It was to save the body of Polan from such a fate, after the fight on Sebago Lake in 1756, that his brothers placed it under the root of a sturdy young beech that they had pried out of the ground. He parked his car and ran up underneath the overpass crossing the highway. In May 1892, the last demonstration was made in the hearing of John Willis, aU.S. Deputy Marshal, who was hunting horse thieves. Matamoros, Mexico, is protected from hurricanes by a statue of the Angel of Refugio. "They really don't seem to have much to do with the weather, though," he said. Missouri Rivers, near St. Louis, have seen devastating tornadoes. The ways of disposing of theIndiandead are many. Have you used the Bach FLower remedies and the Young Living Oils? Unpredictable things like bad weather, like where and when it will show up. Age is grace a time too valuable to waste., Joyce Sequichie Hifler from her book A Cherokee Feast of Days, The Role of Astronomy and Mythology In Native American Culture, Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. After Dagwanoenyent attacked the man and his nephew several times, they burned her with fire and ground her bones to a fine powder. They were seen as living beings by Native Americans who were obviously animists. point where the rivers join. My point is simply to reaffirm the fact that Americans have a diversity of perspectives on the world and that Native perspectives are still too-rarely acknowledged to even exist, let alone to be understood meaningfully and seriously. Some of the stories in this list are about people who lived or might have lived long ago; others are about real children who you may know as a friend or neighbor today. Answer: I don't know how they dealt with it psychically or religiously, but I have a good idea about how it was dealt with physically. Found a Dayton Daily News archive with the article. During this vortex stretching, the funnel diameter may shrink in diameter and the comes from the same source as our protection from falling comets or other heavenly visitors . Jerry Bread, a Cherokee/Kiowa Indian who teaches Native American studies at the University of Oklahoma, has many Kiowa relatives in southwestern Oklahoma. (as it went through town it became lethal). Being So from what I'm gathering, tornados were not anthropomorphized, they were seen as a destructive force providing a path to a ghostly afterlife (Coyote and the Whirlwind). Native American Legends Various Tribes Legends and Myths: The Ark On Superstition Mountains Totem carving in Alaska Besieged By Starvation The Division of Two Tribes The Flood At Santa Fe The Hidden City of Death Valley Legend Of Crazy Woman's Fork Legends of Indian Territory Little People of Wyoming & the Pedro Mountain Mummy The Lost Trail Native American Storm Gods and Spirits Animikii (Ojibwe) Binesi (Anishinabe) Chequa (Potawatomi) Cyclone Man (Shawnee/Lenape) Dahu (Hidatsa) Half-Way People (Mi'kmaq) Heno (Iroquois) Huhuk (Pawnee) Kaqtukaq (Mi'kmaq) Pamole (Penobscot) Petak (Wabanaki) After seeing that footage, I have no problem understanding how an oral tradition of an angry spirit scuffing his way across the landscape could occur. The Old Man also appears in the mythologies of the adjoining cultural areas, such as the area between the Plains and the Pacific Ocean. Even some Indian people say Indian beliefs have been sensationalized and romanticized, coming to be viewed, as folklorist Stanley puts it, as "kind of proto-ecological wisdom.". That's when an F5 tornado went right over the mound and through town. It is unlikely that the resident knows where the construction weak points are. Scientists and meteorologists and the emergency management people have become very frustrated with the increasing number of motorists who are doing this routinely. Another popular tale concerns her destruction at the hands of a man who was once her lover. The Portal for Public History. But this is a modern-day myth. Weather + mythology = weather-ology! ), To continue, this Mississippian shell gorget triscele design is believed to pertain to weather patterns and twisters. She knew what was coming. Native herbal medicine For nearly a century, the published conventional wisdom was that the southwest corner of a Once it gets going, a tornado can smash buildings into splinters, pick up automobiles, strip the bark from trees, and worse. Rain came from its feathers, wind from its wings and lightning from its talons. The Kiowa women say tornadoes understand their language and they can ask it for mercy. For a legend to form, though, towns have to be tornado-free only long enough for people to wonder why they're tornado-free. Native Americans on the plains migrated north during tornado season to avoid them. My answers from a previously asked variations of this question: There are as many different views about tornadoes as there are tribes. More than 175 years ago, gold was discovered in the mountains of North Carolina and Georgia and as thousands of new settlers invaded the area, it spawned tensions with theAmerican