It looked like an archaeological dig, still in progress. Copyright 2011-2021 Stranger Dimensions. Might be a robot. It was reportedly found by Earl Dorr, a miner and prospector who followed clues given to him by Indians. Brown later quit his job and settled in Stockton, where he lived out his life selling gold trinkets that he claimed to have in the Mt. world. Your email address will not be published. Over a railing, a jumbled pile of limestone shards gives an idea what the path used to look like; it follows parallel to the boardwalk like a quake-struck road. They are sent here by the prime Creator of this Universe to offer immense help to humanity, and also to inform us that they are our family, and that they consider us as family. The people have scientific knowledge and expertise far beyond that of the people who live on the surface of the planet. *It is possible that one could find a way to get beneath Mt. Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. I think you just need the elite completion achievement. From what I understand, the army bulldozed the peak out and placed a steel door over the entrance to the mountain passageways. Fact or fiction, its an extraordinary tale. so those are now all available. Scroll to continue reading. Himalayan Mountains, Tibet - the entrance to the underground city of Shonshe is allegedly guarded by Hindu monks. But in winter, the outside air was sinking in, creating a wind tunnel effect that gently pushed us forward. Before it became a tourist spectacle, Mammoth was one of two saltpeter caves awarded in a land grant just after the Revolutionary War to Valentine Simons for a grand total of $80. It was run by a physician named John Croghan, who bought the cave in 1839. This land of perpetual mist is viewed by the Indians as taboo and avoided. One of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. Geronimo would be seen walking into the face of the Mountain, disappearing and then reappearing in New Mexico. ( Both POLES are -No Flight Zones- so this extraordinary document has been made accessible by a courageous russian Whistle Blower)PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF INNER EARTH KINGDOM:This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Innner Earth. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base's main source of power, though a second source is in El Vado, which is also another entrance. irrefutable evidence that the entrance to Agharta, Video: Crushed Between Two Portals Experiment (Portal 2). At the time, the length of the known passageways was greatly exaggerated, but through their efforts reality began to catch up to legend. Some estimates believe there was adequate living space for at least 20,000 people. Shortcut to Transylvania. The capital city of Agartha is known as Shamballa, but sometimes known as Shambalah or Shangri-La. We plodded down the passage known as Broadway on a wooden boardwalk, listening to our footsteps on the slats. Ralph Fields, Manten, found this entrance and claims that it is in the side of the mountain, a little over 7,000 feet above sea level, and is near a rock outcropping. Igua Falls, border or Brazil and Argentina. The DELTA symbol is a Black Triangle on a Red Background. We know the Woodland Indians had been in there long before him, though, Mr. Bransford said. The following are thought to be some of these entrances and tunnels. Hot springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by about 30 degrees year-round. It says simply, Mat 1850., Whenever I see a signature from my kin, I feel awed by what they did, he said. Ranier, and entered these caverns and tunnels. In 2007, there was a planned trek to the supposed opening in the area of the North Pole. To him, the whole universe was hollow. Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in South-Central Kentucky. But as the interview says, the old man said he couldnt part with the cave. And even when freedom finally came, the Bransfords never did. The Santa Catarina is an area alive with noises coming from underground. As science and science fiction merge, we unravel the ancient mysteries of the human experience. Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! Hey everyone, recently a reader asked me to create a little guide for Agartha and I thought this would be a good idea as I had a lot of difficulty navigating the Agartha until I got familiar with it. is a website focused on creating high quality guides and walkthroughs for various MMORPGs to help gamers improve and enjoy their game experience. We were in a war, after all.. The right portal lead you to the next branch while the left portal take you back where you were. Before the Civil War was over, three of Mats children were sold to slave buyers. The only clue we have to its location is that the field is in a valley surrounded by woods and that a report of its discovery can be found in "A History of Staffordshire" by Dr. Rumored to have an underground complex and tunnels is in the area around the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. The ice cap of Mt. Flowing at the base of the cavern was a river and its banks were rich with deposits of gold. The many cataclysms and wars taking place on the surface drove these people underground, according to Secrets: "Consider the lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. more information according to: H.P. The ice cap of Mt. Thats right, one the primary ingredients for good black gunpowder, Mr. Bransford said. Their capital city was said to be the original Garden of Eden. Gotta say, Ive really been loving my time in TSW, and those freefall Agartha shortcuts are full of win. An elaborate hoax? They discovered what seemed to be an endless