H. Defendant shall continue all efforts in progress to obtain or maintain all permits necessary for operating their electricity generating capacity. The APPA requires that any proposal for a The Final Judgment may be entered at this time without further hearing if the Court determines that entry is in the public interest. What Is a Petition for Writ of Administrative Mandate. B. B. Enova shall require, as a condition of the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets, or of a lesser business unit that includes Enova's business of intrastate transmission and retail distribution and sale of natural gas, that the transferee agree to be bound by the provisions of this Final Judgment. At the time of such approval, the settlement between the parties is final. G. The terms "Enova" and "Defendant" mean Enova Corporation, a California corporation headquartered in San Diego, California, and includes its successors and assigns, and its parents, subsidiaries, directors, officers, managers, agents, and employees acting for or on behalf of any of them. by Integrale Investments Llc, Fawcett Memorial Hospital, Before entering the proposed Final Judgment, the Court is to determine whether the Judgment "is in the public interest." Washington, DC 20036, Final Judgments + Proposed Final Judgments, This document is available in two formats: this web page (for browsing content) and. G. If the trustee has not accomplished the divestiture required by Section IV of this Final Judgment within six months after the appointment of the trustee becomes effective, the trustee shall promptly file with the Court a report setting forth (1) the trustee's efforts to accomplish the required divestiture, (2) the reasons, in the trustee's judgment, why the required divestiture has not been accomplished, and (3) the trustee's recommendations; provided, however, that to the extent such reports contain information that the trustee deems confidential, such reports shall not be filed in the public docket of the Court. The forms provide a certificate of There, the Florida Supreme Court . when new changes related to " are available. "Operates" includes full operational and pricing control over all such facilities and total authority to determine whether and how much capacity is available in the intrastate pipeline, whether curtailment of transmission service is required on any part of that system, whose service is curtailed, and the prices to be charged. The Stipulation and proposed Final Judgment also require Enova to ensure that until the divestiture mandated by the proposed Final Judgment has been accomplished, the management of any electricity generating facilities will be kept separate and apart from the management of Enova's other businesses. The Court shall thereafter enter such orders as it shall deem appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this Final Judgment, which shall, if necessary, include extending the term of the trustee's appointment by a period requested by the United States. Many attorneys routinely file motions for rehearing directed toward non-final orders, believing they must do so within the 15 days set forth in Rule 1.530 and sometimes also believing that filing this motion for rehearing tolls the time to appeal. The APPA requires a sixty-day period for the submission of public comments on the proposed Final Judgment. The notice shall set forth the details of the proposed transaction and list the name, address, and telephone number of each person not previously identified who offered to, or expressed an interest in or a desire to, acquire any ownership interest in the assets that are the subject of the binding contract, together with full details of same. 2. Hoffman, Matthew P, Entry of this Final Judgment is in the public interest. The procedures of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ("APPA"), 15 U.S.C. Such reports shall include the name, address and telephone number of each person who, during the preceding month, made an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring, entered into negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an inquiry about acquiring, any interest in the Divestiture Assets, and shall describe in detail each contact with any such person during that period. E. "Control" means to have the ability to set the level of output of an electricity generation facility. FINAL CONSENT JUDGEMENT Plaintiffs, the United States of America and the State of Florida, having filed their Verified Complaint on May 5, 1994, and Plaintiffs and Morton Plant Health System, Inc. and Trustees of Mease Hospital, Inc., by their respective attorneys, having consented to the entry of this Final Consent Judgment without trial or adjudication of any issue of fact or law, and . The Complaint alleges that Pacific is a California gas utility company and Enova is a California electric utility company, and that this transaction would give the combined company ("PE/Enova") both the incentive and the ability to lessen competition in the market for electricity in California. We noticed that you're using an AdBlocker, MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT - (JOINT MOTION). If the Landlord is seeking a Default Final judgment - Damages (Residential Eviction), a copy of the motion and affidavit must be served on the Defendant. Except as provided in Section VI, these divestitures shall occur through the Auction Procedures and shall be subject to necessary approvals by the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") and other governmental authorities. The defendant files a motion for summary judgment seeking dismissal of the claims for negligence and breach . Such prior approval shall be within the sole discretion of the United States. A disposition is considered to be final if there has been a decision upon a cognizable claim for relief, and if it is "an ultimate disposition of an individual claim entered in the course of a multiple claims action." Id at 6-7. by WALKER, STEPHEN We will email you For the reasons set forth in this Motion, in the CIS, and Plaintiff's Response, the Court should find that the proposed Final Judgment is in the public interest and should enter the proposed Final Judgment without further hearings. FORM 1.998. Cogeneration facilities--Defendant may own, operate, or control any cogeneration or renewable generation facilities in California. 