And I was still on the board. And I actually requested the letter from Sandy, because Sandy had shared some things with us about what she had seen. Christians should stop feeding these people. And as people rotated through, there were newer people on the board, and they wouldnt have really had a lot of access to to James McDonald. Subscribe here for Pastor James' twice-weekly email devotionals straight to you inbox, plus occasional updates regarding his ministries, events, and personal news. Im not positive on that. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. And that would have been right before you came back on the board. And when I look back at it, thats what I think. The Lord made it really clear. And today youre going to hear from a former insider at Harvest, former elder Dan George. And and Im still feeling it and Im still hearing from people. I followed his ministry for almost 2 decades. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? And I, the next day, I wrote and said, Well, okay, I respect your wishes. . Thanks that is hilarious!! When I did, I told her letters were coming in, would she consider writing it. I dont believe God makes mistakes when creating us a certain sex. According to his email, MacDonald has been able to hire a small staff and encouraged people to sign up for his Home Church Networkvideo messages for people to use in a home church. Roys detailed evidence from former Harvest elders, employees, and members that . So what happened? What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James MacDonald? I said, again, please dont do it just because Im asking you. ARC is one of the largest church planting organizations in North America. On Thursday, the seventh, I got a text from one of the elders who said, Call me if you can before such and such a time. I stepped into a conference room. . Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the men were the ones being abused we might hear them singing a different tune. And then if you could, please share the podcast on social media so more people can hear about this great content. I think he might have and the reason I say that is that weekend, so you know, here we are on Tuesday, Tuesday, the fifth. We turned out to have six witnesses who wrote 28 pages with innumerable charges. Hes a large imposing man. H arvest Bible Chapel and founding pastor James MacDonald have announced that they plan to drop their lawsuit against The Elephant's Debt bloggers and Julie Roys after a court today denied. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, . I had been investigating Harvest for months. And I knew that I needed to do something publicly. Instead of focusing on who is stronger and who is weaker, why dont we focus on how both of us can be strong for the kingdom and live out the calling that God has given to each of us individually and as a couple?, Visconti also posted recently on his Instagram story that abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. The devil is at work. Shame on you for reading scripture! And now think about this. Julie can and has spoken for herself, but I must speak up against loaded questions like this. Am I characterizing what happened there accurately? What is the point of bringing this pastors political views into the story? And he opened the meeting, looking at me and said, I know what youre going to do, and the church is going to implode or blow up, and its going to be on you. Im Julie Roys. In that same meeting that same Thursday night, he argued, the elders shouldnt have the letters. Prominent evangelical scholar, author, and missiologist, Ed Stetzer, is leaving his position as executive director of Wheaton Colleges The Billy Graham Center to become dean, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of, An Arizona megachurch has hired Landon MacDonald as a lead pastor, despite allegations MacDonald bullied and abused those in his care while pastoring at Harvest, It has been said, Show me a persons checkbook and I can tell you what he cares about. Social Action, 1964 James MacDonald, the, Christian actor Kirk Cameron on Monday featured disgraced pastor James MacDonald as a guest on Camerons TBN Takeaways program on biblical illiteracy. MacDonald was fired, Mark DeMoss, a man described by Christianity Today as Evangelicalisms PR Guru and a former Liberty University trustee, is apparently spending time with two men, Its been more than two years since Harvest Bible Chapel fired James MacDonald for engaging in conduct . But for us not to act would be unbelief. And again, this was on the churchs dime. Think Ill go preach at my cat nowhe has huge ears & better discernment than those willfully cowering in the open cage of the corporate state-church. She declined. She wrote about, you alluded to it, she wrote about the end of this Risen for the Nations tour when they were in Haiti. Hear the dramatic and sovereignly orchestrated story of how MacDonalds actions finally came to light at Harvest. And it was just a deep sadness, deep sadness. Thats what meeting and when youre in a conference called and youre making a decision like that, every elder everybody on the meeting on the call had to make right had the voice be asked any question you have. The G in freemasonry stands for generation. Why would anyone who follows Jesus Christ care what Generation Church thinks about anything? From the overflow of your heart your mouth (and thumbs) are speaking. But the other letters, my understanding is they came in, and youre in a meeting with the other elders. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Dan currently is an executive and leadership coach and the founder of Front Seat Leadership. If hes ok with lying it places doubt on the gospel. And and its sad to me other than when they did finally, the former elders apologize for the lawsuit that was brought against me. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. "Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald": Julie Roys' Response February 12, 2019 Cherie Vandermillen [Julie Roys] I never thought I would hear an evangelical, mega-church pastor talk about planting child pornography on the computer of an executive at a Christian publication. "I was sitting in the back seat. You can review it. It was in the very, very early days of its launch. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2. And most of them, a number of them, Ill say, have not read any of these letters. What Happens Now? And why do you do it in front of everybody? Can you share what was in it? Ostensibly, one of the assets MacDonald obtained in the arbitration settlement is the list of email addresses of former Walk in the Word supporters. And I said, Listen, I get it. Were supposed to approve this budget, and we dont even have a line item. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Guard your heart and keep it diligentlyfor from it flows the content of your life. Like this had been a months long drawn out battle. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? But to tell people they have to stay in a situation of violence, trauma and harm, or return to it, this is not a core tenet of Christianity. . Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. I did not cover my iniquity. They discuss the role of journalism as it relates to local churches and prominent leaders, and her her current work investigating Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. Well, and I remember, I remember this whole thing, because Im getting bits and pieces from different sources about whats going on and whats happening. Its more of a social teaching of extreme patriarchal churches to protect and promote the power structure of who is God-ordained to be in charge. The senior pastor at my church moved into town in 2014, and bought a home in proximity to the church for $260,000. It was a conference call because it happened fast. And I was muted on my phone. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. to Rick Donald. And there were a number in the room who were looking at I Timothy 5, thats for those who persistence sin rebuke them in the presence of all so that the rest may stand in fear. Thankfully, I had headphones on. I payed for you and James. But again, reading those letters, and it does have a different impact when you read the actual letter than someone summarizes it. And scripture is really clear that its got to be, you know, two or three witnesses. Who were all shameless self promoters. Its phrased to make you feel morally superior. And so I was pulling into the garage, and I knew I knew, as soon as I pulled in the garage, you know, I was, I was gonna go drive up to whatever floor and go to the meeting. And by the meeting that night, the executive committee came to the elder board with a unanimous recommendation, per the bylaws, that James McDonalds employment should be terminated for cause at that point. If theres other passages we should be talking about, lets talk about them. Thats a Tuesday night. I encourage you to talk to Christian doctors who are fearful of extreme under no circumstances legislation that now forces molested preteens to give birth, and makes it difficult to treat a septic And that reminded me of something that Dan Marquardt told me. Thats thats a much harder relaunch. And many who have followed this story know what James McDonald has done. You can imagine it wasnt it wasnt long before the elders were, you know, talking and I dont remember the timing exactly. I didnt know these things were going on, but Im so sorry. I remember saying we got to pray. And I know I totally get what youre talking about. You do that, and hope that the person will repent, and that they will turn and that therell be restoration. Its impossible to take evangelicals seriously. Lets try little role reversal here. Ryan Visconti, the Arizona pastor platforming discredited celebrity preacher James MacDonald is attracting attentionnot just for his new partnership, but also his provocative social media posts about women and marriage. Because Julie, I knew that, even if Id gotten the chance to read it in front of Harvest, which would have been really hard, but would have been healing to people. And remember, a week before the decision had been made, in terms of not qualified as an elder and his employment would be over. Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a "pattern of sinful behavior," James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch in Mesa, Arizona. Hes asking for money. Sandy talked about over the years, other staff members coming to her after meeting with James McDonald in tears, just crushed. And Im just grateful that finally, the board, open their eyes. I shouldnt be doing this. This is the most used and abused (pun intended) argument. Thank you. @Cynthia Wright Love your comment. But I had all I had all the letters by that point. She wanted me to look at it. But that is my hope. Dan, thank you for being a humble man of God. Now what we did do is there were probably I dont remember the number Julie. And we would be loved, it would actually be a loving thing for us to do. And I remember talking to another elder and I looked at him, he was almost in tears, saying, I cant believe were not going to do what Gods word says. But But I remember saying to the guys, listen, heres the passages Ive been studying. Think of the godly ones youve known and thank God for them. I also knew that I needed to talk enough so that it wasnt like, well, this whats whats going on with him? Just saying a lot of vile things. Wives submit to your husbands. And when he sees he cant save it, it sounds like then he was trying to lobby for being able to resign, and a lot of emotional manipulation being used that weekend from from what youve told me. Not all the elders had physical copies of the letters at that point. Julie, are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives? When Christian leaders continue to teach that abuse does not constitute biblical grounds for divorce they are wrong, Vernick wrote. And again, Im going from memory, but also from what Ron Duitsman recently said. I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. What Happens Now? I dont know whether its the way way down or the way back Id have to reread the letter, but I mean, they stopped and went to the DR,. And I, I look back at those meetings that I was just describing, Julie, I dont I dont say this lightly. Yes, it is. However, you did sign a letter of unconditional support. year. My spouse and I and many others went to college with James in the eighties in Canada. Whats the point of arguing the point, you know, like, okay, youre gonna say you dont remember that part. But he demanded that he be flown home on a private jet. Why is it important to you to let people know what really happened? And she immediately said, Ill write a letter. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. I agree that its loving to speak the truth, even when its unpopular, but the New Testament also has a lot to say about the way we conduct ourselves and how we should treat each other. She keeps demanding I tithe to her and she will ask god to bless me. Do you expect ANYONE to say yes to your question. It just seems that the church of the USA is a joke. We knew I needed to do it. Because when you report on this for months, you feel the pain of the people that are involved. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. And if I would, you know, post some sort of statement. Okay thats what Gods word says. As I saw it, this letter of unconditional support was a huge and somewhat desperate PR move on James MacDonalds part, to say, hey, look, all our leaders stand with us, I must be okay. And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. And so really appreciate that and appreciate the time at which you did that. If you wind back and in in elder meetings, I remember it being said by several several people, years before, if people start arguing the process, you know, you have them right up there arguing in the process. While we were doing that, I was in my office at home. 28 Feb 2023 13:40:27 How about that one? You know, they asked him as an executive committee member and the elder board chairman. Tell Harvest Church board hows the fruit now? Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. None of those charges were looked into. The Asbury Revival Is Over. What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James McDonald? Julie Roys October 8, 2020. And I hadnt I hadnt signed that yet, I hadnt given a statement yet. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. And when I read that, I just shook my head. We will talk through it. Following allegations of years-long bullying and financial misconduct, the lead pastor and executive team of an Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch, Everyone was laughing and goading, like it was a jokeuntil it wasnt. And learn how MacDonald almost escaped being exposedand how six scathing letters that revealed MacDonalds true nature almost failed to reach the elder board. My husband really appreciates James McDonalds preaching against my better judgement I told him about the new messagesso we have the Advent message from his Home Church network cast to the TV I had planned to leave the room so I didnt have to watch it I have to tell you he sounds sincere (without wax) I find the whole situation so heart breaking and confusing. Gosh she is just filthy with gossip as fact and at very best half the story. It was a Wednesday or Thursday night on the Rolling Meadows campus. Thats even though MacDonalds former megachurch, Harvest Bible Chapel, disqualified MacDonald from public ministry in 2019 for a pattern of sinful behavior.. There was a spirited discussion of the letters and who should be able to read the letters. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. And welcome to the podcast. And to give you the flavor of the meeting, when I walked in the room, and we all greeted each other, we were in the former executive pastors office around an oval table, and James McDonald sitting across from me. And I have, you know, probably probably six weeks later, less than, probably four weeks later or something I I apologized for signing that. I know its your hope too, Dan, and I just want to thank you. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? On that Haiti trip. MacDonald adds, Of the more than 4000 Change Partners once faithfully supporting our efforts monthly, there are now about 150the remnant from which we seek to rebuild. He then invites people to send him gifts. To donate, James MacDonald Ministries June 13, 2021 Email, Ed Stetzer Named Dean of Biola Universitys Talbot School of Theology, James MacDonald Preaching at ARC Megachurch in Arizona, Landon MacDonald to Lead Arizona Megachurch Despite Allegations of Abuse When at Harvest Bible Chapel, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. Six people who I doubt wherever actually all in the same room. He had joined, I think a year into, into Harvests history. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. And they are even beloved by God. Now, now James is saying, oh, Mancow edited this to say something that it really didnt say. Just look at King David . There was just enough false doctrine so that it was swallowed up with the truth. Should have that should have been enough of enough of a clue for me to say, Wait, wait, wait, thats a check. TED also reported that MacDonald's church Harvest Bible Chapel was $65 million in debt. The elder board of Harvest Bible Chapel formally apologized to independent journalist Julie Roys and several former members, months after joining founder James MacDonald in a defamation lawsuit accusing them of publishing false information about the church's management and finances last fall. They said no, for various reasons. So quick to forgive and people were giving me hugs the next night. I know James McDonald says it was a conference call. It was a four hour meeting. Julie, thank you for your excellent work in exposing that which is done in darkness, among the body of Christ. But somewhere around 2008-10 his preaching changed a bit. So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. I am so sorry to report that he has not changed. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. And everybody had to say, right? Ive listened to the entire recording. Voice of James MacDonald Believed to Be Featured in Vulgar Comments. Rather, its helping those in bondage find freedom. Those are simply other examples of posts about controversial issues. I talked to other people who told me of demands that he made for private jets on numerous occasions. I wish I didnt. No One Knows. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. when men make the final decision in the marriage, even if they consult with their wife first, chances of divorce increases 7.4 times . Harvest didnt know what it looked like to not have him as a senior pastor. And his email says, it seems we are being targeted. I was at work. But over there, you know, I, you know, six, seven people who had read the letters, probably more than that by the time, and we talked about what was in the letters. Can you say what was in that letter? Tragically . And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. He has always been a total its all about me. Julie. You really didnt know at that point, whether he was going to get fired, or resign, or what was going to happen until Mancow Muller aired those vulgar excerpts from this hot mic recording that James McDonald didnt know he was on mic. And then out of the blue, I get slapped with a lawsuit from James McDonald before I published anything. There were voices raised. Of it could be that shes been taken in by him. God will deal with him. These were people bringing charges against an elder. And the pain is overwhelming. So that tells you something about the backbone and the integrity of Dan Marquardt. 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