You should then intensify your search for him. I wish this was something I could just wish away. During this period please avoid any form of distraction. There are other forms of demonic locks and coordinated attacks that can produce spiritual delays and even denials, different from curses and witchcraft manipulations. She even said it herself that all of her ennemies always end up dying that why people should not really dare her. Prayers to overcome evil spirit of delayed marriage 1. This may describe your current situation or circumstances. 20. Thank you for your answer. while He makes preparations for a heavenly appointment. Confess and Meditate: Matthew 18:18, Jeremiah 29:12, Isaiah 65:24. BUT it is also important to remember that JESUS himself gave us power to walk over snakes and scorpions. It could even feel overwhelming and demoralizing for their faith. Definitely, the forces of delay and denial was at work through Laban against Jacob. God may have planned a delay in your life while He makes preparations for a heavenly appointment. (LogOut/ 7. As a church, we believe in Jesus and the power of God's word. i need my partner to receive Jesus as his Lord and savior before our marriage. Join my exclusive mentorship program - The Irresistible Woman! On the contrary, we know that God is the One who fills us with joy. Father please fill me with the Holy Spirit and Power. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. please sir, how do i go about it You must launch into this battle with faith. I feel its the normal thing to do. WE ARE DESTROYING YOUR VERY WORKS: THE SPIRITS OF HATE, BITTERNESS AND MURDER, SPIRITS OF ENVY AND JEALOUSY, SPIRITS OF WIZARDRY, SORCERY AND ALL YOUR CO-SPIRITS, YOUR WORKS, YOUR POWERS, YOUR INFLUENCES ARE DESTROYED IN THE NAME OF JESUS! But its not. I forsake any personal sin that has given ground to the enemy, in the name of Jesus. Lord, restore me to the perfect way in which you created me if i have been altered. I reclaim all the ground I have lost to the enemy, in the name of Jesus name. PRAY THAT GOD SHULD GIVE ME A BETTER JOB AND PARALIZE EVERY POWER OF HOUSEHOLD ENEMY IN MY LIFE.PLSS JOIN HAND TOGETHER N PRAY FOR ME BC AM DYING PLS.THKS Thank you. Thank you sooooooo much man of God this was very helpful and touching. Some common spiritual reasons for delayed marriage include being caged by the power of self-marriage, being married to a spirit spouse, and the power of marital Deliverance of the Mind:Powerful Prayers to Deal With Mind Control, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Other Negative Emotions | Gain Clarity & Peace of Mind & Manifest the Blessings of God, 3. God has a man for every woman and if you feel that you have lost Gods perfect will for your life, do not forget that for every Vashti there is an Esther. So in a way, we use the term delay is not denial to encourage ourselves. God is waiting for you to fight it out with your enemy. A third reason for delayed marriage could be the power of marital delay. Marriage is still a highly valued institution nationally. Spirit of delay is the worst thing you can do while Satan is robbing you is to stop praying, donating, and spending time in God's presence. (LogOut/ 4. Prayer points should include breaking covenants, curses, and spells linking you to the spirit spouse, and destroying every dedication and foundation created for you with the spirit wife or husband. Change). I always like to stick around and support my wife during her times of Great faith (You know what I mean). The point Im trying to make is that no matter how you try, you cant change a divine process that God has instituted. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In productive patience or divine delays, there are obvious processes of growth and development that youre going through. Today we are going to be engaging in 50 Night prayers against marital delay. BRING THESE SOULS OUT OF DARKNESS; SAVE THESE SOULS SO THAT YOU MAY HAVE THE GLORY. Wear an amber gemstone. The Bible encourages us to develop virtues of creativity, love, and sound mind. My bones of bones, appear now Yes, absolutely free. Its time to pray and deal with this habitual sin. He sweetly convicts us and our husbands of sin so we can confess and find freedom. I have seen Christian homes torn apart by alcohol and drug abuse. I need prayers to restore my marriage. Watch for an end to their suffering. You fast from 6am to 6pm daily. Discover the spiritual reasons behind your delayed marriage and learn effective solutions that work. OPEN THEIR HEARTS SO THAT THEY CAN HEAR YOUR VOICE. Praise our savior, my parents who have been seperated for 21 year, have starting talking again, and making plans for the whole family, it is like for the first time they are able to communicate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts, prayers and prophetic declarations sent to you by email. So let me just challenge and encourage you today. Evil hands laid on you can also produce the effects of witchcraft in your life. This will help in finding a Lord, expose all the schemes and plans of satan ever devise against me through any source and any time. My stolen wedding ring/gown, where are you, appear Our God cannot lie when He speaks it is done. 5) Alcohol and drug abuse will damage your marriage. He is everything I always wish in a man, he cares, he is patient, respect me, loves me, and most of all he put Christ first in his life. If Venus is sandwiched between malefic planet like Sun and Saturn, it delays marriage, because they infused their malefic effect on Venus. Yes, I do love him, but he has to grow and become an adult, then learn to drive before I can allow him to drive. WebLateness in marriage can come as a result of collective captivity,manipulations of household wickedness, spirit husband/wife andother "In His time God makes all things beautiful"(Ecclesiastes 3:11). This may be caused by spiritual padlocks, witchcraft powers, etc. Thank you for your spiritual guidance. It is important to remember that every individuals situation is unique, and it is important to seek guidance from God and trusted spiritual leaders in your journey towards marriage. 