The oracle is another reason you want to upgrade quickly. So does the Valley of the Aesir. In the North they know no rest and no mercy, for the furious Vikings live to conquer. Also, once you have enough Aesirs to level 10 you can start working on the Lord of Ghosts achievement. Using lesser materials like epic/purple or rare/blue is a waste of materials and will only have to be replaced later with legendary/gold, so just wait until you can do all legendary/gold right away. Raise your kingdom and become a living legend! You can skip the espionage section for now unless you chose to be a spy. --Shamans, Shaman Gear and Hero Gear: Once you have your Baggi the Big and Inga the Wise upgraded fully, and the hero and shaman gear for town and knowledge upgrades all built, with runes and gems for them, you will want to start working on two other shamans. Your troop specific defense gems and runes, your troop specific health gems, and tourmaline for all troop defense. This is the problem , players say they have white wolf and how they got it, but others try and fail, because its based on assumption and not fact. Hitting invaders also helps to upgrade your hero to the next level. As the Jarl of your Town, you must be loyal to your warriors and the lands under your influence. --------------------------------Shamans-------------------------------. I feel this allows me to train plenty of troops at a time, especially since when I train troops I play number of warrior scrolls and just boost through them. I was interested in getting the achievement mainly to solve the apparent mystery surrounding it, but don't really have a current use for the bonuses so,having wasted a lot of things like energy and re-locations chasing dead ends, largely gave up when it was said you needed to kill ubers as well as the basic invaders. Same as Phase One, resources and boosts, but lets add hero energy and VIP points from clan battles to that list. Holmgang and Sieges are when we have all gotten ours. 1 0. If your clan has a member or two with strong spies save the mead hall for them though, as spies can not join onslaughts. Anything beyond that will be extra and up to you. Spies being last on the list are of course the hardest to unlock all of the tech for. What is signifigant is the troop specific ones towards the bottom of each category. Upgrading T8 warriors in the Valkyries Citadel requires soul Shards. Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold: increase your Influence and the Influence of your Clan Stronghold in various ways. Remember to join my discord for this giveaway: Jarl +1 GIVEAW. In all of that time since I've first started playing, I have grown, learned, met people, friended other clans and chiefs, grown my account to be almost maxed out, and grown my own clan to the point it is today. The checkpoints will start to include important things that you will need for further phases like obsidian and gold nuggets. Since it takes so long to get all of your Aesirs with soul shards, I'd also recommend doing a lot of if not all of your first secret knowledge category with gold. Most recently we merged with a great clan from another kingdom, and have gotten more fighters than ever before from featherweight to rock solid heavy weight fighters. Play a hero double, a Bastion of the Beast, a few hours of disguise if you don't want any enemies to see your gear, like if you're sieging during a clan battle for example, play a 3250% number of warriors in a march increase and send two marches of your strongest warriors to reinforce your clans stronghold, one with the hero and shaman, and another with just the hero. Vikings: War of Clans is a real-time strategy title which means you can only rely on your strategy skills while trying to get to the top. Some Aesirs can only be unlocked with soul shards. The gems you will want for your Royal Guard gear is the peridot for increased hero energy, the emerald for increased hero energy restoration, and amber for increased marching speed. This is the forum for speaking of your clans achievements and searching for new allies. And you should swap out the gear for doing things like building, or knowledge upgrades. Aside from all of the benefits of having an upper level palace, upgrading the oracle will allow you to do quicker knowledge upgrades. . ------------------------------------Troop Training--------------------------------. 2 0. Set up an 8 hour onslaught with just a hero against the place of power there(save your second hero and shaman to stay in the town), but don't send it. Reason being is to get your free stuff. Each subcategory has its own rules for earning points: If the Clan reaches the checkpoints in the Clans Battle only as a result of points earned for developing the Clan Stronghold, the Chief receives all the notifications and rewards. Killing enemy warriors: kill enemy warriors anywhere. We usually do a siege during the clan battle, which quickly gets us all 15 of our checkpoints. You should have a troop set for defense for your hero with as many defense stats as you can get. Most of these knowledges are not that signifigant of increases. Smaller clans are risky because they tend to fall apart. All troop defense(tourmaline), and whatever troop specific defense gem, troop specific health gem, and troop specific defense rune your troop type requires. A place for Jarls that enjoy the mobile game Vikings - War of Clans. Upper level troops take so long to train, that every training speed up you can get, whether it be from knowledge upgrades, achievements, hero/shaman gear, the Inga the Wise shaman, gems, runes, scrolls, in game bonuses, bonuses from winning CvC's and KvK events, the Bastion of the Beast town skin, and summoning the right Aesirs, will add up and greatly to reduce this time, saving you literally years, decades even, of boosts. It's important to note that the infirmary allows you to not only heal troops but to ressurect them for gold, and a single infirmary has no limit to the amount of troops sent for resurrection, only healing. To further prepare for troop training you will need one more hero outfit and one more shaman outfit, along with the gems and runes for it. The stats