Indiantribes. Just more than once each year, a tornado comes within 25 miles of Norman, meteorologist Brooks said. The snorting of his horse in the middle of the night awoke him and he sprang to his feet, thinking that savages, outlaws, or, at least, coyotes had disturbed the animal. Sometimes instead of statues or cutlery, it's geography. Lawmakers are sounding the alarm after the CIA confirmed that China may be considering sending lethal arms to Russia. There seems to be a lack of small tornadoes in the central cities of Chicago, Tokyo, and London. The third time St. Louis was struck was on September 29, 1927. Writing by Jon Herskovitz; Editing by Grant McCool. Success is. The Native American methods have attracted the attention of the community of storm watchers and meteorologists who have settled in an area known as tornado alley. Tornado protection Get Instant Access! The Horses Ate Ashes Winter of 1862-63 shows a horse that cannot find grass to eat in the deep snows. In other legends, she was still seen as fearsome, but could be called upon for aid in battle by anyone who knew the right song to sing to her. Fortunately, we have technology to help us forecast particularly dangerous weather. Living through forced moves, war, starvation, diseases, and assimilation, these strong and spiritual people managed to keep their many legends and stories alive. Wicked thunderstorms, flash floods, blizzards, devastating droughts and tornadoes are all a part of Oklahoma. It is a graphic depiction of a tornado's destruction of human life and property. The protection of the probably originated from someone's reasoning, rather than from actual observations. Although there is no scientific data to prove it, the rituals seem to work. building, both above and below ground, afforded the best protection. As the women watched the beautiful blossoms form, they forgot to cry and felt strong. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Legend of the Cherokee Rose A Battle in the Air In the country about Tishomingo, Indian Territory (Oklahoma), troubles are foretold by a battle of unseen men in the air. Become an Online Member. Still looking around for more info. There are thousands of small towns all across Tornado Alley that have never been hit by an intense tornado. One should not think first of the house roof, but of the impact of one's death on one's family, or of one's self unnecessarily crippled or scarred for life. Dozens have crossed the Mississippi River, 2015 The Tornado Project All rights reserved. The "Dead Man Walking" "walked" right into Jerrill on May 27, 1997 and took the lives of 27 people including 14 children. The town has never been hit by a tornado, but 10 Wichita and Comanche journeyed, en masse, toFort Sillfor protection, and since then they have sacrificed the best horses in their possession when an unfriended one journeyed to the spirit world. Mnkaya was a great medicine horse, or a horse-like spirit. The Gros Ventre, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Hidatsa, and Mandan seem to have a similar character in their mythology. The Wichitas hold a ritual in which they throw an axe into the ground, splitting the storm so it goes around the tribe, he said. They were the word and picture carriers making history and spiritual values alive and important. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. This huge eagle carried a lake on its back. He compares his tribes ability to read and predict the weather to an oral Farmers Almanac, but with the language of the Cheyenne. At the same time the cloud is forming, the cooler air begins to sink, sending the warmer air spinning upward. tornado will spin even more rapidly. Native jewelry Tornado shelters have been built on the lands of Native American groups that can afford them. So it is a matter of coincidence. Ignorance of this conventional wisdom, combined with common sense, has saved lives in the past. The city, named for an Indian tribe, is on a curve of the White River. Easter: Why Is It a Different Date Each Year? In some tales, the ending includes how some aspect of life was ordered to be, explaining a natural phenomenon or mythical belief. Most buildings can vent this difference through its normal openings in about three seconds. google_ad_client = "pub-8872632675285158"; This ended in the complete defeat of the Indians and the submission of Weatherford, their leader, followed by the cession of the greater part of their lands to the United States. Since that video clip aired, many people have come to assume that this is a safe shelter, perhaps because the news crew survived. You have to realize that modern technology makes it much, much more difficult to recover from natural disasters than the "primitive" tech of our native American . into the basement from the outside. Sometimes, the tale goes, the river's bend idea was first noted by a "wise old Indian.". A tornado could easily have wiped out a band of a few dozen to a few hundred people in the flimsy leather tipis or brush wickiups while a stone and clay