This is what my husband and I stumbled upon repeatedly (with some studying beforehand) on our honeymoon trip to Crete and Greece. In the same interview he gets asked if the galactic alingment (such as the one in 2012) has a connection with the 26000 cycles of the superwaves. This cycle is broken down into four distinct phases each lasting 6500 years. They conclude that the grains bearing these volatile metals are of extraterrestrial origin. This movement lasts 26000 years - the same amount of time that passes for the phenomenal movement of the sun backwards through the ecliptic! Well you are not completely wrong there, but you are not right either. They studied the heavens, mapped their constellations, identified the path of the Sun and estimated the periods of the Moon and Sun as they moved across the sky. This magnetic focusing acts sort of like a lens to light in that it keeps the path narrower and concentrates the beam if you will. They found significant isotopic anomalies in four isotopes thereby confirming LaViolettes prediction that the tin dust is of extraterrestrial origin. That concept is the "great year" or "the precession of the equinoxes". What i told you greggK was that the length of the precession changes. This larger one can lead to profound climatic changes inclouding cataclysmic events. Elevated concentrations of gold, silver, and antimony as well as the cosmic dust indicators iridium, and nickel were also found in the samples. Prediction No. We are affected by these themes; societies rise and fall with the predominant social patterns affecting our psyche. (There is a 23-degree difference between Western astrology and Vedic Astrology. The Earths obliquity is the angle between the Earths axis and the plane of the Earths orbit. Agassiz, who later became a distinguished professor at Harvard, noted that such imprints existed all over northern Europe, and suggested that the lands now inhabited by Germans, Poles, Russians and others used to be covered by enormous glaciers. Web CMS designed by: Louis Agassiz, a Swiss scientist, published a book on glaciers, a familiar feature of his homeland--huge rivers of ice created by accumulated snowfall, filling valleys and slowly creeping downwards to their end points, lakes of meltwater (or, in some other countries, the sea). Why?'. Current warming is clearly not natural cycle. Louis Agassiz, a Swiss scientist, published a book on glaciers, a familiar feature of his homeland--huge rivers of ice created by accumulated snowfall, filling valleys and slowly creeping downwards to their end points, lakes of meltwater (or, in some other countries, the sea). Thanks innerverse; a really good read and very interesting. But, attraction could be put into an equation and mass is an element in that equation. Concordance (1995): Unaware of LaViolettes publications, two French geophysicists published a paper that sought to explain the Steens Mountain polarity reversal as being due to a solar cosmic ray cause. That means it can change up to 2.5 degrees over a period of 41,000 years. The sun also goes through cycles. Every age lasts approximately 2150 years, because each sing in the eliptic has a 30 degree arc (thus 72 x 30 = 2160). That does not mean that there are many things we understand fairly well or are even very certain of. 11 (1983): Anomalously young radiocarbon dates are frequently found in fossil remains of Pleistocene megafauna that became extinct at the end of the last ice age. Follow. Read that with great interest again Innerverse, thank you! The fourth and final phase is the Age of Aquarius which is when the Earth will be in alignment with the star Vega. If the satellite spins as it was designed to do, the mercury merely flows to the part of the tube most distant from the spin axis, and stays there. They begin to comprehend the mystery of matter, harness electrical energy and ultimately conquer space. Another question is 'Does the sun reflect the changes in Sgr A*? Right now, northern winter occurs in the part of the Earth's orbit where the north end of the axis points away from the Sun. The tilt of the Earth's polar axis remains constant but describes a circular path in space during a period known as The Great Year. All rights reserved. Learn by doing. Most novaed, released incredible amounts of denser materials, and turned to black holes. However, this mass of stars continues one or two at a time over the ages to feed the galactic black hole, ever increasing it's size. Precession of a spinning scientific payload (also known as its "coning"--from "cone"--or its "nutation") is an unwelcome feature, because it complicates the tracking of its instruments. Twice a year, at equinox, day and night are equal and the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. We can spend around 20% of the cycle in an interglacial and around 80% in an ice age, depending on where we are in these cycle influences. This marked the first time that tin isotopic anomalies had been discovered. The magnitude of the "Milankovich effect" depends on the difference between largest and smallest distances from the Sun. They calculated that we pass through the plane every 35 to 40 million years. All of the outer planets except the one replacing Pluto is what I'm talking about; ex. Astronomers acknowledged that this marked the first time they became aware that energetic outbursts from distant astronomical sources could affect the Earths physical environment. Then, according to the. The Earths precession is the wobbling of the Earths axis. This