73 West Flagler Street, Room 138. The United States shall take all necessary steps to keep the information received pursuant to this section confidential. We will email you The following packets, must contain 2 Notice of Social Security forms - one for each party, - Packet D. FL Statute: 12.902 (j) Evident partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator; 2. R. Civ. I. A summary judgment disposes of the entire case. 16(b). Track Judges New Case, Integrale Investments Llc "On motion and upon such terms as are just, the court may relieve a party or a party's legal representative from a final judgment, decree, order or proceeding for the following reasons: (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect" Establishing the Required Elements for Relief from Default in Florida Defendant . Miami, Florida 33130. WHEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and Order, the Plaintiff demands entry of a Final Judgment against Thomas Ritzmann and Cindy Aylsworth, Joint and severely in the amount of $846,216.25, plus interest, attorney's fees and costs. The Competitive Impact Statement explains the basis for the Complaint and the reasons why entry of the proposed Final Judgment would be in the public interest. Kiley, Timothy, Within fifteen calendar days of receipt by Plaintiff of such notice, Plaintiff may request from Defendant, the proposed purchaser, any other third party, or the trustee, if applicable, additional information concerning the proposed divestiture and the proposed purchaser. On June 24, 2008 a breach of contract case was filed Subject to a customary confidentiality agreement, the trustee and any consultants, accountants, attorneys, and other persons retained by the trustee shall have full and complete access to the personnel, books, records, and facilities related to the Divestiture Assets, and Defendant shall develop such financial or other information relevant to the Divestiture Assets to be divested customarily provided in a due diligence process as the trustee may reasonably request. Enova may structure its requests for bids to require reasonable easements, licenses, and other arrangements for the continued operation of Common Facilities by Enova. Within two business days following execution of a definitive agreement, contingent upon compliance with the terms of this Final Judgment, to effect, in whole or in part, any proposed divestiture pursuant to Sections IV or VI of this Final Judgment, Defendant or the trustee, whichever is then responsible for effecting the divestiture, shall notify Plaintiff of the proposed divestiture. In its CIS previously filed with the Court on June 8, 1998, the United States has explained the meaning and proper application of the public interest standard under the APPA and incorporates those statements here by reference. Absent written notice that the United States does not object to the proposed purchaser or upon objection by the United States, a divestiture proposed under Section IV or Section VI shall not be consummated. The Affidavit in Support of Motion for Default Judgment should be submitted as an attachment. The trustee shall have the power and authority to accomplish the divestiture at the best price then obtainable upon a reasonable effort by the trustee, subject to the provisions of Sections VI and VII of this Final Judgment, and shall have such other powers as the Court shall deem appropriate. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, STATE OF FLORIDA by and through its Attorney General Robert A. Butterworth, and. fair, adequate, and reasonable. A. The most common reason a judgment would be void is if the defendant was not properly served. Defendant shall not finance all or any part of any divestiture made pursuant to Sections IV or VI of this Final Judgment. Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. (a) A judgment lien is acquired by filing a judgment lien certificate in accordance with s. 55.203 with the Department of State after the judgment has become final and if the time to move for rehearing has lapsed, no motion for rehearing is pending, and no stay of the judgment or its enforcement is then in effect. Miami-Dade County Courthouse. Defendant shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the Divestiture Assets will be maintained and operated as an ongoing, economically viable and active competitor in the provision of electricity; and that, except as necessary to comply with Sections X (B) to X (K) of this Final Judgment, the management of any electricity generating facilities shall be kept separate and apart from the management of Defendant's other businesses and will not be influenced by Defendant, and the books, records, and competitively sensitive sales, marketing and pricing information associated with electricity generating facilities will be kept separate and apart from that of Defendant's other businesses. D. Certain Conditions on the Auction Procedures. MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT - (JOINT MOTION) February 13, 2017. D. Defendant shall preserve all records of all efforts made to preserve and divest the Divestiture Assets. A. in the jurisdiction of Hillsborough County. 4. Any such objections by Defendant must be conveyed in writing to Plaintiff and the trustee no later than ten calendar days after the trustee has provided the notice required under Section VII of this Final Judgment. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. 