You can be so rich you can actually spawn global trade with this setup. The CB is more a nice bonnus (also this policy with 10% moral and the one with moral and siege are among the best millitary policy). Do the estate interactions. Quality is sort of meh - at this point I only take it late game when I have nothing better to take. Defensive compliments Russia better then any other country - lots of land for attrition to take a toll on enemies, cheaper forts to protect said land, and morale boost is nice for your limitless manpower. Early siege ability and FL boost is great and 115% discipline is op. This ensures you dont incur too much AE in Asia or Europe. Looks like a pretty sound bunch of ideas, I guess if you want to get Alaska up and happening you'll need explo at some point, but last time I tried that, it was quite annoying as it was just really slow - I'm keen to try a early capital move to the new world and use siberian frontier over there run though. As Russia you can just go Trade + Quantity + Religious and have +30% goods produced on top of great trade goods and a trade flow you can control 100%, making spawning global trade in Novgorod a breeze. After expanding into Eastern Europe, Tartary and the Near East for over five centuries, Russia will have its rule . Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their military stat by 3. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. I'd probably do religious-quality-economic-trade. U dont need quantity as Russia coz it's stack terrible with ortho and other manpower modifiers. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The last is for any other country with Prussian, Saxon or Pomeranian culture, representing another German country taking the path that Brandenburg did historically. All rights reserved. The order in which you declare wars will depend on who your enemy is allied to. as your first 3 institution devs in that order. Plus it's another manpower boost. Same goes for other Hordes you will be fighting in the first 50 years or so. It also doesn't offer any good policies with other idea groups one would pick as Russia. If you cant ally Ottoman, you need a big European power as an ally early on. Prussia is one of the formable countries in Europe and can be formed by Brandenburg, the Teutonic Order, or any country with Prussian, Saxon, or Pomeranian culture (besides end-game tags such as Germany and a unified, centralised Holy Roman Empire). Keep the center of trades for yourself though. Where's Quantity? Completing missions as Russian minors allows you to change culture (or to keep yours) after conquering most of Ruthenia. As soon as you declare, take the mission. Byzantium is the Roman Empire. Take some money if you can. Deus Vult CB is the best till you get Imperialism CB. RM all vassals. After you get Siberia frontiers and more of nobgorod trade node trade really come in handy to solve all problems with money Russia normally have. You can gain very easy absolutism by doing harsh treatment on your rebels from now on. One of the Indian nations are also great to accelerate your conquests in India. Give Perm the Uralic provinces, take the gold mine, Penza for the mission, and humiliate them for the PP and age bonus. Icon of St. John Climacus for spreading and embracing Institutions. Religious, since at this point you'll likely be expanding into mostly Sunni or Catholic land and deus vult keeps you moving. If you want to colonize all of Asia and don't conquer China and the hordes, exploration would be better. The dude is only making one admin mana at the moment. This was even nerfed, the Ghazi idea used to give +50% recovery speed. This gives +10% Discipline and money to pay for the army, which helps fight the PLC and Ottomans. A huge income boost. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Now that you have a foothold in Scandinavia, you can get more land from Denmark. Make sure to make econ as well for the bonkers good production efficiency. Automatic inflation reduction, bonus advisors, production bonuses, mainetance discounts, building discounts. I am planning on doing a Russia playthrough. Try taking the weaker nations of Khorasan, Ajam, Qara or whoever is still standing before Ottomans get to them. I really like defensive and trade as Russia. Valve Corporation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Offensive next, since Muscovy/Russia's military lacks some punch in the national ideas. The bonus from orthodox is linked to religion of your provinces (+33% manpower and -3 unrest on orthodox provinces) and you must convert suni land. Very good guide, Medicles. Once a united Russia unlocks its second national idea, it may establish a Siberian Frontier colony in any empty province with a direct land connection to its capital passing through non-colony provinces. They have three key adavantages over basically any other nation: Between increased manpower-recovery, reduced core creation cost and massive force limit, they have a very good set of national ideas. I'm just wondering about actual strategies in sp for Russia/Muscovy. JavaScript is disabled. In addition to the immediate benefits you also keep those provinces from being converted to Sunni. What to pick as Muscovy early on? A Rus' centered in Moscow and not Kiev. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.31. Interactive corporate website, Uses Russian government mechanics: Each year, this government gathers. EU4 Nation Guides Muscovy is the meanest bad ass in the Russia and Ural region at start and you can take on literally anyone around you. Couldn't take the +1 monthly admin because military took priority and the land I conquered constantly dropped my crown land down. I even take economic from time to time, but only to roleplay. The infinite manpower comes when you form russia. Dont feed them too much land though. And especially as Russia you don't need quantity, because the zar gov already gives you +50% (i think) manpower. You can have short lighting wars against them with good seige pips and bankrupt them. But trully agree about eco, it might be usefull for a noob as first isea and quality second, but with time it's become totally useless. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to; The Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire" . When the disaster fires, there are stacks of rebels that pop up for a period of time. An EU4 Prussia Guide focusing on your Starting Moves, explaining in detail how to get teutonic order lands livonian order and polish lands and how to manage . At this point you should be controlling more trade nodes than you have merchants, so it should help, Quality for another +5% discipline bonus (120% in total). You're going to need it and it stacks well with high patriarch authority. We will not allow newcomers and pretenders to claim the legacy of our forefathers. Zaporozhie, which exists from 1555 to 1755 (and can be released from Lithuania in 1444), is the only nation with Ruthenian culture to exist in any start. Quantity is overkill for Russia but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider using it for absolutely stupid manpower and force limits. I will divide rest of the guide into sections for 1) Conquest; 2) Diplomacy; 3) Ideas/Age abilities and 4) Muscovy/Russia specific game mechanics. Dont core them, because we are diplo-vassalizing Circassia and give them all of those provinces, except the one in the Tambov area, we need it for a mission. Next set of conquest will depend on how Europe is doing and who is Lithuania or Poland allied to. Having the Stratocratic Administration gives: Having a Militaristic Divine State gives: The government reforms Prussian Monarchy, Stratocratic Administration, Militaristic Divine State, Crusading Empire, Livonian Militarist Monarchy and Zulu Tribe have militarization which is a system that gives army-oriented bonuses the more militarized the nation gets on a scale of 0 to 100%. Use Oprichnina here for temporary rebel suppression. These are the easiest wars you will fight. Thread starter Ashantai; Start date Sep 19, 2016; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Community . Get provinces from them so you can border Ming directly. Admin ideas at some point for this reason too. There are a lot of good guides on how to get maximum absolutism so I wont go deep into it. Ideas for a European Union custom nation . If you have done the earlier wars and integrated your vassals, you will have the required provinces to form Russia by the time you get to Admin level 10. Should the Order fail in this duty, we can take their place and usher in a new era of prosperity and Prussian discipline. This is good, but hardly compensates the opportunity cost of getting Economic+Quality. on Paradox technology, Legal I want the extra points. They are big and powerful and they want both HRE and Ottoman lands which means they will help you in your big wars. The Tsardom is a special government for Orthodox Russia and Ruthenia with fixed empire rank. This page was last edited on 12 April 2022, at 12:12. Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 daysWe're going to Siber. Point generation goes only up to 150. Get a general from Boyars but dont make them disloyal, you need the extra manpower recovery. However, it will be a huge drain on your manpower, economy and time. This will be a long war. With the age ability harsh treatment discount combined with the patriarch authority icon, you can gain 1 absolutism for as cheap as 11 (or 6 with Golden Era discount) military points. In MPs, I'd suggest going for 4 military idea groups. Oh, did I mention you get +30% goods produced from this (policies)? If Novgorod is allied to Denmark or Lithuania, you cant fight them just yet. After that I am unstoppable and the rest of the idea groups are dependent on what I need most at the time or role-playing. Deal with it. Not at