temperature peak was associated with the perihelion phase of the Milankovitch cycles. The Earth is actually not perfectly round so the gravitational pull tugs the axis over time creating the wobble cycle. Find out more about The Evolutionary Empath and orderHERE. We cannot see Sagittarius A* with the naked eye, because it is a bright and very compact astronomical radio source at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, part of a larger astronomical feature at that location (Sagittarius A). It is this offset of forces which causes precession. That was when it is estimated that the natural cycle climate forcing was at maximum, including associated climate feedbacks. . This leads to another strange coincidence. Women, men, gender expansive folk, and children find home around the fire that burns at the Heart of our Shamanic Mystery School. Light cannot escape a black hole. The whole dissertation would not be appropriate but we will cover the 15 Main predictions that have subsequently been verified and confirmed. It is during the feeding stage that the jets appear. This departure is so dramatic that it has instigated a new era. If we say that stars are solar systems, why do we see the stars? He suggests that we should expect another superwave coming with a propability of 90% in the next 400 years. You can study online or in person through our many apprenticeship programs. In addition, it appears that whenever the solar system crosses the level of the galactic center (every 13000 years), coindidentially (?) His work is in "Science," vol. A review article, primarily for scientists: Trends, Rhythms and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to the Present (Ma is million years), by James Zachos, Mark Pagani, Lisa Sloan, Ellen Thomas and Katharina Billups, "Science" vol 292, p. 686, 27 April 2001. Since then, there has been an overall cooling trend, consistent with a continuation of the natural cycle, and this cooling would continue for thousands of years into the future if all else remained the same. He predicts that when it eventually becomes operational the Hubble Telescope will resolve the disks around these bright cores. In connection with this, he predicts that when active giant ellipticals are imaged with the Hubble Telescope, spiral arm dust lanes oriented edge-on will be detected. The total change in global annual insolation due to the eccentricity cycle is very small. This makes not sense whatsoever. NO ONE CAN CALCULATE ACCURATELY IF IT HAS CROSSED OR NOT. Why do we see Jupiter and Saturn in the night sky and what causes their visibility? Detecting a stars wobble is one way to find out if there are planets orbiting it. It is beyond my comprehension that the distances involved would allow any strength to appear at our distance from the center but I am certainly not an expert in these matters beyond a lay person. Scientists present at the meeting concurred with Dr. LaViolettes suggestion that the circular polarization indicated that cosmic ray electrons were travelling radially away from the Galactic center along straight-line trajectories. Modern star maps have the equinox entering Aquarius in about 600 years. These variations affect the distance between Earth and the Sun. This has historically been referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Stephanie has long worked in the realms of subtle energy. Our teachers as part of the Golden Chain of initiates, live the lineage . There are hundreds of different types of cycles in our world and in the universe. You might have to expand your thought a little. That some of the in fall of matter around the accretion disk makes it to the poles of the spinning body where it is ejected as a jet rather than making it to the event horizon. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Morphic fields (also known as morphogenetic fields) are a type of consciousness which shape and direct form, pattern and organization. This kind of motion of a gyroscope that is subjected to an external torque is called forced or torque-induced precession. It so happens that significant earthquakes disrupted the flow of rivers where entire civilizations had settled like the Minoan civilization on Crete in Greece and the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization in India all were disrupted at almost the same time. Larger tilt angles favor periods of deglaciation (the melting and retreat of glaciers and ice sheets). These spin-axis movements are called polar motion in scientific parlance. For instance, back in 1,500 B.C. What is that supposed to mean? No roughly 1000 years from now our decendents will be too worried about the world ending in 3012, because someone "interpreted" the mayan calendar to actually end in 3012, not 2012, to laugh at us. As the Earth's orbit changes, so too does the amount of sunlight that falls on different latitudes and in seasons. Axial precession makes seasonal contrasts more extreme in one hemisphere and less extreme in the other. A brown dwarf just misses that mark, it is heavier than a gas-giant planet but not quite massive enough to be a star. And Splatz, our sun covers a black hole. Third. Prediction No. Not only does Earths axis wobble, but Earths entire orbital ellipse also wobbles irregularly, primarily due to its interactions with Jupiter and Saturn. Not coincidentally, the Yugas, Watas and Ages line up, as shown below:Satya Yuga Qori Wata Golden AgeTreta Yuga Qolqe Wata Silver AgeDwapara Yuga Anka Wata Bronze AgeKali Yuga Awka Wata Iron Age. of North Carolina) found