305-275-1155. In a judicial partition, the property of co-owners is partitioned by the courts based on the evidence produced by the parties. (See instructions on the reverse of the form.) Defendant shall use all reasonable efforts to maintain and increase sales of electricity by the Divestiture Assets, and Defendant shall use reasonable efforts to maintain and increase promotional, advertising, sales, marketing, and merchandising support for wholesale electricity sold in California. You can always see your envelopes (b) Property Recovery. Due process requires strict compliance with any agreement that permits the entry of an ex parte judgment. Summary judgment is a stage in many Florida personal injury cases in which one or both parties ask the judge to rule in their favor prior to trial. Farfante, Darren. ____________________________ United States District Judge. United States' Certificate of Compliance with the Provisions of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ("the Certificate of Compliance"), setting forth the steps taken by the parties to comply with all applicable provisions of the APPA and certifying that the statutory waiting period has expired, has been filed simultaneously with this Motion. The Competitive Impact Statement ("CIS") filed in this matter on June 8, 1998, explains why entry of the proposed Final Judgment would be in the public interest. You will lose the information in your envelope. Each such affidavit shall also include a description of the efforts that Defendant has taken to solicit a buyer for the Divestiture Assets and to provide required information to prospective purchasers, including the limitations, if any, on such information. The court reserves jurisdiction to consider a timely motion to tax costs and attorney's fees." Provided, however, a proposed divestiture pursuant to the Auction Procedures approved by the United States under Section IV(D)(3) of this Final Judgment shall be deemed acceptable to the United States under this section. One of the most common challenges to a default judgment in Florida is a challenge to the jurisdiction of the court over your person because of lack of personal jurisdiction or defective service of process. Defendant shall deliver to Plaintiff an affidavit describing any changes to the efforts and actions outlined in Defendant's earlier affidavits filed pursuant to this section within thirty calendar days after the change is implemented. Record your final money judgment with the Secretary of State after the time to move for rehearing has lapsed, if no motion for rehearing is pending, and if no stay of the judgment or its enforcement is in effect. Each such affidavit shall include, inter alia, the name, address, and telephone number of each person who, at any time after the period covered by the last such report, made an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring, entered into negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an inquiry about acquiring, any interest in the Divestiture Assets, and shall describe in detail each contact with any such person during that period. A judgment is the official decision made by the court at the end of a lawsuit, criminal trial, or other legal proceeding.In certain cases, a party to the proceeding may make a "motion for judgment, requesting that the court make a decision. The United States shall have thirty days from the date it receives a copy of a bid to notify Enova that the potential bid is unacceptable with respect to any of the Divestiture Assets specified in the bid; provided, however, the United States may extend the thirty-day review period for any such bid for one additional thirty-day period by providing written notice to Enova; provided further, in all cases the period for review of potential bids by the United States shall expire no later than the earlier of five days prior to the date set by the CPUC for submission of the proposed winning bid by Enova or the thirty-day period (with one possible thirty-day extension) described above. B. The Final Judgment may be entered at this time without further hearing, if the court determines that entry is in the public interest. D Access during office hours of Defendant to inspect and copy all books, ledgers, accounts, correspondence, memoranda, and other records and documents in the possession or under the control of Defendant, who may have counsel present, relating to enforcement of this Final Judgment; and. Pursuant to Section 2(b) of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ("APPA"), 15 U.S.C.A. Review the text and proceed, if correct. We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. In the event that Defendant has not divested all of the Divestiture Assets within the time specified in Section IV of this Final Judgment, the Court shall appoint, on application of the United States, a trustee selected by the United States to effect the divestiture of the assets. The judge who presided over the trial makes his or her rulings and completes the case with this motion which is always called a final decree or final decision. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 862-1014, U.S. and Plaintiff States v. Browning-Ferris Industries, This document is available in two formats: this web page (for browsing content), and. Until the divestiture required by the Final Judgment has been accomplished: A. The California Auction Procedures shall be deemed to satisfy this requirement. For a defendant, a final summary judgment should have language that reads something like the following: "The motion for summary judgment is granted. Any part of any divestiture made pursuant to Sections IV or motion for entry of final judgment florida of this Final Judgment of of. An attachment was not properly served without further hearing, if the Defendant was properly! Courts based on the top right hand corner shall continue all efforts made to preserve divest... 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