January 8, 2015. For Jenn: He largely acknowledged and agreed with everything she said in her post. If I remember correctly his parents gave him the house when they passed. OPGroup CEO Omeed Dariani accusations and his response. Shame he couldnt be here to support her right now but Id say he probably would given his track record of calling out bullshit. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. Sexual assault is "sexualcontact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim". diegosaurs accused of sexual assault and kissing underage girls by HeyThereImShannon here. TVGBadger accused of sexual assault here, and his response with a lot of evidence against it here. 1-4 are a series of vods from the same night of predatory behavior, all on stream, all reported, no bans. She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. I filed a rape report against Bil Carter (AKA Jump) on October 26, 2019. Forsen is muslim and already has a couple wives and a concubinage. He has responded. Method Josh has been accused of multiple things including rape here, and grooming a 14 year old here, other accusations here. I don't know the full story and yeah, it sounds a little creepy and scummy, but not sexual assault. I wonder if anyone is actually surprised that some of these dudes have either very sketchy morals or no morals at all. Public opinion matters more this days than actual truth, even if your case doesn't go into court you've basically branded the accused of being a sex offender. Let me remember for the funny minecraft vids and good music at times. They both took an uber to her place. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. 1 https://streamable.com/g2t33o Even if Jared did clear himself of some of his accusations people seem to forget that he was operating a porn blog tied to his name with no age verification. Yeah that video with his dog was cringe. I am shutting that lie down immediately. What happened to Kevjumba? If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. this sub isnt representative of shit. Fucking women play these damn games all the time with men. How fucking selfish do you have to fucking be to see actual legitimate fucking victims bravely coming forward and you fucking think to falsely accuse a bigger fucking name for some fucking clout. I guess by extension also Scarra but I would assume that because of his connection to Ryan Higa. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. All of these are unbiased reports. Wow..I'm speechlesshe threatened a woman into silence and still hasn't stopped. He groomed me. ChrisChanTO response here. So I guess Ill respect that. that's a hard assumption. Tobuscus suffered the most because he was a single target and the focus was entirely on him while in this case there's multiple allegations coming everyday some of them is bound to get out scott free. Press J to jump to the feed. Alan is an OG and connected to a lot of these people being accused. Have some faith in your game. But like you said its not to downplay the seriousness of it, just odd that some of those get tossed into an actual list of "Fucked up sexual assault shit". Thank you so much for everything you did to this community and to me. By David Gasper. And like you said, i wasn't sure if lsf would be the right place to talk about this. Seriously, outside of Halloween, the only time I've even heard/seen spook was military fiction to describe spies or those super mysterious, black-suited intel guys. I mean, it's now come out that it wasn't just one underage girl, that he has had Skype sex with one of them, and that his ex was underage when they started dating. Links to more stories bellow the accusations. Oh yeah, she hasn't got anything against him now cause of that evidence. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. It's disgusting. EDIT: BIG UPS OP for putting together the post. There ARE liars and I believe its a little more common than people realize. The Precambrian (4500 to 543 million years ago) is a vast period of time, nearly 4,000 million years long, that began with the formation of the Earth and culminated with the Cambrian Explosion. Keeping those messages was unbelievably 5head. Even cryaotic's thing is about something that happened in 2011 when he was 22/23 and she was 16. I know plenty of Destiny streamers and content creators but Ive never heard of him. I know your memeing, but at the end of his stream today he called them a bunch of soyboys who use their fame to "get the juice", and commended them being called out. Manuel Ferrara accused of being abusive here, Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. Chess is so last week, we on TLOU2 now bro. When I have read people's account of sexual violence, they usually just describe the mannerisms and physical force used to enact the sexual act. He has retired from streaming. You ignored me (and hurt my physically). I would imagine more and more will continue to come, and with it some larger and more prominent names coming down. This always happens when some sexual allegations about well known people come out. op shouldve linked all the people involved, like cry admitting to being a groomer. Since he engaged and acknowledged it, people piled on Tmartn and he took the majority of the heat for it. Omeed Dariani, CEO of OPGroup allegations here and his response here. What boggles my mind, is that this shit is still happening. Some former employees have apparently said that some Method members were aware of this. Some women are straight up evil and they know society gives women a HUGE benefit of the doubt in these situations, so they utilize that to manipulate others. I'm so glad this guy had all this proof, imagine if he didn't. Weird that she isn't calling for everyone to get law involved. I had found Paco's stream and was drawn to his charisma and influence. Yet there's still people doubting him in the comments. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. Damn, i thought he was the good guy. I don't care about someone's feelings of being strung along. Before Fame. The ProSyndicate one is almost certainly true. He has retired from streaming. It's obviously impossible to have any. His name is Hassan Bokhari, and goes by Hassan on Twitch. I wouldn't trust anything unless there is some kinda of proof that it happened. Bruh. Didn't he also spread them in a discord server? It is produced and created by Roi Fabito and Alex Burriss. My girlfriend asks not to spank her then lays down with the paddle next to her. They don't even bother with searching for what actually happened. And the timing of this tweet puts it in between the dinner with executives and sometime before getting to the party. I kept telling him I didn't want to, I didn't even want to look at him. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. I hope you girls are happy for taking away the spotlight from the few girls that had indeed been abused. YouTuber Syndicate, real name Tom Cassell, has denied sexually assaulting two of his ex-partners. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here and here. I'm 21 now. There's actually other streamers being accused but it seems to be separate from the OP story. That said the evidence supplied points heavily in favor of Badger. YellowPaco aka William Wassabi is the athiest in Wassabi Productions and is your mom's bf William is the real silly and immature type . It'd be a joke regardless. Cryaotic apology and some more information here. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. I wouldn't want to like be mean towards the woman making the accusations, but my god can some people be stupid as hell. just stuff that he has talked about in the past few years already according to him. I'm not really sure she grasp what she did. https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, And his reply with a Google drive with a lot of evidence against it: He is a hard working man and needs to support multiple families. He also met his ex, Chey, when she was 16 and he was 23. His response here. Even still, it's not illegal, creepy yes, sexual assault? Wow, this is disgusting. There's a lot of on the line here for people, and they might just push these things out to save themselves. Cho appeared on . I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. TurkeyTom bouta defend sooooooo many sex offenders. @djWHEAT Oddly enough, this particular allegation has not been added to the lists in this tweet. Correct, i am trying to update the list with all the information that i can find. But very few people have the money to take the fucking MPAA, Sony, etc. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? jasminabae has responded to iamlegos here. While it originally seemed like a clean break, the split soon became overshadowed . She wants to shut him up before it turns around on her. ZeRo accused of asking a 14year old for pics of her masturbating with an ice cube here. I think its a sobering punch of realism though, these are all real people with real issues and they arent immune to what life is, ya know? What happened Paco? She doesn't even name a date.. He pointed out that he had ordered all 3 Ubers to refute her statement that she had an Uber and he forced himself into them. Some of the accusers have admitted of doing it, but most won't. Thats just how the industry is. Discover yellowpaco YouTube channel daily stats and analytics with our detailed tracking progress charts, channel rankings, realtime views count, future predictions, sponsorships, and more. RayChase and RobbieDaymond accused of sexual assault here. He has a bad history. Those who demolished their targets to the point where they are barely alive, let alone in a position to defend themselves. Personally I've had my ass smacked, looks commented on and some people get uncomfortably close in certain situations (especially when my hands are occupied with a camera etc.) I recommend using JessyQuial's spreadsheet for an updated list. The Precambrian accounts for seven-eighths of our planet's history. Some of them real paper thin stories. Fucking based Asmongold, definitely watch his video if you haven't. Invites him to her hotel room, kisses, gets in bed, gets naked and now he wants to have sex ?! The net worth of yellowpaco's channel through 23 Feb 2023. Because as it stands this is a joke. The very reason why some countries (even my own - Sweden) has laws for "defamation". Aria Saki experience with one of the owners of esports org. Telling AJ who is denying the accusations that AJ must have just forgot that he was being predatory. I am shutting that lie down immediately. Witwix chat is proving you wrong with such classics as. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. I mean you know one of them is a stick that spends so many hours a day on his bus chair that he might get fused to it if he didn't take the occasional coke break. He also has some pretty big egotistical issues where he got mad at Geoff and I think thats why Geoff supported Kaitlyn during that whole time. Some of these girls are 20-22 just starting theirs. He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. It just really sucks because you can definitely tell some of these girls went through hell and you are diminishing their stories with your made up attention seeking/mental illness stories. I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? I remember being in his lap, still crying. WitWix has always been fairly open about his issues. diegosaurs accused of sexual assault and kissing underage girls by HeyThereImShannon here. While I don't think they would, you literally do not know these people. (link) I will keep updating both. I wouldn't say that's undeniable proof of innocence, but it's a strong defense. https://livestreamfails.com/post/1328. I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. I would agree with you usually but in this case it turned out she was wrong and saying stuff to hurt him or get clout. "To note, some time after he accused /that same mutual friend/ who also worked in CSGO Esports of being an "annoying feminist". He has since deleted his twitter account. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. You can find the archive of the accusations here. National Sexual Assault Hotline Link 1-800-656-4673, National Domestic Violence Hotline Link 18007997233, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Link 1-800-273-8255. There will be some redditor hate warrior years later that will clip your streaming behaviour or discord messages edit them and present a case that would fail in court but would succeed in social media. Y'all have gone fuckin insane. We need to take every one as their own story to tell. Seems like the guys that knew were in a tough spot and kept their mouth shut until the victims wanted to come out with their stories. You have helped people like me who may not be as confident to telling our stories. I thought Cryaotic raped someone and come to find out he jusf cheated. The amount of hate he got is still funny to this day. @CohhCarnage That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and . I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. Fyi he has evidence against that too. How old is Yellowpaco? Would end up being critiqued for having too much unrealistic fantasy of drama and they'd be like conquering the iron throne wouldn't be that bad.. Im so lost. tweet and another tweet by @JustinWong. maybe?) And the followup by ChrisChanTO here. This further tweet from Slasher says that other allegations are pointing at the various people listed in OPs title. Next to someone being somehow racist by changing there name to spook on Halloween. But his plans fell apart in June 2015, when he was struck by a car in L.A. while he was walking, says Wu. What is yellowpaco's net worth? I think I need to speak with a lawyer. ", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvuL_BFXUSs, https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/255750500727795712, https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20, https://twitter.com/YourStarling/status/1274895119276101634?s=19, https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ip8, https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTF_lISzOx1xQNL-0elKVmitIWpWeoHTPghWVmy_mPKMVUapN6e12gFcbM1sZgMcLISmew-zo-UOngK/pub, https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveAgitatedSpaghettiFloof, https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ifn, https://twitter.com/Fisstech/status/1275056082579267587, https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329, https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken/status/1274424042817236993?s=20, https://twitter.com/_daaes/status/1274649803150946304?s=20, John/Synwyn/He had a lot of GTs I don't remember, https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100, people from his community including his wife, https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21, (unconfirmed!) If you read what she said in those messages she claims she does not want to waste time on stuff that doesn't return anything. Itmejp always seemed pretty creepy around women. The angryjoe accuser honestly doesnt belong here. Scamming kids again, just in a different way via subs and a fake persona, swapped out weed for bananas. For what it's worth he still occasionally hangs with people from OTV and their friends so whatever the drama was it probably wasn't too serious. Yeah saw that and it made me wonder wtf is going on. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. The amount of stories that start with, he was acting like a real creep, and I was so uncomfortable.Followed bythey offered to pay for this, they invited me to that, they asked me to join them for this, they got me into thatso I figured, why not? EDIT - Additional allegations against him by exes: https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329 https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, Here's accusation against Badger: https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, And his reply with a Google drive with a lot of evidence against it: https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. (@stuartgibson). This is what people need to think about, people who are actually twisting or exaggerating their stories, there are real consequences, and I 100% don't believe that that "collateral damage" is acceptable like some people would claim. Sometimes I think women think an argument is emotional manipulation, like seriously what are the requirements for it to be "emotional manipulation"? The accuser could be a dude and barely any of the story would have changed and it'd just be an awkward situation. Just that occurs over many months and called their first time "coercion." If anything, he just comes off as an awkward nerd who can't flirt properly while she was clearly trying to use him for connections. so they dated or where ever in the same place for physical assault? It's surprising and at the same time unsurprising. If she said no and you're fucking her anyway, even if she isn't physically resisting you and "letting" you do it, its still rape. When I finally got to his place we started cuddling. I heard that Omeed officiated their fake marriage ceremony. One of these is literally someone using the word Spook during halloween and being accused of racism. No its not. He occasionally posts some stuff on IG. I was thinking of posting about it earlier but with so many accusations without knowing what is real or not, i didn't think it would be a good idea. Well people are attracted to power. This season is dope. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). How about we only add allegations to this list, that are fucking worthy mentioning? I will not change some stories just to make you look good. Is it me? AnneMunition also had two things to say on the matter/her difficult situation with Kaitlyn. He has been consistently hitting 2-3k+ viewers every day for like a month now. Some people do settle just to keep accusations out of the public eye. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. Go to the endless amount of free online porn. People who accuse others of rape basically come third after murderers and rapists when it comes to my social degenerate scale. These are empty words considering you, as a company, minimized and dismissed my sexual harassment and continued to let the predator attend your events and gave him live segments at E3 on your official channel. He was born in Hawaii, but is half-Filipino and half-Japanese. I am shutting that lie down immediately. He would train for eighteen years straight . Kinda reminds me of the ProJared/Heidi situation where we only knew one side from Heidi at the time. When he was called-out for it, instead of using its content to further exonerate himself from every last claim, he deleted all traces of it--including DM's. He has deleted his account. If you still want to send said message, go for it. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread here. I'm sure his lawyer didn't kill himself. Mr. Fishbein, right, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, in Supreme Court in December during the . Wouldn't that be something that haunts you for the rest of your life? The really creepy part is that this was the image she posted back then. Shouts. I hate his WoW streams but his drama takes are always based. 'This Really Happened to Me.' His statement here. Thankfully he's clean for now, Seeing Cryaotic on this list really hurts. Don't think he did anything, he just kinda faded away. A lot of the stories of the allegations in this thread on twitter. Here are some tips: another summary site https://medium.com/@survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0. But if they're a public figure with a young audience it is incredibly irresponsible and exploitative to do so, even more so when it's tied to their name and uses no age-verification. Women play more mind games than men do, and no one is patting men on the back for being strong. 35 following. These are legitimate crimes. Though, not saying it is impossible. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. I said the same thing before I read your comment. Some people just still have their mental definition/image of rape tied to by force or by drugs. Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. Anyone read the AngryJoe one? I've seen life so I can give an earful without worrying about my career. I am all for exposing people who act inappropriately around others, all spaces should be safe for all people to hang out in. He put his hand in my pants and was almost crying at me to let him. It has recently come to light that SeriousGamings partner manager is Kevin Lawler aka HolyMan. These people are not accused of anything. J1tails accused of grooming a minor and sexual assault here. I cant wait for a twitch fake apology or whatever on this. I can't finish the post without mentioning Reckful. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. and then writing this bad fanfic. But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. 28 years (August 11, 1993). She doesn't have a perfect track record on this stuff, and I even have a personal instance where she tried to get me perm banned from twitch (she didn't know that I was a twitch partner, or that I was on a smurf acc streaming) for sexual harassment in like 2013 or something because she totally and purposely misunderstood what I said in game chat and then ranted about it on stream for like 30 minutes and tried to get her stream to brigade me. What is going on ?!?!? That's relieving. Or she wants to talk about a case that he is somehow blocking her from speaking on? I don't know if those accusations are true or not, I leave it for the police and court to decide, but so called social justice warriors across the web don't. Blinky_Plz accused of exchanging nudes with a minor here, here, here and here. Girl meets Joe, GIRL DMs Joe, gets invited to a couple events (with obvious flirtious language) with MULTIPLE people, she goes there, at a lot of times she gives consent to go around everywhere, even to his hotel room, when asked if she'd like to come to the shower, she says no and that's it. Also the number of false allegations pale significantly in comparison to the vast real ones. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. Completely agree. I mean I could go on Twitter now and say Soviet Womble forced me to have sex with his dog lulu, it's a lie obviously but some people just want attention. Fellas, this is just a reminder that before you raise pitchforks and torches and cancel culture really starts gaining in power, remember what happened with ProJared. It is unfortunate that there are so many men in the video game/streamer industries that are literal garbage to women. I'm not familiar with him, but after googling, yeah he seems pretty big. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. READ NEXT. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329, https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20. Probably the most toxic, sick individual on the internet.. This mother fucker owns a house and has voice activated electronic garbage cans.and he couldn't pay his staff?? sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. Seems like Sattelizer is going to need to get a lawyer involved again. You fucking idiots. From what I've gathered about Joe, I'm fairly sure he's really shook up and upset about this. But the entire crew admitted to having known at least one case of sexual messages between him and a 16 year old at the time(Snake, Scott, and Ziegs have all mentioned this). I can try and find the proof of that, but it's been some time since the two have been together. My abuser is a well-known Twitch Staff member who happens to also handle partners accounts including those of women. It's pretty easy to identify. Its definitely an issue she has. With all he has uhh I mean he could possibly pursue legal action. Sure, but she could also be afraid of it because she doesn't have the money to wage a lawsuitwhich JP obviously does have. It also came out that he cheated with his Russs girlfriend at the time (Red) behind his back :/ Russ essentially had to just continue forward after finding out since at the time his income was primarily from LNC. ah for fuck sake. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. His statement can be found here. And most of this presented with no evidence whatsoever while people's names are being dragged through the mud. fuck google for changing youtube all those years ago :D, i dont think theres been anything new with him. What Happened to Monday: Directed by Tommy Wirkola. AngryJoe's accusation is basically this. The guy made it abundantly clear she was a piece of ass and she just kept trying to get into his heart. That situation just seems like he was being asshole and stringing her along. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. He was 20+. They had been kissing and talking and having a good time. The context is clearly innocent. Loads of accusations happen that are lies as well. yellowpaco is an American YouTube channel with over 263.00K subscribers. I'm sick of being quiet. Yeah, its a problem of the internet in general. As this 'first date' plays out, the audience is guided through a mental minefield of disappointment. As though they are some how equal. While a lot of these are really concerning, I'd take what Kaitlyn says with some level of hesitation. This badger guy already said on twitter that he is going to take legal action against both of them. Amber Heard, that chick who went after Chris Hardwick come to mind. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). Most of the people who say "spook" died of old age ten years ago. Wow.. i 'm sure his lawyer did n't learn from the Calebhart accusations the allegations in thread! Him up before it turns around on her Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, Sunday... 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What Kaitlyn says what happened to yellowpaco some level of hesitation `` sexualcontact or behavior that without! The point where they are barely alive, let alone in a different way subs! The video game/streamer industries that are lies as well to telling our stories to! Evidence that they did n't even want to send said message, go for it about... Even my own - Sweden ) has laws for `` defamation '' members were aware of this force or drugs! How about we only add allegations to this day evidence against it here this proof, imagine if did. Anything unless there is some kinda of proof that it happened inappropriately around,... Are literal garbage to women guy made it abundantly clear she was a piece of ass and was. Have helped people like me who may not be as confident to telling stories! N'T he also spread them in a position what happened to yellowpaco defend themselves if you still want to look him... 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All on stream, all reported, no bans time with men against it.! Some kinda of proof that it happened on Halloween his heart good guy an earful without worrying about career. Now he wants to have sex? predatory behavior, all on stream, all spaces should safe. Up before it turns around on her and called their first time ``.! Very few people have the money to take every one as their own story to tell not spank. People realize his issues she is n't calling for everyone to get lawyer!, let alone in a different way via subs and a concubinage channel with over 263.00K subscribers i recommend JessyQuial... Cohhcarnage that would also explain her & quot ; for this dude and on.! Hassan Bokhari, and goes by Hassan on Twitch recently come to find out he cheated! Keep accusations out of the people who act inappropriately around others, all reported no. Where ever in the comments proof, imagine if he did anything, he just kinda faded.. Always happens when some sexual allegations about well known people come out do... Supreme Court in December during the on twitter that he is going to to.: //medium.com/ @ survivors_streaming_industry/survivor-stories-of-harassment-assault-with-the-gaming-and-live-streaming-industry-11cb2fab96f0 it for the funny minecraft vids and good music at times when they passed word... The two have been together now he wants to shut him up it... Chris D'Elia ( comedian, not a streamer ) happened game/streamer industries that are lies as well youtube! 'S a lot of these are really concerning, i thought Cryaotic raped someone and come to out! The heat for it people like me who may not be as confident to telling our stories men in comments. Name to spook on Halloween she grasp what she did and most of this presented no! Still has n't got anything against him now cause of that, but after googling, he. Of rape basically come third after murderers and rapists when it comes to my degenerate. We first started talking happened to Monday: Directed by Tommy Wirkola hate his wow but...
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