signatures of those cycles in the oxygen isotope content of deep-sea sediments, in full agreement with the Milankovich theory. This is when the Earths axis slowly wobbles causing the changing of the seasons. Small variations in how Earth moves around our Sun influence our climate over very long timespans, but they can't account for Earth's current period of rapid warming. According to the journal nature, as well as many others, there is evidence of crossing this plane 3 million years ago. Threed different scientific articles give different predictions: So, the question is, are we going to cross that galactic plane in 2012? Even then they noticed that the number of sunspots changed and might be connected to climate. From this position it could later either recover or adopt a reversed polarity. To fully grasp the phenomenon of Precession of the Equinoxes is a somewhat daunting task and is helped immeasurably by the use of illustrations and/or animations. During this Age, man has mastery and control of the illusion of space. This also influences earths climate by causing winters and summers to be warmer or colder depending on the amount of land surface being more or less exposed to the sun. The Earth and the very dimension we operate in are undergoing an enormous process of purification and upgrade. You have just proven to me that : A + 1 = a small IF the pancake fell of the roof. Specifically, he examined how variations in three types of Earth orbital movements affect how much solar radiation (known as insolation) reaches the top of Earths atmosphere as well as where the insolation reaches. There is a hoax going on, but it's not what some claim. From my point of view, the fact that the solar system rests at about 26000 light years from the center of the galaxy leads to another implication: Whenever a superwave with a 26000 years cycle reaches us, the solar system is always in the same position in relation with the center of the galaxy. Because the axis points in a. I researched a bit more the 26000 years periodic movement of the solar system and came accross an article discussing the theories of LAViolette, who as far as i know was the first to propose the SuperWave theory - that every 13000 years (when we cross the galactic equator?) In addition, she holds certifications in a variety of energy healing and psycho-spiritual modalities including Reiki master, certified Shamanic Breathwork facilitator, and voice dialogue coach. These have occurred routinely for at least as long as plate tectonics has been happening to leave a record in the iron rich rocks of the oceanic crust, with little to no disruption to life on earth. Take a seat and introduce yourself. The information was held in partnership with the morphic field of these living fields of intelligence. That's why the ages appear to move backwards through the ecliptic and the age of pisces is followed by the age of aquarius. This tilt, typically around 23 1/2 degrees can vary between 22 and 24 1/2 degrees. Glaciers leave an imprint on the landscape: they scratch and grind down rocks, and carry loads of gravel, at times even big boulders, from the mountains to the plains, leaving them far from their origins, wherever the ice finally melts. You see a little blip on a screen and they call it a galaxy with swirling arms and all. Precession refers to a change in the direction of the axis of a rotating object. That is why we refer to the effect as the precession of the equinox. Some are natural, such as the change of the seasons, annual animal migrations or the circadian rhythms that govern our sleep patterns. The Further Adventures of Paqo Piet: Episode 3, The Further Adventures of Paqo Piet: Episode 4, The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery School. So, for anybody to even start to explain something like galactic movements or gamma ray bursts or something like that, they start out wrong. The sun, as viewed from earth appears to be drifting backwards through the zodiac ecliptic at a rate of one degree every 72 years. But about 800,000 years ago, the cycle of Ice Ages lengthened to 100,000 years, matching Earths eccentricity cycle. Finally we now know that the solar system rests at about 26000 light years away from the center of the galaxy. Aphelion is the opposite, when the Earth spends more time during the year away from the sun, or in the case of the tilt and wobble cycles when the northern hemisphere land mass facing the sun is further from the sun, causing cooling. With some of those stars it is 1000 years ago. This website is produced by the Earth Science Communications Team at, Site Editor: But since 1750 however, the CO2 content of the atmosphere has deviated from the natural cycle. and tailing off 13,785 B.C., closely corresponds to the date encoded in zodiac star lore marking the arrival of a galactic superwave. Senior Producer: innerverse, Perihelion is when Earth spends more time in close proximity to the sun, or in the case of the tilt and wobble cycles when the northern hemisphere land mass facing the sun is closest to the sun, causing warming. In this grand cycle, humanity is raising in consciousness for 12,000 years and descending in consciousness during the other 12,000. Of purification and upgrade screen and they call it a galaxy with swirling arms and all sun! ( the melting and retreat of glaciers and ice sheets ) the natural cycle climate was... Called polar motion in scientific parlance it a galaxy with swirling arms all... 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