should be set to max out for all things defense related in regards to what kind of troop you are using. EDIT, you should only do this is you are trying to have as low as possible food consumption. But be warned, even gods can fall in this realm. After opening the Jarl tab in the profile window, you will see: Jarl's name Jarl's userpic and honorific Coordinates of the Jarl's Town Time since this Jarl last logged into the game Current and maximum number of Influence points For now though I will leave you with the ever important first step and a quick game tip. After everybody is ready, drop your shields by sending a single troop or spy to a nearby town that is unshielded, and wait. Ready to train troops quickly, lose them, train more, get soul shards, get fighting achievements and troop training achievements, and be an all around bad ass for still being a low influence player. We have guides in our regulations section for the secret achievements to help you through those, so you don't have to google every time you want to upgrade one. Cannonball get booted from Valley of the Aesir (stronghold area) 5 times for level one. Rewards for checkpoints (110). It took many days to cross a storm-l Jul 17, 2020, 11:23 07/17/20. Once you have the full Royal Guard outfit and all of the invaders tech unlocked, you will be as strong as you will ever be against invaders, and you will be ready to start working on other gear as quickly as is possible. The reason I will recommend starting with defense fighting is two fold. This along with all of the boosts you get will help you move through the town and knowledge upgrades quicker. He is the only one you can get charms for in the clan store. Your VIP level should be at least level 30 or higher. Also always be hitting whichever ghosts drop your troop specific offense and highest defense runes you can get until they're all maxed out at the gold level too. Play Now Learn More Check Out All Our Games MMORPGs, Strategy games, Casual puzzlers, Shooters, and more. Each troop type takes more of one kind of resource to train. The amount of resources depends on the League the Clan belongs to, and on the total number of points earned by the Clan in the Competition. Equipment crafting speed. Your Valkyries Citidale should be maxed for health and defense for your troop type up to tier 5 at least. Once your palace and town buildings are all up to level 26, your economy stats are as far as you can get them, your invader fighting stats are upgraded all the way, and your hero has a full outfit of legendary Royal Guard gear, congratulations. I'd not recommend this as a featherweight fighter. We'll worry about our Shamans later, they're not that important for phase one. 5 Lvl. I guess this is what good diplomacy has gotten us. Sieging is a relatively easy process. The libraries and universities these scholars founded are among Ytarria's greatest storehouses of knowledge. Ultimately you will want all of them, but you can find charts online which show all of the bonuses they provide, and you will want to prioritize the ones that provide defense and health stats first. Perhaps this will inspire you to go for melee but a lot of clans won't accept melee players because they have too many. What to do? You will be a lean and mean fighting machine if you can get all of these things done. Shout out to Robin for keeping up with the chart he made for it! All jarls who got points will share in the bounty, the top 5 getting bigger rewards. Hitting uber invaders and uber chiefs is a great way to extend your VIP status and keep it going, but it won't get you many VIP points. Focusing on maxing out these two tech trees will make getting everything else quicker once you get to it. They cant decide which ghost-Im assuming Moon Wolf makes sense-but whether the shaman used is a variable is still being looked at by our clan. After you figure out what that ratio is, slide your transformation bar all the way to maximum, and then adjust your time bar to fit that ratio, and that will be comparable to what you were doing before. Vikings achievements are a great way for Jarls to distinguish themselves and gain additional advantages. It's also how you get materials for building hero and shaman gear, and how you get gems. Vikings: War of Clans has been updated. At least the only reason that I do this is because I am banking . This tech tree will make you a lot bigger influence wise. The timer on the Boosts icon and in the Peace Shield category is not related to this bonus. Ask your konung clan for the imposter repute for 1 hour while you are still in your home kingdom(optional, this is for the troll achievement and won't negatively affect your fighting stats). What to do? You can read all the necessary information about the Clans Battle in the following ways: The Clans Battle takes place both in your home Kingdom and the opposing Clan's Kingdom. Don't bother with the lower levels. The right combination of hero gear, shamans, shaman gear, gems, and runes, combined with the knowledge speed increases provided by upgrading your oracle, and the building speed increases provided by upgrading your economy stats in the oracle, can dramatically reduce these times. There was only one tier of specialty fighting equipment, and even after they added the second tier of specialty equipment you couldn't upgrade it for quite a while. You only really need to do this if you are banking food. Let's start with Baggi. The Jarl changed their home Kingdom using the Drakkar item and joined a Clan during the Competition. Popular consensus has it, and I can confirm, that if you apply your champions stats in helheim in the following ratio, you will get the furthest. I will break this one up in to 4 categories. I'd not recommend going for the invader gear. They also can not participate in onslaughts. 2 Lvl. Once you start upgrading a certain troop type in the Valkyries Citidale all of the others become more expensive. 17 Lvl. You could get charms for Baggi the Big in the clan store already, so he was always rather easy to upgrade, but there has previously not been a quick way to upgrade the Inga, and now there is. If your clan mates don't want to drop shields to join this onslaught let them know they can reinforce your mead hall instead. 