Hebrew mysticism recognized their great importance. The chief name connected with the revival of astronomical studies on the Baltic is that of David Gans of Prague (d. 1613), who corresponded with Kepler and Tycho Brahe. Then, finally, Rachel gave birth to Joseph. By His breath the heavens are cleared;His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent. Indeed, constellation names go far back into mankind's history. The star representing his head is the huge star Betelgeuse, which is 600 light years away, and is a reddish colour as seen to the left. This is the cycle of 28 years. The idea of seeing the gospel message in the stars was popularized by the writings of E.W. In the case of the antediluvian patriarchs who lived hundreds of years, sometimes the lives completed two or more such cycles. This page was last edited on 10 September 2022, at 22:27. Some of these can be found in Scripture but only by the false gods which were associated with them. In 3 B.C., the Sun would have entered this celestial region about August 27 and exited from it about September 15. The Bible teaches that God arranged the stars into recognizable groups that we call constellations. Aries represents glory out of humiliation, Messiah the Crowned Lamb. Most of the observations of a scientific nature were transmitted by Samuel of Nehardea, who attended the schools of the Babylonians, and who claimed to possess as exact a knowledge of the heavenly regions as of the streets of Nehardea. Piscis represents the southern fish, the Living Water received in fullness. . (Amos 5:8a KJV). (Genesis 1:1, HBFV). It is about 400 times larger than our own Sun. Seek him that maketh the seven stars [Pleiades] and Orion . The distance of the firmament from the Earth is a journey of 500 years, a distance equivalent to the diameter of the firmament, through which the Sun must saw its way in order to become visible. But, Job was being forcefully reminded that these ordinances are the work of a super-intelligent Creator: God Almighty, the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Levi means "Joined" which now seems like a clear reference to the Fishes, which are joined by two bands or chains to the Sea Monster. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The last born, Joseph, has a proposed birth date in the year 21 SPRING on the Enoch calendar, corresponding to the Last Day of Passover. Jacob ben Makir (who is known also as Profiat Tibbon) appears to have been professor of Astronomy at Montpellier, about 1300, and to have invented a quadrant to serve as a substitute for the astrolabe. This astronomical/zodiacal evidence is our puzzle piece #2 in solving the puzzleof the birth date of Jesus. Bootes represents the Shepherd guarding, the coming Shepherd. Other Jewish astronomers of note are H. Goldschmidt (180266), who discovered 14 asteroids. In practical astronomy Jewish work was even more effective. He was acquainted with the Copernican system, but preferred that of Ptolemy, while as late as 1714 David Nieto of London still stood out against the Copernican system. Delphinus represents the dolphin springing out of the water, resurrection from death. Cygnus represents the swan, the sure return of the Redeemer. You tread upon lion and cobra, Young lion and serpent you trample under foot. .". It is interesting to note the number of times that the stars and the constellations are mentioned in Scripture. The next week he married Rachel on Sat 6 Apr 1808 BC, which is the last day of passover on the Enoch calendar (21 Spr) and also the minor holy day 1 Iyar on the Hebrew calendar. In the year 3 BC, these two relationships of the sun and moon and Virgo came into alignment for only an 81-minute period, as observed from Palestine in the twilight period of September 11. "At the head of this starry host stands a "captain of the army" (Joshua 5:14, Daniel 8:11); according to the passage in Daniel, he was the star highest in altitude as well. It includes the study of stars, planets, galaxies and other objects that are beyond the atmosphere of earth. The Torah reflects this with Bereishit (Book of Genesis 1:1) being seven words and twenty-eight letters (7x4) in its original Hebrew. The Talmud identified the twelve constellations of the Mazzaroth (zodiac) with the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar. The name Arcturus references the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear) which lies roughly 46 million light years away from earth. Isaiah 13:9-10 ESV / 2 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. So if you look-- SUMNER: Oh, yes. See the annotated image below. It is mentioned in the Bible and in the works of the Greek author Homer. [18], In the Talmud, as in the Bible, the heavens and the Earth designate the two borders of the universe, with