All rights reserved. The Environmental Integrity Projects report makes the following recommendations: The Virginia General Assembly and VDEQ need to invest enough in staffing and resources to create cleanup and implementation plans for the nearly half of impaired waterway miles in the Shenandoah Valley that lack one or the other of them today. The study found that almost 70 percent of the river and stream miles in the Shenandoah Valley that have been assessed by the state (1,014 of 1,461 miles) had so much fecal bacteria in them that they were considered to be impaired for recreational uses in 2020 (using terms used in the federal Clean Water Act for waterways so polluted they require cleanup plan.). Having guided on the Shenandoah and Potomac for almost twenty years, Mark came to the Shenandoah Riverkeeper position used to hard work and recognizing theimportance of a hands-on approach to protecting our rivers. In October 2019, Virginia revoked its beach action value for E. coli in freshwater areas, a trigger value that EPA recommends for issuing short-term no swimming advisories in waterways that have more than 235 counts of E. coli/100 ml of water. That manure can leak into groundwater or wash into surrounding streams when it rains, eventually making it to the Shenandoah, which joins the Potomac that empties into the Chesapeake Bay. The Environmental Integrity Project analyzed hundreds of state records for the report released Wednesday. When the fish arent there, fishermen stay away too, and Finch said hes seen tourism-related businesses shut down. Xranks ! Greg Bilyeu, Director of Communications Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ), said his agency is planning to increase the frequency of its bacteria monitoring in certain, select areas where people actually swim, and will release an updated bacteria monitoring strategy this fall. Amounts listed may Small farms, when viewed as one, represent a large portion of the agricultural sector in the Shenandoah Valley and other parts of the Potomac River watershed. Check out these 7 benefits trees have for cities in the Potomac River region! 2023, Potomac Conservancy, Silver Spring, MD. In the absence of a mechanism for conducting frequent seasonal bacteria monitoring at freshwater beaches, VDH lacks the data necessary to make advisory decisions for these waters, Smigo wrote in an email. Only 21 percent of the rivers and streams miles in the Shenandoah Valley, and 22 percent statewide, have been assessed by the state to determine if they are impaired with pollutants. The streams are formed from numerous springs, some of which are located near the ridge tops. Mark also served onthe Board of Directors for the Mid-Atlantic Federation of Fly Fishers. Washington DC 20007, POLLUTION REPORT HOTLINE Contact Evan Childress, Shenandoah NP Supervisory Fish Biologist, Download the official NPS app before your next visit, Mid-Atlantic Inventory & Monitoring Network. Their stories of recovery are nothing short of inspiring. The low buffering capacity of a large percentage of soils in the park provides limited protection from acid deposition. * Misrepresentation of your identity or affiliation The Environmental Integrity Project is a 19-year-old nonprofit organization, based in Washington, D.C., and Austin, Texas, dedicated to enforcing environmental laws and strengthening policy to protect public health and the environment. So far, the best way to improve water quality downstream from farms is to persuade farmers to adopt Best Management Practices (BMPs) on a voluntary basis. These Combined Sewer Overflows release pollutants like fecal coliform bacteria and e. coli into the waterway that can sicken animals, fish, and humans, and deplete oxygen levels causing harmful algal blooms. Document the status of and trends in water quality as influenced by point source and non-point source pollution (including atmospheric deposition). Document the status of and long-term trends in water flow. The . . The Potomac Riverkeeper Network is a In this case, Virginia would be required to develop limits on the total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus being discharged into the Shenandoah that are protective enough to prevent algae blooms and improve water quality. Detect water quality measures that exceed threshold values and determine their compliance with state and federal water quality standards. Cattle stand on the banks of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River in Rockingham County, VA, where a harmful algal bloom recently closed more than 52.5 miles of the waterway to recreational uses. You have permission to edit this article. DuPont stopped leaking mercury in 1950. An all-too-familiar scourge has returned to the Shenandoah Rivers waters this summer: thick, green mats of algae. In the event that discussions break down, or improvements stall, the program will use local regulations where they exist that may compel farmers to make changes. This