer Executive Pastor at Sierra Vista Church. Take Back Your Life. Several current leaders at Bethlehem as well as BCSs new president, Joe Rigney, pointed to a similar taxonomy laid out by The Gospel Coalitions Kevin DeYoung. The Roys Report reached out to Tomlinson for comment, but he did not respond. Soon after he launched his academic I feel like we have encountered wave after wave after wave, and that in a good-faith effort to keep the peace and maintain some form of unity, we have not spoken with sufficient clarity about what is true and what is false and instead have attempted to appease left-leaning folks who are virtually unappeasable , By the time the Takatas eventually met with Naselli and church leaders, they saw that there are more dividing lines being formed here than we expected, Janette told CT. Youre going to have people on opposite sides saying theyre making mountains out of molehills and then other people saying youre making molehills out of mountains. Piper cant step in, from what I understand. Its a simple case of the seeds of the founder coming to fruition. "It's been more painful to me personally than corporately. Until a chance encounter with my moms old Bible opened my eyes. Jason has been a dear friend and mentor since we met in his tiny closet of an office during my first year of seminary back in 2010. When someone at the meeting asked Naselli to explain himself, he responded that what was happening in the roomhow some were taking sides without any judgmentwas exactly what Rigney and Wilson were protesting in their podcast. In a letter emailed to his congregation, the pastor of one of the three Bethlehem campuses referenced nuanced and complex issues at play in Meyers resignation last month. More than 25 people spoke to CT at length about their experiences navigating conflict at Bethlehem for this article. To unlock this article for your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. An outside investigation TEAM is objective, trained, experienced, know what they are looking for, knows how to speak to the church about what they see, and love Jesus Christ. Outside the church, they are concerned by the cultures increasing hostility to Christianity, most prominently from mass media, social media, and the government., https://mereorthodoxy.com/six-way-fracturing-evangelicalism/, Ive been so concerned that a man who is widely known for thinking empathy is a sin is now the head of a seminary. Bethlehem is in Gods hands, she said. I didnt start experiencing regular conflict until I started advocating for racial justice issues, Bowers told CT. Zuleger noted Meyer's resignation was painful to him personally due to their years-long friendship. They leave behind a sizable community2,400 members, spread across three campuseswhose leaders are also disappointed and grieved, enough that the church decided to postpone its 150th anniversary event scheduled for this weekend to November. These tensions came to a head at a contentious BBC congregational meeting on January 31 in which two members, Steve and Janette Takata, submitted motions for the church to consider. You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.. Disagreements in this area can feel like personal attacks or as doctrinal attacks, when they really are neither.. His experience in the class led him to hear from others who had been called out by Naselli, and he brought concerns from a dozen students to leaders at the church at BCS the following year. Ming-Jinn Tong, pastor for neighborhood outreach, announced his resignation They did great for a week when they simply sat with Job in silence. And are people on either side pitting truth and grace against each other and distorting the way of Jesus? Im not convinced that I sinned against you. Are the Pastor(s) abusive? When met with issues that strike at the core of ones identity, its natural to have visceral responses, she tweeted. Not Jesus. And when the truth and the truth-tellers are minimized, marginalized, and demonized, this is a narcissistic family systems. He may have a point about detached wisdom in making hard decisions. This dysfunctional mess is the logical outcome of John Piper and his theology and its methods. We cant even think about whats next, said Debby Pickering, whose family left when her husband, Bryan, resigned his position as pastor. Now, obviously Im a pastor at a separate church, but that church has the same doctrinal commitment as Bethlehem does., Rigney and Wilson discuss the sin of empathy.. This is the hyper complementarian house that says a woman cant divorce even an abusive, philandering husband. 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. According to Pickering, Tong called the elders process and decision to dismiss the allegations against Naselli unethical., In Meyers resignation letter, Meyer writes:(I)t seemed that a committee of non-staff elders from each campus would be the best group to be able to take the allegations and sift them. Over time, for a variety of reason, the members of the narcissistic family system are trained, conditioned, molded, shaped, and manipulated into becoming co-conspirators in the idolatry of The Image., And they are coerced into being temple prostitutes at the temple of The Image.. This response, of course, is labeled as immature, manipulative, and reactive.. Two Bethlehem elders, Ken Currie and Chairman Kurt Elting-Ballard, responded that they are focusing our energy on the needs of our flock and had no other comment or statement to add.. The episode was titled The Sin of Empathy, and featured guest Joe Rigney, who at the time of the January meeting had been appointed president of Bethlehem College and Seminary (BCS) but had not yet assumed office. Dave Zuleger, the church's South campus pastor for preaching and vision also confirmed and addressed Meyer's resignation in a blog post on the church's website, writing "this is another painful and confusing moment for us. Rev Dr Jackie Dowdy. Meyer had stepped down from the BCS board of trustees as well. Theyre trying to toughen you up. Its not bad to feel hurt., The BCS alumna said that he went on to say, We came from a generation where Nasellis teaching philosophyand Don Carsonsis completely normal. Thats part of our entire educational approach. (He declined to comment on Naselli or any specific faculty members. And I want to speak against her motion. Bowers said that at BCS, Black lives