all as with France in 1.6. Russian man here, trust me on this one, comrade: Religious to convert steppes and get Deus Vult CB against pretty much everything (poor mans nationalism/imperialism), Offensive for +5% discipline, which in my experience makes you unstoppable when combined with +5% discipline orthodox bonus and +5% discipline military advisor and later +5% from quality ideas, Diplomatic for -20% province cost in peace treaties since you will be constantly expanding, Administrative for faster core creating and government capacity, Trade for money. Ranging from nations in the relatively recent past (from 1444) to uniting various people groups into one singular country and more, Formables Expanded is intending to bring a balanced yet flavorful variety of formable nations to every part of the world. And later the Harsh treatment cost reduction. Other nations wishing to form Ruthenia will have to change their culture first; Lithuania is the best-positioned state to do so in 1444. Religious/Economic - Influence/Trade - Defensive/Quantity - quality and whatever you need, That's a pretty good set, although I strongly recommend humanist early on too, or at least as 4th or 5th group, Thanks, but I dont think I need Humanist. Declare on a small tributary and full siege (even assault) them. Centuries ago the land of the Rus' was united under a single banner and ruled from the legendary city Kiev. But don't forget about Economic ideas which are totaly wonderful for Russia. Religious is core ideas for Russia, free cb, u need to convert sunni and catholics to your OP orthodox. Into the forests and hinterlands of the land we today call Russia. You can't outlast Russia.Recorded live on Religious is probably going to be your first idea group. Prussia has three unique government reforms, Prussian Monarchy for monarchies, Stratocratic Administration for republics, and Militaristic Divine State for theocracies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Support Oprichnina: -30% progress from all rebel factions. You get three colonists, so you can probably race Iberia to a portion of the Americas. The base is 3. Good overall though. Rival Kazan and Great Horde. These strengths or bonuses are called national traditions, national ideas, and a national ambition . If so, where's Humanist? Is this supposed to be a WC? A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. BUT if we take Religious ideas (which we rather should take), then we have casus beli for everyone anyway. Into the forests and hinterlands of the land we today call Russia.Now a new and arrogant city of the north is on the rise. Try to come out with 4k to 5k manpower to spare after this war. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 17:40. Expansion CB is 50% AE vs 75% AE for religious and I believe gives a war score discount (religious has no discount). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. However, once inner quarrels are settled and the homeland is secured it can easily become one of the most entertaining yet still challenging nations. Develop maybe. Stockpile all monarch points before Age of Absolutism starts. The loyalty is a product of liberty desire and . Make sure you do this while in the Age of Discovery. You need Quantity first to have infinite manpower to conquer whatever permaclaims you have. Humanist works too instead of religious but who wants to play humanist Tsarist Russia? Due to the way ruler stats are calculated, it gives a 5/8 (62.5%) chance of getting a 6 ruler. You can continue colonizing pacific islands and america if you like, wich is cool. . Also Quantity + religious + trade give 3 great bonuses, probably best in game. Why not both? Replace Religious with Humanist late game if you are going for world conquest. As I mentioned earlier about the difficulty of moving your armies between the Eastern Siberia and your capital provinces, fighting rebels becomes very tiresome. Your objective is to take Norway as your own subject. By reforming into a secular state, we can revitalize our administration and gain the respect of our neighbors. Exploration is better as 1st idea group. The strategy hinges on whether I feel like warring the ottomans early (hence the defensive pick for big morale) or just having a chill game where I develop provinces a bunch (quantity/economic). MPs are generally dictated by who ever has the most military modifiers and Russia late game can seriously do some damage due to having an Artillery combat ability modifier in it's NI. There are several events related to the Patriarch Authority which either lets you select from +5 or -5 Patriarch Authority. They might be allied to Uzbek, but you should be able to take them on too. I suggest Quantitiy - Religious - Trade. You are using an out of date browser. If you can ally Ottoman, make that Unholy alliance. Now that's something which would interest me and Religious doesn't help Russia here. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They have inferior armies, but they will have a huge numbers advantage. 5) Expansion. Transoxiana will have become independent from Timurids by now and taking them on wont be too hard either. More merchants, better merchants, more trade power in general. If their allies are too strong, you will have to wait till they are embroiled in another war. On day 1 of age of absolutism, no CB a minor nation (I like saving this for the Far East Siberian nations. Full annex Ryazan/Odeyev. After this, it should be easy enough to beat them up in subsequent wars. Admin for extra GC and CCR. Jucoy 2 days ago. Beating the Ottomans in a war? Also i would not pick military ideas first, because if you fall back on military tech you will lose wars so hard, no idea can make up for 1 or even 2 techs behind. Or to replace some of + speed bonuses, which are pretty crappy. Really tough decision. The extra merchant and diplo slot is nice for a massive empire. But then came the Mongol hordes, advancing from the great steppe, pillaging and burning. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers. It is more viable and basically necessary in MP. Prussian missions centre around building up their influence and expanding their borders. Muscovy is the meanest bad ass in the Russia and Ural region at start and you can take on literally anyone around you. A Rus' centered in Moscow and not Kiev.However us Ruthenians will not go silent into the pages of history. This should give you about 35-40 absolutism. What ideas should I pick? And Khorasan as a march for their national ideas. There are couple of ways to deal with Ming and their tributaries. Also probably pick eco a bit earlier so you can atleast dev somewhat. You dont even need Alaska, Siberia is enough, trust me. Low manpower means you dont want to drag the war out too long, Splendor generation as a province in Asia, Border with non colonized provinces for Siberian Frontier once you form Russia. If Knigsberg (41) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then: There is only one king in the Empire, the king of Bohemia. After that it's really more what your campaign needs. Ming will want to white peace after a while. If Kiev (280) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then: Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. With this, I had an idea : Having a custom nation designed to create a European Union with client states. Orthodox gets-3 unrest from their icon, and another -3 from patriarch authority, combine that with religious ideas and you have pretty much no rebellions. Administrative, as Adaptability. The start changed a little bit. The rest is whichever you like. However, I dont think thats feasible for Muscovy. Siege down Novgorod forts. Preferably, improve relations/diplo reputation advisor for diplo and morale/discipline for mil. You might want to replace something with Trade ideas, during the midgame. Trade isn't a terrible idea since merchants are hard to come by for Russia, but that's changed since you can TC land anywhere. Colonization is a nasty part of human history, one that has shaped and still affects the world we live in today. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Early game- Icon of St. Michael for more manpower recovery and discipline. Trade for $$$ to pay for your huge armie. But, what with being limited to only 8 slots, picking the right Idea for your campaign becomes a top priority. You cant outcolonize countries like Spain, GB, Portugal, dont even try it. Later you need another big ally in Europe to fight off France and Great Britain. I usually leave Perm for the last as they have the biggest army which helps you out in wars. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can switch the order with offensive if you want and your military is doing fine. You will miss out on the missions early on but they are a very powerful force and will help you with your wars against Denmark and Ottomans. This guide will be a less step-by-step and more of a general outline on what to do with Muscovy. Despite quantity itself being somewhat redundant. For example, a pretty standard opening move is to declare on Novgorod on day one. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you want a military group go for quantity. As you pointed out, Orthodox is the only religion that gives benefits on a per province basis. What about +5% Morale and +10% Siege ability? The rest of the group sucks, but that's okay. Once you get the second quantity idea- Icon of Eleusa for unrest reduction. I used to go Innovative - > aristocratic - > trade -> quality. Realistically after that you pick based on what you need. warren central student killed 2022. Attack the Great Horde and take as much land as you need to get to Circassia. 