is why Shenandoah Riverkeeper has filed its notice of intent to sue the EPA. follow these guidelines. But the public has the right to know when that water isnt safe to enjoy, said Eric Schaeffer, executive director of the Environmental Integrity Project. The warning signs could include a website or hotline that people could use to get the most recent bacteria monitoring information. Virginia needs to start notifying the public that the Shenandoah Valleys waterways are unsafe for swimming and tubing or, better yet, the state should solve this manure overload problem, said Eric Schaeffer, Executive Director of the Environmental Integrity Project and former Director of Civil Enforcement at EPA. "For decades, DuPont has managed to dodge responsibility for dumping mercury into these waters. Document changes in stream channel characteristics at sampling sites. The Orange County Water District estimated earlier this year that treatment could cost the average home in a local district with PFAS $4 to $5 more monthly but could reach as high as $20 per . A recent report found that 90 percent of the water quality monitoring stations along the Shenandoah River and its tributaries detected fecal bacteria (E. coli) at levels unsafe for human contact between 2014-2016. The Sierra Club, founded over a century ago, is a national non-profit organization of over 700,000 members dedicated to exploring, enjoying, and protecting the wild places of the earth; to practicing and promoting the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educating and enlisting humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to using all lawful means to carry out these objectives. Rather than take what the plaintiffs see as effective enforcement action to make DuPont clean up, state and federal regulators have joined DuPont in a collaborative South River Science Team to examine various aspects of the mercury contamination as part of a 100-year monitoring plan. We reserve the right to edit or decline comments that do The North Fork is no stranger to algae. The river in this county flows not just over the Shenandoah Valley bedrock, not just through our fields and forests and over limestone karst; it flows through our citizens veins, and our hearts. Water quality standards have changed in the Commonwealth, and the changes make it harder for waterways to be designated as impaired in the future meaning fewer could be aided by cleanup plans. * Insults, verbal attacks or degrading statements The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, The report focuses on four counties in the bucolic Shenandoah Valley watershed that are also home to a large-scale farming industry. But now we understand how paving over wetlands means destroying incalculable ecological services - and some of the Potomac River regions most magical travel destinations. However, Virginia posted no signs warning rafters, kayakers, or swimmers about health threats as it does regularly with swimming advisories on ocean beaches and in saltwater areas. Please use language that is accurate and respectful. The North Fork is no stranger to algae. Rising salt levels in the Potomac River threaten wildlife, drinking water. Sampling locations often change from year to year. Media contacts: The Shenandoah Riverkeeper Swim Guide lists over 70 access points on the three major reaches of the Shenandoah River. They notify government oversight agencies, contact the polluter, and if needed, take legal action if other actions do not result in improvements. Find out how. Where does that leave us now? The government only tests water for 1 out of every 400. Shenandoah Riverkeeper uses information from monitoring and community activity and takes actions to create positive change. DuPont plans to remediate and restore the riverbanks starting in Constitution Park down in Waynesboro, Virginia. Site Designed by DC Web Designers, a Washington DC web design company, Advocates Guide For Challenging LNG Projects. With all the progress made since the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972, it may still surprise you to learn there are plenty of ways you can still legally pollute the Potomac River. for iPhone and iPad is now available for download for free! In a victory for clean water, the Environmental Protection Agency announced its intent today to publish updated water-pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and animal rendering facilities by August 2025. In a story April 26 about a report on pollution in the Shenandoah River, The Associated Press reported erroneously that the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation has 3,500 farmer members. The Virginia Farm Bureau Federation is responding by calling the report "an opinion piece.". But there's one part of the country that's bucking the trend. It can be fatal to dogs and other animals. Virginia is required by the Act to consider all information about stream impairments when updating its list. Having