8 Lvl. In this case, the youngest Clan or the Clan that has the least Influence will be dropped from the Competition. Only influence added counts for the achievement. ------------------------Knowledge Upgrades------------------------------. The account of historical figure, Bragi, a 9th century Viking poet, tells of his discovery of a troll woman deep down in the forest. The gear for this should be your troop specific, upgradable, legendary fighting gear. That being said, when it comes to deciding how many of what kind of resource buildings to build, you will want to build an extra building of that resource type. Was going to do Phase 5, but then they released a huge update and a new achievement and I decided I needed a little time off to go through all of that information, and see where it might fit in to all of the other phases. There was no Jotunheim, no Helheim, no Holmgang, and no KvK Towers of Fury. We are a no drama clan that supports the small players as well as welcomes the big ones. For the smaller developing players the seasonal store is a great new way to get all sorts of things. The beginning steps of building your foundation will not make you a good fighter right away, but they will set the foundation that will make everything you do from there quicker and easier to build off of. Found the internet! There are three types of hero gear. I have white wolf, yet never killed a snowking, so that is not it. The number of rings per level is 5,10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 30, 70, 220, 650. You get White Wolf by killing 16 different types of Invaders/Ghosts including Ubers. The standard gear is a quick way to get started, especially the victors bracelets for building and the falcon figurine for knowledges. I happen to be cavalry, and wanted to work on my defense first, so the defense category worked best for me. This should be your standard hero set, and should be the one you're working on already. Get as far as you can with that one too. And once you start on a second one the third and final one gets very very expensive and time consuming. It will only bloat my influence and give me nothing in return. Our stronghold will provide you with plenty of fighting bonuses making you stronger without bloating your influence. Again, the hero one is upgradable but the shaman one is not. ------------------------------Buildings and Knowledge Upgrades------------------------------------. You will also want to get gems for this equipment. The secret attack knowledge has melee offense and defense, and killer offense and defense. The number of rings per level is 5,10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 30, 70, 220, 650. One Viking is worth a hundred warriors, yet even such mighty heroes need allies. Upgrade them as often as you can and keep your VIP status active. ---------------------------------What to do with soul shards------------------------------. -----------------------------Let's start fighting------------------------------------. The secret fortress knowledge has siege offense and defense, and scout offense and defense. Rewards in the Clans Battle are divided into the following types: Read more about personal achievements in the Global Competitions subsection. I will break this up in to 3 categories. I will soon add a list of ghosts and runes they drop. We should all be able to have fun here. You will need to start working on 2 more outfits. Move to Jotunheim. This was one of the mistakes I made early on in the game. A lot greater. 27 febrero, 2023 . Every once in a while there is a contest called a ghost hunt. So, even if you're a melee player and want to work on your defense stats, it's better to go for the secret attack knowledge first because the melee defense in that is greater than the entire secret defense knowledge combined. Battles in the Clan Stronghold: kill enemy warriors and troops led by jtunns in the Clan Stronghold. Read more about this in the "Kingdoms Battle. The minimum amount of these resources for your League is displayed in the window that shows information about the Competition. You will want to use your soul shards on these first and foremost as their bonuses are greater than what you can get from the secret knowledge in your oracle. Many people make mistakes on the special knowledge, and we will get to that in our next phase, but for now, don't make the same mistakes others make, just wait on this one. -----------------------------Town---------------------------. , , : , , " ", " ". Once you get to be 350, 400 billion influence, people will be very reluctant to attack you with full strength, and it will become harder to lose those troops and get that achievement. Uber invaders drop coal, and you can get coal in bank offers if you plan on spending money. I got lucky. . Spies are the rarest but they have a downfall. It provides no relevant bonuses for me. Hope to see you around, and Cagon is always recruiting. Every one of these you get and upgrade will provide permenent bonuses. And two, most importantly, it will give you a 20% troop training speed increase, as well as 20% offense increase against T5's, T6's, and T7's. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www.y. Nick Ierfino. It may seem a waste, but you will have to train millions of T7's, and dismiss them. Plus the Oracle will bring you to new heights regarding knowledge upgrade speeds, so if you get your Palace and then Oracle to level 40 as quickly as possible, not only will you have a lot of extra fighting bonuses, be training more troops, have bigger marches, have bigger mead halls, etc, but when you go back to start doing the knowledges they'll be faster for you, which I consider the utmost importance. All our Games MMORPGs, Strategy Games, Casual puzzlers, Shooters, and dismiss them holmgang, killer. Clan during the Competition to this bonus, 11:23 07/17/20 Clan battles to that.! Else quicker once you start upgrading a certain troop type up to tier 5 at least the one. Be loyal to your warriors and the falcon figurine for knowledges loyal your. 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