9. Learn more and sign up: - 5 Star Reviews!With over 500 You will need the exact time of birth. Have a news tip to share? The forces of delay and denial can so work against a person that he will be helpless even in the midst of plenty opportunities flying around him. But be aware that there are so many messages coming in, requesting prayers. What should I do if I discover Im a victim of curses? Lateness in marriage can come because of collective captivity and spiritual manipulations of sorts. Father I terminate the force that Cause Lateness in Marriage, Confess and Meditate: Proverbs 18:22, Genesis 2:24, Genesis 2:18. Father I break the Cycle of delayed Marriage in Jesus name. Lord, expose all the schemes and plans of satan ever devise against me through any source and any time. Sun is the enemy of Venus and if Venus in the sign of Leo, it can delay in marriage. The prayer point should include destroying every mystery of darkness of the power of marital delay, and destroying the foundation of marital delay. I crush to death all demons causing barrenes upon her life. All these questions were answered in my book, Prayers That Break Curses. Honest repentance and renouncement of these acts is the way to break free from the problems theyve created. When you're too young or immature: Enjoy your adolescence, and delay marriage until you're older and more mature. Enter your email address and name below to be the first to know. I came accros this website ( no the Holy spiriy guided me toward this website) and I started praying little by little, at first I was like well lets try, but I was thinking that God will not answer anyway because we have, been going to the same prayers for the last 30 years and nothing have changed in our life. After some days, our fire can change to cool coals because there is nothing to keep it burn. I BELIEVE IN PRAYER, I would really like to get married this year Ive bn praying for this to happen. Father I thank you for peaceful wedding. I desire for him to be my husband. The types of attacks that Paul and Daniel had were not curses or witchcraft manipulations. Who wan die?This spirit has kept many ladies single, by the time any brother gets close because of her beautiful MASCARA, her CHARACTER will chase him away.Aunty, this year, work on your character, your date will be fixed this year in Jesus Name.7. Release all wrongdoing and begin really seeking God. Because you are Jesus Christ?Aunty, If you love the brother and you perceive he is Gods will for you, accept the proposal and leave Matter for Matthias.4. Gretchen Whitmer, the current governor of Michigan, has made waves in both the political and financial worlds. 10. But somehow, they cant get rid of me because they know they cant do much without me.. Marriage was in His ultimate agenda and plan for my sisters. My mother is her first daughter, and she offer her , her husband and her children to fetiches so she can have wealth and power. Hows that? You could feel the frustration and obvious sense of something is wrong somewhere. Youre a Christian but theres this sin you cant just let go. I know a minister of the Gospel who labored in a Church for 20 years plus. YES you have the power to end your situation whatever it is. 7. If youve been at the same spot for a very long time, thats not God. First of all we started to see, everytime someone is wrong in my grandmother house, she will fastly give us some money, and little after that our family will be in trouble and her side will be at peace. SATAN, I SILENCE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS, BINDING ALL YOUR INTERFERENCE. Thats excellent. Things are about to turn in your favour. You will know it when it is done. Before it happens, he is aware of the result. This leads to loss of faith and many questions in the hearts of the victims. It is the perfect will of God for a man or woman who desires to be married to be married to First and foremost, it is important to repent and follow Jesus. Rejection and disappointment in relationship. It is recommended to pray for 4 hours during this time. Recite the Chaupai of Sant Tulsidas 108 times every day. Powerful Prayers Sent to Your Inbox Every Monday, Enable registration in settings - general, Delay and Stagnation: Prayers to Deal With Satanic Delays, Stagnation and Denial, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). During your fasting, you must observe pray at the following hours, 6am, 9am, 12pm , 3pm and 6pm. The truth is that there are many people suffering one form of delay or the other today because of witchcraft manipulations against them. He only wants things in your life that will help him advance his work and carry out his plan because he loves you so much. Delay is a tool the devil uses to damage, discourage, and divert. However, it is important to remember that there could be spiritual reasons for this delay and that there are solutions that can help. May these prayers be embarked by the spirit of God to set us free for our Godly manifestation in Jesus name. He is also the founder of Breakthrough Prayers Foundation, an online portal leading people all over the world to encounter God and change their lives through prayer. He has had 2 failed marriages and I feel that God is redeeming him through our relationship by giving him a woman who is totally different from his exes. In this article, we take a closer look at Hayley Leblanc net worth, how she made her fortune, and what the future holds for this rising star. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Praise the Lord. Also, she will turn my brothers into each other, or wish my eldest death. I was in a customery marriage with the father of my 1st child but he was not born again so things didnt go well. Father I terminate activities of spirit husband in my life. This is a common issue known by many. The devil so worked against this man that people hated him even in his helpless state. As you are led by the Holy Spirit. Are they awaiting a resolution to their problem? With the rise of technology and the fast-paced nature of modern life, it's becoming increasingly important to take care of our mental health. You really tell it like it is!!! If a person receives Jesus Christ for reasons other than his/her love for Christ and God and The Word of God, then he/she is not receiving in truth and God will know his/her heart. my reply to you is: GOD is listening saying that he is not listening is a lack of faith and it us, putting a limit to what our GOD is capable of. It was already fixed over 6 months ago. Father I repent of any sins of Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, envy, Jealousy, unbelief, fornication etc. God might have something else in mind. He never comes late. Father please cleanse my spirit soul and body by the blood of Jesus. 8. Are you currently going through some experiences you believe are a manifestation of the powers of delay and denial? Your spirit is always convicting you of it, but you just cant get over it. Daniel chapter 10 gives a very clear picture of the invisible struggle between the forces of good and evil. WebIn the first chapter, we described the overall merits, excellence and benefits of marriage, and now by the grace of Almighty Allah we will consider the merits of marriage at the beginning of youth and demerits and losses of its delay. Although delays do not frequently occur in the lives of most Christians, they can. 00 iRate This Last week, we talked about this and provided prayers against witchcraft. Click here to listen to PRAYER AGAINST DELAY IN MARRIAGE - Pastor Rufus, Click here to listen to Daily Faith Confession against Delayed Marriage- Series 4, Delayed Marriage and Lateness in Marriage Prayers, Day 8 20: Prayer to connect and manifest your godly ordained Husband, monthly online Breakthrough prayers for the single ladies. To keep a long story short she was the one causing every trouble in our house. I feel like God has blessed him with me, a godly woman and a good woman, but he keeps rejecting me and Gods blessing over him. 1. Prophetic Declaration and Breakthrough Prayers for 2018: Pursue, Overtake, Recover All: How God Speaks to You: An ABC Guide to Hearing the Voice of God, How to Activate the Gift of Discernment | Prayers to Command the Month of April, How to Hear the Voice of God | Prayers to Command the Month of March, Its Time to Move on: Prayers to Command the Month of February, 7 Urgent New Year Prayers to Open the Gate of 2022, Genuine repentance and honest renunciation of habitual sin, Get someone to pray a prayer of agreement with you for a few days. Something that was to take 7 years eventually took 14 years. Unfortunately, this was not Gods will for their lives. If it has a relationship with Saturn, it is a combination leading to late marriage. Aunty, this year, work on your character, your date will be fixed this year in Jesus Name. He had that witness in his heart, but Satan raised several oppositions and blocked him, and not even once. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Father forgive all her sins which she committed against you. What should I do? Wait a minute. Let God arise for mysake. They end up losing the blessing. Do not worry. What Are The Negative Aspects Of The Spirit Of Delay? i read earlier about i want you to prosper even as your soul prospers ?i remember the first time jesus said today you will cast out a deamon , there was a new age happening conference , so i went , that day a spell was cast at me i turned and seen a woman whom did it, i spoke in name of jesus ,cast it out : and nothing happened i went back to church asked why , pastor said it did happen but often the person wants it , but by jesus name it has to come out , i knew something happened , and still know in spirit it did , 15 yrs ago , , another time i bought a house by faith after being there 12 mths we got so tereriosed by town because of jesus faith i decided to sell house , i made a sign put out the front , came in jesus said its not your house to sell ,? MAKE A DONATION:This ministry is a good ground, and your seeds will bring you breakthroughs. With so many options available, it can be challenging to know where to start. Solutions for these issues include fasting and prayer, specifically targeting the covenants, curses, and foundations that are causing the delay. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. God knows how to promote you out of season. Your miracle, breakthrough, and due season will all occur. Pls help me with prayers. The battle against marital delay is one that requires that you fight with all your might. God may be using the spirit of delay to prevent anything horrible from happening to you. I am of marriageable age and no man is asking me out. Many times, he has cried for it, but I cant allow him. Delayed Marriage or Lateness in Marriage is a challenging situation faced by both believers and unbelievers alike. Marriage delay is a major difficulty most ladies pray against around the world. Marital delay is a circumstance in which a sister of a marriageable age is unable to find a compatible husband. 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