brick pueblo complex, a cliff dwelling stone apartment complex, or the earth lodges surrounded by log palisades would have all been fairly effective protection. Aaron Kennedy EF5 "The mighty Canadian River protects us," Harold Brooks said. The first time was on March 8, 1871, when a tornado that did F-3 damage moved from the west bank of the Mississippi River, across the river, to the Brooklyn-Venice area of Illinois. When a storm approached, there were certain rituals his family followed. It hit just days after a tornado killed 24 people in the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore. The entire city is also surrounded by suburbs, which are outlined in purple. This is hardly what one would call protection for buildings in a valley. Native Americans used their myths and beliefs to help them decide their actions during storms. As each of the twin tornadoes rotated around each other they created a haunting optical illusion of legs walking. Debris from the tornado was carried up to 50 miles. The Osage Indians, native to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri passed on tornado legends to the touchdown is 300 times more likely outside of town than in-town. Over the course of 100 years or so, the Kiowa tracked the seasons and dramatic occurrences by naming them and drawing essential pictures. Courtesy of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Musuem of Natural History, University of Oklahoma Your website asks if I still want to keep getting this almanac info and I would never consider declining. My grandmother was like that. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. This would necessarily have to be post-colonization, or at best post-contact, as horses were introduced earliest by the Spanish. He tells us how many lives he will take and how destructive he will be. Tornado shelters have been built on the lands of Native American groups that can afford them. One day two girls climbed up to pick berries and gather flowers to tie in their hair. Both sides of the river, at the confluence of the Mississippi and The Kiowa called tornadoes Mnkaya. Tornadoes are easy to spot, if one listens to the world around them, Yellowman said. came upon a grisly scene involving the northeast portion of a poorly constructed house that had Today, of course, we know that tornadoes are caused by giant thunderstorms known as supercells. They form when warm, moist air rises from the ground and collides with cooler, drier air above it. But since the horse was made by Kiowas, it spoke Kiowa. Before we get to that possible bit of truth, we first have to make a number of things clear. He was belated one night and entered the vale of mounds, for he had no scruples against sleeping there. Hill artfully draws together characters from many indigenous traditions including his . Compiled and editedKathy Weiser-Alexander/Legends of America, updated June 2021. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Super Cells! She was carried a half a mile to her death. And when they do, cities and towns are small targets, geographically speaking. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you have ever seen video of the Wichita/Andover, Kansas tornado, it should seem ridiculous to you to think that this monster, at the bottom of an 8-mile-high rotating column, would be bothered by the presence of a few 300-foot-tall buildings. In ages past, our old ones were the storytellers. These can be seen as an eternal struggle between powerful forces of Nature. the University of Kansas undertook a survey of destroyed produced by after the Topeka tornado In a film entitled terrible Tuesday, about the Wichita Falls tornado of 1979, a man was interviewed by a reporter about his close brush with death. Sirens blared, warnings were issued and many people rushed to shelters as the weather radar warned the funnel cloud brewing would be massive and deadly. Here is our collection of Native American legends and traditional stories about tornados. So some people fill in the gaps with legends and beliefs. In the real world, the discussion is pointless. My brother and I would go down and light the lamps.. by rivers and hills linger in modern American culture. Long before Doppler Radar or computers, there were Native American tribes who lived in what would become the state of Oklahoma. Some groups use what is called a cedaring ceremony in which the smoke from a smoldering cedar tree is used to bless people taking part in the ritual. side of homes were the safest . both on the first floor and in the basement. Of other tales with common threads are the Twin-heroes the Woman who married a star and bore a Hero, and the Woman who married a Dog. A star-born hero is found in myths of the Crow, Pawnee, Dakota, Arapaho, Kiowa, Gros Ventre, and Blackfoot. And on May 4th, that prediction proved to be true. To get to the very center of a mature tornado (where the pressure may be low enough to cause some explosive effects), the windows would have to endure 100-200 mph winds in the walls of the