the heavens a covering over the Earth. It was also 1 Light (S.R. [22] Heaven and Earth "kiss each other" at the horizon and between the water above and that below there are but two or three fingerbreadths. They appear high in the night sky, roughly along the same path traveled by the sun during the day. What about Mazzaroth? But the constellations of the Zodiac were created by your Father in heaven, to declare His love for you, and to declare His plan of redemption. w) Noun - masculine plural. Each of the twelve carried a banner or flag, and the many of those flags are believed to have displayed one of the zodiac symbols. The birth of the Messiah is associated with this heavenly spectacle (Revelation 12:2). Sind ben Ali (about 830) was one of the principal contributors to the tables drawn up under the patronage of the Caliph al-Mamun. In the former published articles from my research, there have been three general patterns proposed that the birth dates of major prophets have followed. The well-known family of translators, the Ibn Tibbons, may be especially mentioned. The seven primary stars of Ursa Major are also called, in modern times . Now that has changed. . See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, overcame to open the scroll and to loosen its seven seals. Revelation 5:5, Gods Voice in the Stars Zodiac Signs And Bible Truths by Ken Fleming, The Gospel in the Stars by Joseph A. Seiss, The Witness of the Stars by E.W. God certainly designed all things, but we must beware of building our doctrine on the details of nature. The original zodiac was given by God to man as a means to display the Gospel story to man before the written word came through Moses. Caution is needed when searching for the gospel in the stars, since constellation symbols can have many possible interpretations. (Image credit: Till Credner) (opens in new tab) From Earth, stars appear . The name Issachar means to "he will bring a reward"[17]. Gods Voice in the Stars: Zodiac Signs and Bible Truth by Ken Fleming, https://archive.org/details/witnessofstars00bull/mode/1up. If so, then it was a very unusual seven-year period during which these children were born from 1808 to 1801 BC. Some scholars identified the twelve signs of the zodiac with the twelve tribes of Israel. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. (Job 9:8-9 KJV), Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? We know that the protoevangelium (the first evangel, the first Gospel) was given by God to Adam in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15); this is the story of the future Messiah, the Seed of the woman, crushing the head of the serpent (Satan). The key to understanding the passage in Revelation 12 is to analyze the astronomy depicted in this account in Scripture. Cepheus representsthe crowned King, the deliverer coming to rule. The enemy, Satan, has perverted the story of redemption by causing pagan empires to create alternative stories about the stars. Do you bring out the constellations (Mazzaroth ) in its season? Scorpio represents the scorpion seeking to would but itself crushed, the enemy wounding Him. Second, the length of their lives has usually completed an exact number of cycles on at least one sacred calendar. We have already seen this in the case of Abraham, whose birth date was not as impressive on the calendar, but which was accompanied by a double conjunction of planets.[11]. Note: In mynext Post I will presentevidence that Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1). Libra represents scales and the sufficient price, the blood of Messiah the price which covers. Only a few stars and constellations are named individually in the Hebrew Bible, and their identification is not certain. Job 38:31-32. However, within this figurative language are contained clues which precisely date the birth of Jesus both the day and precise hour of His birth! In fact, if Betelgeuse was to be centered over it, its diameter would reach beyond the orbit of Mars. In other words, it implied that they are twins by leaving out the word "conceived." . These he names as constellations of greatest eminence; but under them he seems to comprehend all the stars, which, as they were created by God, so are under his government. Psalms 45:4-5. Astronomy, in general, is the study of celestial bodies and the universe as a whole. What is all this symbolism communicating to us and how exactly does it tell us the precise birth date of Jesus? The Lord uses his clock to time key events in world history. Now when is the last time you saw something like that on the evening news? Can you set their dominion over the earth? (Job 38:3133). [3] It is precisely these four key figures which are the most easily matched with the four principal sons of Israel because each is mentioned