matter feels more threatening than the racism that has made that phrase necessary.. Co-author of the entry on fundamentalism in the Encyclopedia of North Carolina (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006), Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (preachers and teachers,) you hypocrites! . WebWhile details of what's actually going on at Bethlehem Baptist are sparse, the resignation of the church's head pastor and several is arguably newsworthy, so we're going to allow discussion on the topic.. A couple of reminders to everybody: John Piper hasn't been the pastor at BBC since 2012, and thus far there is zero indication that he's in any way examples (from Wilsons church). (An investigation by Wilsons denomination found several serious errors in Wilsons handling of sex abuse cases in his church, including shifting blame for sexual abuse from the perpetrator to the father of the victim. At its heart are questions over whether, when, and how Christians might challenge those who say they are hurtingand how they balance calls to show compassion, seek out truth, and repent of sin in such situations. Looking back, Pickering, as a counselor, wishes the church had established an understanding of systemic abuse prior to its focus on domestic abuse back in 2015. "At Bethlehem . ]. By now, you have received notification of the resignation of Pastor Jason Meyer. Using language like unity culture waters down and redefines what is really going on. Then, its findings werent released to the church as a whole until a year and a half after issuing a report to elders. At Bethlehem, the biggest source of frustration and disappointment, in many cases, came not from the grievances themselves but from the resistance and attitudes people said they faced when they tried to bring those grievances forward. He feels overjoyed in his calling to love and lead the flock at Urban Refuge in the strength that God supplies. Its been accelerated by political polarization, racial reckoning, and pandemic stress. She called what happened double abuse.. Rev Ernie Dorrell. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. They said he falsely accused us of insubordination to a pastor and acting in a manner that is intentionally divisive., But Naselli, according to the Takatas transcripts, spoke up about the difference between intent and impact and ultimately did not see his response as sinful. Our academic dean is an elder at the church. These churches that are really heavy on theology, we hold our theology so high that when were leaving, it felt like were leaving orthodoxy by leaving our church, she told CT. If thats how you feel, theres probably a problem., Brima, who is white and whose husband is Black, said she saw the empathy as sin idea used as protection from critique and believes it can do unique harm to women and minorities, seemingly minimizing their feelings and experiences. WebThrough biblical truth and personal stories, author, pastor, and theologian Jason Meyer encourages the weary and anxious believer by shining light on the nature of reality, the nature of God, and the intersection of the two in our daily, rubber-meets-the-road lives. Particularly since Donald Trumps presidency, theres been a deepening of divisions among American evangelicals, exposing disagreements not in theology per se but in how they as Christians see their greatest priorities and fears in society. Both Meyer and Tong spoke out against racism, Pickering said, but added that the charges were not true. His writings are dreck, laughable to those who havent already decided to worship at his temple. WebJason Meyer | 2 Corinthians 11:16-21. Instead, he said it confirmed the pattern he already suspected after speaking with nearly all 12 former BCS students who in 2020 submitted allegations against Naselli to BCS administration. Thank you for this comment, Pastor Lamb. In one class, Naselli argued with those who disagreed with him over whether evil was created, to the point that he clenched his fists, grunted, and called the opposing position almost a heresy. He accused a student of watering down the Bible with his understanding of evil and its existence, according to Brax Carvette. "With regret, a deep sense of loss, and praise to God for his mercy and grace even in trial, we announce the resignation of Pastor Jason Meyer from the position of Pastor for Preaching & Vision, Downtown Campus. Sarah Brima and her husband were former members of Bethlehem and Rigneys Cities Church but left in part over his affiliation with Wilson. . Ahead of the commemorations, though, the community finds itself in the midst of what current leaders have called a confusing and challenging time and a hard and difficult season in the life of our church. Three pastors and a staff member resigned from the downtown campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church in recent months, alongside dozens of lay members. Feel the freedom to lament," he wrote. Why? Paul used this same verb in verse 19 (you gladly bear with fools), and now he repeats it once more in order to make plain some of the foolish stuff the Corinthians put up with. WebPastor: Jason Wallingsford, Pastor Paul Meyer | Series: Life Pending Id like to see his surgically precise definition of neo-fundamentalism or even fundamentalism for that matter. A Taiwanese American, Tong also wore traditional Chinese attire as he preached on the Sunday following the Atlanta massage parlor shootings. The situation at Bethlehem highlights not only certain issues being debated but also the conflicting philosophies shaping Christians responses: Are we accommodating feelings so much that we are crying sin where there is no sin? Even people whove left in frustration agree theres no single cause or person beneath the conflict. Pastor Ralph Donohue. Some current seminary students say they were satisfied with the outcome and have seen repentance from their professor following the investigation. 'S harm being done, '' Pickering said the Good Lord that Jesus Chris didnt consider a... Church theyd helped plant, even as disagreements about race and gender.... Bbc elders in 2019 with concerns about the episode that has made that phrase necessary writings dreck... Resignation of Pastor Jason Meyer but I know an oblong blur generality, when read. We want to un-coddle the American mind, or any other group 2. 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