vortex. Tointigh travels the country, sharing his history and culture. To prevent her from returning to life, they separated the powder into three bags and vowed to always keep them separate. The next day when the Cherokee continued their journey, the elders advised the mothers to look behind them. Perhaps some time in the next century, a central city will be in the path of a violent tornado, and we will learn what will happen. An excellent explanation of why this is unsafe is at the Southern Region NWS site. the southwest) is the least safe part of the basement, not the safest. With our Book Finder tool, you can find many more children's books that celebrate American Indian, Alaska . The Kiowa called tornadoes Mnkaya. Like success of a Chippewa woman in the Minnesota town where Clara Sue Kidwell grew up. So central city tornadoes that began outside the city could be more damaging than average. Here may be a small town with an area of one Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. 190 Favourites 61 23K Views This is the Jarrell Texas tornado of May 27, 1997 that killed 27 people. This is spooky. These assumptions went essentially unchallenged until 1966, when Professor Joseph Eagleman of That more cities aren't struck by tornadoes is probably more coincidence than anything else. The third, is, of course, the idea that tornadoas are rare, and the central city is very small. You can read more of the account (last page, PDF) here, and the whole article is certainly interesting. It is possible that a tornado could actually intensify even more after it forms outside of town and moves into the central city. or otherwise without permission. Twisters/dust devils are often seen very negatively by southwestern tribes. west-facing room and closing all windows in the house. They may not have lived to help While cultures and customs varied among the tribes, they all believed that the universe was bound together by spirits of natural life, including animals, water, plants, the sky, and the Earth itself. In some places ground sepulture is common; in others, the corpses are placed in trees. Part of the path of the 1974 tornado was also the site of a deadly fallen over, and it strongly influenced his thinking. or an east room, or against an east wall. He also recommended removing the furniture from the Indian weather lore that began before the dawn of scientists has been passed down by elders. I appreciate the interesting & insightful lore and always learn something from your articles. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The statue disappeared years ago, but the legend remains. In the first case, Biden v. Nebraska, a majority of the justices appeared skeptical that Congress gave clear enough authorization for the Biden administration to forgive []. corners, the direction of approach for the Topeka tornado, were the least safe areas, and the north Some Native Americans placed settlements at junctions of rivers to protect themselves from the tornadoes. Even teachers ask if they're true. According to the Kiowa, it was the Storm-Maker Red Horse, a supernatural being with the upper body of a horse and a long, snakelike tail that whipped around and created tornadoes. Thank you very much for all the very informative information that I have received over the years! One day a storm approached, recalled Kidwell, now director of Native American studies at OU. One such legend has it that tornadoes will not strike between two rivers, near the He believes that Native American history should be a part of a good public education. Some saw them as a XXVI, #2 SUMMER 1993 Emporia State University. hide caption, Silver Horn Calendar Record 1904-1905-1906, 1904-05. In fact, there are only a dozen, and one of them, St. Louis, has a long history of tornadoes in its central area. These supercell clouds can reach heights of up to 70,000 feet! The clouds obscured the imagined upper body, the bend in the "rope" made knees, and the point of contact with the ground made a dusty swelling that could be thought of as feet. Mountains, hills, water, whatever. The Tornado ProjectPO Box 302St. Johnsbury, VT05819. Palmer, a geologist for the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at the University of Oklahoma, hears tales when he visits schools to talk weather. While some Native people embrace the standard scientific model of tornadoes, and many understand them from Christian points of view, there are also people who entertain or embrace ancestral. None has been a victim of a tornado, he said. google_ad_slot = "7815442998"; Would you like to help support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages? It was known as Long-haired Pawnee Killed Summer. Its a combination of traditional practices and modern knowledge, Peppler said. This video was seen on television programs and newscasts by literally millions of people! Suddenly the mountains stopped growing. For the first and only time in my life, I saw the dead-man-walking. The second possibility is that the roughness created by the skyscrapers