in the blessings. It is far too large to be shown here, but it is an ancient Hebrew name for the Signs of the Zodiac, meaning a Circle of Animals, a surrounding belt of twelve constellations by which ancient mankind divided up the year into months, an arrangement that was known and used for thousands of years. In them He set up a tent for the sun (picture of Yahusha, the Sun of Righteousness, Malachi 4:2). It should also be noted that this is the only day (September 11) in the whole year (3 BC) that the astronomical phenomenon described in Revelation Chapter 12 could take place. Thus, those figures came to symbolize the entire tribe to a large degree, much as the eagle represents the United States. Many people still claim to see symbols of the gospel in unusual places: crosses on flower petals, Christmas stars on sand dollars, and even religious images on rusty water towers. Having that disclaimer in mind, let us look at the evidence, even from the Bible itself, that the twelve sons of the prophet Jacob were each identified with a different sign of the zodiac. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (13 Jul 2005). These are enough patterns to merit publishing this date as likely to be her death date. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. (Revelation 12:7-9 NIV). Corona the crown, the crown bestowed on Messiah. For all of the other children, we are told that "Leah conceived" and brought forth a son. Mary and Josephs flight to Egypt then is a prophetic picture of the flight of the righteous out of Israel at the Midpoint of the Tribulation.. ", The following Biblical names of constellations are mentioned and explained: = . With this knowledge, he made 12 astrological signs . Of the three heavens where the birds fly; wherethe sun, moon, planets and stars exist (Genesis 1:17); and where God lives (II Corinthians 12:2) the most reasonable interpretation of the heaven as used in Revelation is where the sun, moon and the twelve stars are located. In this case, there is one such link no matter what dates are proposed, because Benjamin was born on the day his mother died. Sure enough, the trade was a success for Leah, who soon gave birth to Issachar, and later to Zebulon and Dinah. That means it was Passover day (14 Spr) in the year also representing Passover (14 SPR). This clothing of the woman by the Sun occurs for a 20-day period each year. Given all of the above, it should therefore not be surprising that God, who created everything we find in space, mentions some of them in the Bible. They appear high in the night sky, roughly along the same path traveled by the sun during the day. J. Sr. L. B. The actual word in the Greek is present tense has; but this confused the translators of the NASB. Truly, the more one looks at this heavenly glory, and understands the immense distances involved in constellations and galaxies, the more one is driven to the same conviction as Job and David. In Genesis, God explains His purpose for creating all those lights in the universe. It is defined with star groups and the names of individual stars. Its ability to reflect light is due to its close proximity to the sun and the highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid that shroud it. Verse Concepts He who made the Pleiades and Orion And changes deep darkness into morning, Who also darkens day into night, Who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the surface of the earth, The Lord is His name. Author: Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. (Physics) as excerpted from Astronomy and the Bible, pgs. Bullinger and J.A. Accordingly, if blind chance governed the universe, then there would be negligible probability that even one family in history could have such a noble set of birth dates. Astronomy, in general, is the study of celestial bodies and the universe as a whole. Those link to the constellations of the Water Bearer, the Lion, the Scorpion, and the Bull, respectively (Gen. 49: 4, 9, 17; Deut. It embodies our means of adaptation, and represents the many facets of existence. In addition, John stated that the display was a wonder (KJV; a great sign) and that it was in heaven. He is also depicted in the heavens as the sunthe Righteous One, the bridegroom (spoken of in Psalm 19:4-5) racing through the heavens to redeem and restore His bride to glory. In Stephen's discourse just before his martyrdom, he mentions God's condemnation of ancient Israel's idolatrous worship of "your god Remphan" (Acts 7:43). [24] There is also mentioned the terrestrial globe, kaddur. Note: The following Post is taken from the book by Joseph Lenard entitled Mysteries of Jesus Life RevealedHis Birth, Death, Resurrection, and Ascensions. Modern astronomy informs us that the number of stars in the observable universe that exist (all objects whose light and other signals can reach the earth) is 300 sextillion (that's 3 followed by 23 zeros)! This relationship began at 6:18 p.m. (sunset) and lasted until 7:39 p.m. (moonset). The four solstices (the Tekufot of Nisan, Tammuz, Tishrei, and Tevet) are often mentioned as determining the seasons of the year and there are occasional references to the rising-place of the Sun. Sagittarius represents the archer with the drawn bow, the victorious Redeemer. When Leah's son found some fertility herbs, Rachel traded her sister Leah a night with Jacob in exchange for them. Ursa Major is one of the 48 constellations cataloged by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the second century. There are only five prominent stars, but a good telescope shows many more. At the time of the Deluge it traveled in the opposite direction. July 13, 2005 There is a strong Hebrew tradition that each of the twelve tribes of Israel was associated with one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac. It should be noted that the depiction in Revelation 12 could not be a literal description of the Virgin Mary, as the woman in the passage had the heavens associated with her the sun, the moon, and the twelve stars. Other translators from the Hebrew into Latin were Abraham de Balmes and Kalonymus ben David of Naples, while David Kalonymus ben Jacob, Ephraim Mizrai, and Solomon Abigdor translated from the Latin into Hebrew. Historian Flavius Josephus says Seth and his offspring preserved ancient astronomical knowledge in pillars of stone.[2]. An ideal date is found at that time, being Sat 6 Apr 1790 BC, which was the same day as her birth on the Sacred Round (1 Jaguar). The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. this would have been the only logical sign under which the Jewish Messiah might be born, especially if he were to be born of a virgin. It is well known that these acts are forbidden in the Bible (Leviticus 20:27), largely because they may involve demonic spirits (Acts 16:16-19). Of special interest are the twelve zodiac constellations. Probably this word represents a transposition of the Greek meaning "arithmetic, mathematics." Apparently the seven year periods were precise to the very day. Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Allowing a least an extra year for the barren period, wouldn't that have taken Leah eight years to have seven children? Exactly as in the case of the patriarchs, each was born on a holy day on the Hebrew calendar, and each was also born on either a day "1" or "7" on the Sacred Round. Jesus is the promised Seed of the woman (Virgo) and the King of Glory, the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Leo). The Band represents a cord, the Redeemed bound. Since Babylonian times, Satan has counterfeited the zodiac with astrology. It includes a range of genres from the earliest astronomy and cosmology contained in the Bible, mainly the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible or "Old Testament"), to Jewish religious works like the Talmud and very technical works. Yerushalmi Rosh Hashana 2 58b; Bavli Rosh Hashana 25a, Yerushalmi Berachot 1 2c, bottom; Pesachim 94a, Yerushalmi Berachot 9 13c; Bavli Berachot 58b, Epistle to Slonimski in "Toledot ha-Shamayim," Warsaw, 1838, Jewish views on astrology Hebrew calendar correlation to zodiac, "Two Types of Antedeluvian Tablets: Enochic Tradition from Historical Palea", "Strong's Hebrew: 3594. [15], Despite the general importance and religious significance attached to astronomy in the Holy Land, no notable developments in astronomy happened there. He has graciously allowed us, through astronomy, to witness his handiwork and the power he lovingly wields. An interesting point is that Genesis states that Joseph was born at the completion of the second seven years (Gen. 30:25). It is true that Revelation contains much figurative language which is highly symbolic. Meaning: "righteousness", as Jupiter is the embodiment of divine influx. This article proposes a correspondence of each of those tribes to one of the zodiac emblems, based on proposed dates for the birth of each. Learn how your comment data is processed. For an overview and complete chapter listing of this fascinating study, click here. Capricorn represents the sea goat, life resulting from the sacrificial death of Messiah. During the course of each year the zodiac constellations take turns in appearing: for example, Scorpius in summer, Gemini in winter. A visual mosaic of the 12 classic constellations in the western zodiac, photographed in the night sky, marked and outlined. In this case, the length of Rebekah's life would be exactly 186 Sacred Rounds. You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you. 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