10% for admin and 10% for expansion, another 10% with the policy. Not as much as with Austria or Ottomans. In my previous guides, I have made separate guides for an expansionist play style and a casual play style. The solution is to have two separate groups of armies for both regions. Training And Servicing Center. In the Age of Absolutism abilities, select the +1 Absolutism. Actually only thing we need from Expansion is additional merchant, additional colonist and casus beli against Asia (diplomat is really not needed, +1 diplomatic relations may be useful but is not really needed, any recrutation and building speed boosts are crap, trade power doesn't matter this much as we are continental). Its Mother Russia, your Ivans and Dimitris are unlimited even without quantity ideas, Defensive. A capital not of a mighty territorial empire, but of a compact and concentrated state that can still use gold and favors to influence neighbors and rivals. Besides, the Grandmaster would much rather be a Duke or King. Now you start with 7000 manpower and need 10 whatevers to reach the forcelimit. Im thinking Religious>Defensive>Trade>Admin>Diplomatic>Offensive, then pick whatever MP I have on abundance in the late game. Most of the time they will ally Ryazan and the war will be easy. Choose to get more patriarch authority almost every time. Prussia is a powerful military state with strong morale, discipline and tradition; enough to ensure strong generals in commanding large armies, well-trained troops in aforementioned armies and good military rulers. But trully agree about eco, it might be usefull for a noob as first isea and quality second, but with time it's become totally useless This is unlikely, but if you do find one, declare on them immediately and take those borders. Focus has been on ADM since game start. 4) Trade. Trust me, you dont need it. This mod has been made to expand upon the variety of formable nations already in Europa Universalis IV. Quality and offensive are of course always valid too. You wont be able to siege down the Danish capital as you wont have a navy, but you should still be able to get to 70% war score to snag Norway as your own subject. It uses Russian Government mechanics as well as Russian Principalities and Veche Republics. Age of Revolution- If you have lot of subjects, take Liberty Desire ideas. Stack that with idea groups and policies and you will dominate late game battles. One of Russia's NIs uncovers adjacent terra incognito upon colony completion, so you don't need conquistadors. Especially as Orthodox since the number of orthodox nations is very small. Like an eastern power probably. Why should I need over 1 million of manpower? EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my guide on how to fix common startup problems in version 1.29, 3 colonizers would allow to colonize Siberia with tremendous speed. Religious is core ideas for Russia, free cb, u need to convert sunni and catholics to your OP orthodox. What are the best ideas? It was last verified for. Cookie Notice I am thinking Quality and then religious. Swap eco for diplo. Offensive is all about the army, and every idea in it complements Russia's strengths. Make an alliance with Circassia and bring them to +190 relations. Declare on someone who is allied to one of Mings tributaries. Idea Groups for Muscovy/Russia. Westernization yes or no? Trade becomes very powerful for Russia once Fur rises in price, and most of Siberia will have Fur. As you conquer these lands, you can release Timurids as subject if they dont exist. Objective- Cut Novgorod off from rest of Europe. If played correctly, Prussia can dominate Central Europe and the rest of the HRE. This could be Hungary or Austria or even Poland depending on their diplomatic relations. any tips are welcome. Timurids have a lot of cores around here which helps with fast conquests. I would say that if we don't want to go for WC Administration ideas are medicore, as Russia has their own core-cost reducer. It draws in the petty states around it and its ruler envisions a new Rus'. I don't care what people say but I go trade for my first diplomatic. Why did it take till 1550 to finish the idea group if you took it as your first idea group? A nice group with multiple useful effects. Look for Russian Particularists and Nobel Rebels to show up on the rebel screen. Save Oprichnina points. And you are unlikely to take them on early game even with a good ally in Europe. Not a native-English speaker, so pardon my english. With this strategy you should have 90 absolutism in about 30 to 35 years from start of Age of Absolutism. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Swap out influence with trade imo. Fight few battles with Ming armies. The worst options are: Quantity. Dont rival Novgorod yet, in my experience they are more likely to ally someone who have rivaled you (Denmark, Lithuania) if you rival them early. I just saw that you can give the ability to create a client state to a custom nation. (Austrian WC), Ottoman Blobfest (Over a Thousand Provinces). 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