a healthy lawn fit for summer picnics and protecting clean water aren't mutually exclusive. Potomac Riverkeeper Network is dedicated to monitoring the condition of the rivers through regular on-the-water patrols, volunteers, and citizen reports through the website and the mobile phone app, the Water Reporter. (Alan Lehman/Shenandoah Riverkeeper). The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, non-profit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Back in 2018, Smigo said her agency asked the Virginia General Assembly for about $200,000 in additional state funding to start a freshwater swimming area safety program, including by conducting more sampling and raising bacteria warning signs for swimmers on waterways that are impaired for bacteria. Mark Frondorf, the Shenandoah Riverkeeper, said: The river and its users cannot afford the sleight-of-hand technique employed by authorities on water quality standards. Working with, , Potomac Riverkeeper Network developed a mobile app, which is a Bay-wide initiative, to gather critical data on the waterways you love! A recent report by the Environmental Integrity Project found that Virginias pollution management system allows agricultural operations to dispose of their manure by spreading it on fields that are already saturated with nitrogen, leaving the excess to run off of fields and fuel algae blooms in the river. Stocked trout have been tested and are safe to eat. And many of the plans that have been in place for years have failed because they lack any enforcement or funding mechanisms and because monitoring has been inadequate. According to water quality monitoring data from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, 72 percent (or 18 of 25) of monitoring sites along the Shenandoah Valley and its tributaries had levels of E. coli bacteria last year above EPAs recommendations for swimming. Schaeffer was formerly the director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys office of civil enforcement. There are sections where its just completely unproductive to go fish anymore because the algae is taking up all the oxygen and the fish just cant survive, he said Wednesday in a conference call with reporters. Ever wonder where all that salt on the roads goes? Fax: (202) 296-8822, 1206 San Antonio Street The pollution at Shenandoah National Park, which extends 80 miles along the crest of the Blue Ridge in northern Virginia, not only obscures the striking panoramas once visible from cliff-hugging . For several years, Shenandoah Riverkeeper has worked with research partners at the USGS and other agencies on further understanding the health effects of endocrine disruptors in rivers, vigilantly monitoring the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers for further fish kills, and are building community awareness. Algal blooms occur throughout the Chesapeake Bay system. Jeff Taylor/The Winchester Star BERRYVILLE. An outdated sewer system is to blame. They include a descriptive narrative of what we monitor and why, our field methods, how we analyze and manage our data, and more. Community Science Water Quality Monitoring Program, Shenandoah Riverkeeper on WZRV 95.3 The River, the DuPont Company announced its plan to stop mercury from contaminating the South River,,, many people love the Shenandoah River, "Despite its popularity, the river is often unsafe for swimming. PRKNs EIN # is 54-1982624. Agricultural pollution, primarily from manure runoff from fields and livestock yards, was a source of contamination for 71 percent (or 723) of the impaired miles of rivers and streams that were assessed in 2020. The state adopted new regulations that tolerate higher concentrations of fecal bacteria (410 units of E. coli bacteria per 100 ml water, instead of 235 under the old standards.) Despite the years of growing evidence of impairment, EPA failed to take the action required by the Clean Water Act to limit the pollution causing these algae blooms,said Jennifer Chavez, the Earthjustice attorney representing the river groups. Washington, DC 20005, Phone: (202) 296-8800 The Potomac Riverkeeper Network is a Shenandoah RIVERKEEPERMark Frondorf joined Potomac RIVERKEEPERNetwork in 2015. Having guided on the Shenandoah and Potomac for almost twenty years, Mark Frondorf comes to the Shenandoah Riverkeeper position used to hard work and r By contrast, she said, EPA provides grants for state water quality testing along ocean beaches and in saltwater areas, like Virginia Beach, and to the state provides regular testing and raises swimming advisory signs in these saltwater areas. The number of water monitoring sites in the Shenandoah Valley declined from an average of 70 per year from 2015 to 2018, to 30 per year in 2019 and 2020, with many of the excluded sites having the highest levels of bacteria. The Riverkeeper programs also work on some policy and legislative issues related to our work protecting access to the rivers. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the federal statute under which the two groups are planning to bring suit, a notice of intent must be served 90 days in advance of filing a lawsuit. Virginia eliminated its state freshwater beach action value in October 2019 and changed its impairment value. The organization says it has approximately 35,000 farmer members. Despite its popularity, the river is often unsafe for swimming. Warren County is the only county in Virginia that contains all three sections of the Shenandoah River, both north and south forks and the main stem, said Herschel Finch, conservation chairman of the Izaak Walton League of Americas Warren County chapter. Founded in 1970, NRDC has more than 550,000 members nationwide, served from offices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The North Fork of the Shenandoah River is approximately 95 miles long, while the South Fork runs about 150 miles. A corrected version of the story is below: Report: Cows, chickens taint Shenandoah River with E. coli, The bucolic Shenandoah River is sending some not-so-lovely material downstream, according to a new report that finds Virginia is failing to adequately manage waste from millions of chickens and cows. Acid precipitation, a type of atmospheric deposition that is primarily linked to fossil fuel combustion, is lowering water pH in some extremely sensitive streams both chronically and episodically. The state issues public advisories warning beachgoers to stay out of the ocean when bacteria levels do not meet the recreational standard. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store. & Waterkeepers Chesapeake. Collecting and Managing Surplus Manure: Who Should Pay? For more than 20 years, DuPont leaked mercury from the textile plant into the South River, eventually ending up in the Shenandoah River. Network Headquarters They offer links to cost share programs and other support for farmers who are willing to implement best management practices. The number of waterway sites sampled for bacteria by Virginia is also declining, with an average of 70 places on waterways in the Shenandoah Valley sampled between 2015 and 2018, but only 35 in 2019 and 25 in 2020. Many of these chemicals that are not regulated or tested for are endocrine distruptors, a type of chemical pollution believed to be the cause of fish kills and intersex fish in the Potomac and the Shenandoah Rivers. No fish other than trout should be eaten from the South River. But in the past 15 years or so, he began to see fish die-offs and excessive algae growth. There are 80,000 chemicals in the US marketplace. Hayden said no one at the agency had reviewed the report yet, so he couldnt comment on the specifics. The department continues to conduct water column tests to determine if the bacteria cells are present in higher concentrations. Federal, state, and local governments are mandated to provide basic services like safe, clean drinking water. Henrico County and environmental groups involved in a lawsuit over pollution from a local sewage treatment facility reached a settlement requiring the county to notify the public of overflows, ramp up system improvements and invest $1 million in environmental work. That advisory continues today. Shenandoah Riverkeeper, represented by Earthjustice, filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA for its failure to act in the face of this threat. Listing would have triggered specific government plans to combat algae pollution on the Shenandoah. its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. Local groups challenge EPAs approval of Virginias decision to not list the Shenandoah as impaired, despite excessive algae blooms and nutrient pollution. A potentially harmful chemical has been found in drinking water systems that serve about 7.5 million California residents, according to a report by a nonprofit environmental organization. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Potomac 336.809.6041. Interactive map of the South River Science Team showing the fish consumption advisories:, Purpose and roles of the SRST:, SRST Mercury Fact Sheet:, SRST newsletter going into great detail as to how they are going to perform the remediation:, Potomac Riverkeeper Virginia should significantly expand its water quality monitoring program statewide, especially in freshwater areas, so that the nearly 80 percent of waterway miles that lack enough data can be evaluated for impairment decisions and cleanup plans. member of Waterkeepers Alliance Of Fly Fishers bacteria levels do not meet the recreational standard Should be eaten from South... In water quality as influenced by point source and non-point source pollution ( including atmospheric deposition ) quality influenced! To see fish die-offs and excessive algae growth a website or hotline that could. Protection from acid deposition freshwater beach action value in October 2019 and changed its value... 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