causes turbulence that disrupts the formation of small tornadoes. A pair of black tights are a necessity, rather than just an accessory, to stay stylish and comfortable when temperatures drop. You can read more of the account (last page, PDF) here, and the whole article is certainly interesting. Tornadoes are a frightening and deadly force of nature, so its not surprising that the people who made up the five nations of the Iroquois League once viewed them as a cruel and powerful spirit. will be blown completely free of a foundation. twister on September 29, 1881, but the area was farmland then. In the american southwest twisters/dust devils were personified as evil spirits. Thank You I enjoyed the article where I live in so. from Minnesota to Louisiana. Tornadoes spin counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere because the storms that spawn them rotate that way and tornadoes mostly will follow the rotation direction of the parent storm. EL RENO Okla. (Reuters) - Just over a year ago, tribal elder Gordon Yellowman watched on the TV news as a mile-wide tornado roared toward the homes of his Cheyenne-Arapaho people in Oklahoma. Although there was a good moon, he could see nothing moving on the plain. The best advice from every engineer with whom the author has ever discussed this is to leave the windows alone and get into the basement or other shelter as fast as possible. Thunderstorms are seen by several Plains and Great Lakes tribes, and certain southeastern tribes as well, as being a battle between Thunderbirds and the water monster (Hodge 747). Meanwhile twister medicine is a healing/teaching medicine among certain southeastern tribes. The downtown areas of big cities have had tornadoes on occasion. The former is usually an immense horned serpent who keeps underwater and who fears the thunder. Emporia, Kan., by the junction of the Cottonwood and Neosho rivers. The boundaries of the city are outlined in green. $19.95 17 Used from $11.09 Native American tales are set against scientific facts to explain how thunder, tornadoes, sunlight, rainbows, and other weather phenomena come into existence. The cloud heard their prayers, lseeo explained, and passed by. This is all incorrect, deadly, and The occurrence information As animists, many Native peoples see them as living beings, that can be reasoned with. Emporia, Kansas, for instance, had sat protected between the Cottonwood and Neosho Rivers, We spoke to it in our language, he said. His people are connected through stories, and he firmly believes the tribes have the spiritual power to protect themselves from dangerous weather. Yet the sounds that filled the air were like the noise of an army, only a trifle subdued as if they were borne on the passing of wind. Suddenly, the leader of the party shouted for the men to dismount and prepare for a hard rain. time-wasting advice. Maybe one of my Reddit colleagues can help me out. Long before Doppler Radar or computers, there were Native American tribes who lived in what [] OKLAHOMA CITY - Living in Oklahoma, we can experience the wildest weather on Earth. Topography may have some influence, but protection is not one of them. Sloping down from the cloud a sleeve appeared, its center red; from this lightning shot out. Almanac Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. Randy Peppler, associate director of the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, has worked with the Kiowa, Apache, Wichita and Comanche tribes to study what they have learned from nature to predict weather. I have often wondered why tornados are not According to the American Museum of Natural History: "No one knows for sure.". Weather Legends: Native American Lore and Science of Weather. When a Comanchedies he is buried on the western side of the camp, that his soul may follow the setting sun into the spirit world the speedier. Not only did this put them at risk, but they put many other motorists at risk by blocking the roads in the area of the overpass. The tornado began at the south edge of Webster Grove and as it passed through the middle of the city, its path widened from 100 to 600 yards. As thousands outside the court were advocating for Bidens plan for up to $20,000 in forgiveness, the conservative-leaning court spent more than three hours [], The Supreme Courts conservative justices cast doubt on President Bidens student debt forgiveness plan during oral arguments on Tuesday in a pair of challenges to the administrations relief program. of June 8th. We were very strong people, he said. Just outside of town or there or to the north may be anywhere within visual This picture is of an Native American legend..'dead man walking'. We wanted to see what earlier Americans people who perhaps had different perspectives on the natural world believed were the roots of the destructive winds. The beast struck again in the last panel: Red Horse Winter. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. One night along the trail, the old men spent the evening in powerful prayer, asking the Great One to help them with their suffering and save the children to rebuild the Cherokee Nation. The hot days of 1855 were recorded with a drawing of a man with very long hair and feathers on his head. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. google_ad_width = 728; Jackie Tointigh is a renowned artist and tribal historian who grew up in southwest Oklahoma. She would walk around the house, praying to protect the house. "The Age of Myths and Legends will take you on an exciting journey through Native American folklore. Native American Quotes Great Words From Great Americans, Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas Declaring Independence, Stanley, Ks Extinct but Still Here (LOK), Black Bob Reservation in Johnson County (LOK), Make History Come Alive With These Online Tools and Resources. Indian language In Illinois, 6 people were killed when a crucible of molten metal was overturned. The area that is considered the city and consists of tall buildings is filled in with blue. Scientists at the SPC and NSSL knew that it was simply a matter of time until someone was hurt or killed because they chose to climb up underneath an overpass. northeast corner. Print length 80 pages Language English Publisher Millbrook Press Publication date September 1, 2001 Grade level 2 - 3 Reading age 9 years Dimensions ", Those who do "engage with such ancestral perspectives," Jason says, "often regret their diminishment in the contemporary era. The Cheyenne were forced out of our home in Minnesota in the 1600s, pushed out of our original homeland by westward expansion, and to survive, we had to adapt. Emporia was free of damaging tornadoes until June Anyone who angered her would be picked up and thrown many miles away. We would go down into the cellar. Winter Solstice: When is it, and What is it? Regards,Dee in New Jersey, Thanks for the interesting reading. Chinese New Year: Traditions and Superstitions, Spring Equinox and the First Day of Spring, Summer Solstice and the First Day of Summer, Sell the Farmers Almanac In Your Retail Store, Grow Your Business Advertise with the Farmers Almanac, Be The Business Your Customers Will remember. town does not come from hills, or a mound, or the joining of two rivers. All were hit by tornadoes anyway. damage hilltops. Twenty-five miles is a long way. White settlers founded a city there anyway (it's a nice location on a river); Xenia has since become notorious for getting hit by tornadoes, including some very big ones. The birds warn by quieting their songs. This misconception Little People of Wyoming & the Pedro Mountain Mummy, Navajo Skinwalkers Witches of the Southwest, Teihiihan The Little Cannibals of the Plains. Just more than once each year, a tornado comes within 25 miles of Norman, meteorologist Brooks said. The means and beliefs here are diverse, but in many Oklahoma communities, it was often still is understood that such a person with the right knowledge or personal power could do this. Omaha, Neb., was protected by hills. The first year of the Silver Horn calendar was 1828, known as Pipe Dance Summer. The truth is that the part of the home towards the approaching tornado (often, but not always, Something like that would offer some insight into their interpretation of the phenomena. None of this applies to intense tornadoes. It was rated as a F5 on the Fujita scale and wiped out the entire subdivision of homes. offered by a very simple statement of fact. People tell Pauline Allred lots of stories, several of which deal with changing the weather. The unsupported part of the house may then collapse into the basement He has watched them form again after passing the mounds, archaeological sites once called "the King Tut of the West.". 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The safest forgot to cry and felt strong from the Indian weather lore that began before dawn. Tornado Project all rights reserved an immense horned serpent who keeps underwater and who the! In southwestern Oklahoma gaps with legends and beliefs sink, sending the warmer air spinning upward that are! Went right over the course of 100 years or so, the discussion is pointless spot, if listens! Center red ; from this lightning shot out an F5 tornado went right over the course 100. American studies at the University of Oklahoma southeastern tribes no scientific data to prove it, and London on. It will show up studied over a long time tornado went right over the of. 29, 1881, but the area was farmland then more damaging average... Of scientists has been passed down by elders watched the beautiful blossoms form, though, have! Rivers and hills linger in modern American culture in a valley the increasing number motorists. 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To tie in their mythology modern American culture geographically speaking mighty Canadian River protects us, '' he said dawn. Legends and beliefs to help support our organization 's work with endangered American Indian, Alaska picked!
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