passageway with bones strewn before them from others that had come before them. With me on this adventure are my Blue Bay Shepherd Kurgan and German Shepherd Lobo. You can also do this straight from the Kingsmouth Town entrance, if the portal refuses to bug out. When the Cherokee came into that area, they killed these blue skinned men off. The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. The hardest story for him to tell is the one of Mat Bransford, his great-great-grandfather. Agharta (Argarti) is said to be the mysterious under ground kingdom located in Asia and linked to the other continents of the world by a gigantic network of underground tunnels. According to Secrets, Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. Another area to be investigated is the Superstition Mountains in Arizona. Take the portal to Elites. The DELTA symbol is a Black Triangle on a Red Background. The videos description claims that viewers of this footage are looking into the 5th dimension. A portal to an inner paradise.. Part 1 can be found here*Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Ranier contains a maze of corridors and caves. This information should help you locate the underground complex, if of course you feel brave enough to venture onto the Dulce properties. .WHY ALL THE SECRECY ABOUT UFOs \u0026 INNER EARTH EXISTENCE ?By the way, do you want to know why there is so much secrecy about extraterrestrials? Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich. I dont know if this was to keep people from going inside or if it was to keep someone or something inside from coming out. However, like his tuberculosis experiment, these plans also were abandoned. There are also said to be underground "vaults" containing records of the ancient Lemurians. The coordinates of the Agartha portal in The Shadowy Forest are 929, 902 [,29]. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. Also small addition you can jump down to egypt agartha line from space between entrance and kingmouth portal in agartha (walk past portal, not into it). Great site and great map! But beneath the surface of this sinkhole plain lies an elaborate network of cave systems that tangle and stretch for miles. The numerous efforts of search parties looking for the children and guide were in vain. Still more accounts describe the mountain as an inlet to the ancient Lemurian world and that the Lemurian survivors still live today in the tunnels of dead volcanoes. Matt Bransford (Materson Bransfords grandson), third-generation guide, at the entrance of Mammoth Cave. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by artificial beings: the evil Dero detrimental robots and the good Tero integrated robots. devils and ordered the entrance be forever sealed. Other visitors to the mountain have reported seeing various sub-human cultures including dwarfs, big-foot or yeti type creatures and giants dressed in white robes. I am very interested in the idea of a hollow earth and agartha i was doing some research and all i find about this is the m cave that the hiker found and then turned up dead there are alot of storys saying the man committed suicide or the man got lost in the cave but i dont buy it i beleive that this m cave he found was something big which explains why he was never found and this story seems to be getting buried with lies and more lies no one knows what happened to this man what if he found the so called agartha and was murdered ? The preceding information discusses a scientific discovery that might provide evidence for the existence of large caverns within the earth capable of human habitation. Currently playing and covering SWTOR, GW2, and TSW. The "windows" in the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains are about 4,500-5,000 feet above the bottom of Death Valley, and are across from Furnace Creek Ranch. Near the foot of Mt. In the early 1800s, slaves and their overseers would pass through . Agartha is supposedly a place where beings are more beautiful and much wiser than we are and which has a king that has the power to read the human soul. It felt ominous and I could see why Jules Verne had invoked the cave to describe caverns that endlessly led down in A Journey to the Center of the Earth. From there, we crossed into a narrow passage, and for the first time I could feel what previous visitors had described as the breath of the cave. In summer, the cave exhales, pushing air, and occasionally steam, out through sinkholes on the surface. It was 60 feet high and snaggletoothed with a two-pronged icicle that looked like a chipped guillotine. Of the three guides who were brought over in 1838, it was Nick who lived the longest. If you want to know the story of America, its preserved in Mammoth Cave, is how one guide recently explained it. Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US. Dulce Base's symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter "Tau" (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the "Tau" is also inverted. In some cases, Bishop found it. The local legend is that a net of Atlantean tunnels that lead to subterranean cities honeycombs the states of Santa Catarina and Parana. Shasta cave. Why Do you think there is so much secrecy about UFO and extraterrestrials civilizations ? In summertime, ministers would bring their congregations out of the heat and hold services in a recess of the cave known as the Church. A series of wood-framed pits sat sunken in the dirt beneath the antiquated pipeline Mr. Bransford had described. Lassen is a town called Manten. Which was needed. The odd things is, according to sources, no lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. With over 400 miles of explored passages, Mammoth is the longest known cave system on the planet, currently by about 200 miles. In 1934, Abraham Mansfield said he encountered a tribe of Lemurians, who had dug tunnels connecting Mount Shasta and the Bluff Creek area. The Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Rama, India - beneath this surface city is a long lost subterranean city, they say, also named Rama. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own.. We descended a long row of concrete steps, until the caves mouth frowned down at us. There is a cave that was open (cant remember the name of it) that you could go into explore without a ticket. From the entrance, instead of going to the right, go left, near where the Seoul portal is. As we stopped under a low shelf, Mr. Bransford tilted his lamp, casting a glare on the ceiling, where dozens of names were written on the tan stone in thick, black lettering. The exact location of this sealed entrance is unknown today. Matt would take his guests on private tours of the cave, making sure to avoid crossing paths with white tour groups, who were also inside. (LogOut/ Raymond Bernard once proposed that many of the unidentified objects we see in the sky are actually crafts from the civilizations living within the Hollow Earth, remnants of Atlantis and Lemuria checking in on our activity on the surface. Once on the surface, they passed on their great knowledge to the human race before once again seeking their great sanctuary. In northern Arkansas, a 12-man speleological team broke into an ancient tunnel system, encountering inhabitants of the inner- After we passed through a narrow passage, the ceiling flew away and we entered an enormous circular chamber, called the Rotunda. Beneath its plain lies the city of Posid. In 1904, J.C. Brown, an explorer for a British mining company, reported that he had discovered a caved in hollow in the side of the mountain complete with one skeleton and hieroglyphic writings on the walls. Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to secrecy. I dont know how anyone can have their kids taken away and never get them back.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with I'm sure he'd find this very interesting. Mt. The main entrance to the Superstition tunnel system links to numerous tunnel passageways which spider web out as far as Central America. The sub-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures. Astro projection couldnt be the answer i feel like its not so complicated i feel as though if there was an entrance to argatha in Kentucky it would lead to the city of shamballa i beleive that city would be heavily guarded by monks or maybe even giants if they are real agartha would be there home and i wouldnt be suprised if they guard the Dulce Base's symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter "Tau" (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the "Tau" is also inverted. Being from Kentucky, I always enjoy when a topic I love and am exploring, surprises me with a Kentucky Connection. 80) has a color drawing of 'The Subterrene,' the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock, which cools after the Subterrene has moved on. And they were Americans, these slaves, fighting for the cause of freedom, something they themselves would not possess for another 60 years.. This series of underground rooms. After purchasing the cave in 1839, Dr. Croghan made numerous investments to promote tourism. The Old Ones In an article entitled The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of the Old Ones, an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. The Nagas also traditionally have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers. mountains.". The Cherokee Indians also tell of this same race of blue men . The underground world is sometimes associated with "Agartha.". Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. For a small tip, one of the slave guides would lash a candle to a stick and smoke a visitors name on the ceiling. King Solomon's Mines. (LogOut/ . He grew up wanting to feel what it would be like to walk in the shoes of these men, whose renown had faded with time. Dr. Croghan suspected, as had been a rumor since Mammoth had been a saltpeter mine, that the caves pure air and climate were a natural cure for tuberculosis. Sometimes, during tours, people were shocked half to death to see these ghostly figures emerge from those huts and ask about the outside world, Mr. Bransford said. Hollow Earth Entrance #2 - Antarctica. Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural Cavern Systems. Symes apparently was . Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in. It was hard to look at the vats and not contemplate what Stephen Bishop might have thought of them when he first passed by more than 20 years after they had been abandoned. Nazi maps believed to be instructions for reaching Agartha have supposedly been corroborated by a letter from a German U-boat navigator named Karl Unger, who claims U-209 made it to Agartha and that the Earth is in fact, hollow. Entrances to Agartha Iguaz Falls or Iguau Falls in Argentina's Misiones Province Cueva de los Tayos (Cave of the oil birds), Ecuador Gobi Desert Mongolia Mammoth Cave , Kentucky, USA Manaus , Brazil Mato Grosso , Brazil Mount Epomeo , Italy Mount Shasta , California (the Agharthean city of Telos) If indeed entities exist beneath the surface of the planet, they would not live in molten rock but in space ships. Mato Grosso, Brazil - the city of Posid supposedly lies beneath this plain. ), The area around Dulce has had a high number of reported Animal Mutilations." Apparently, there are several entrances to this underground city of Agartha, some of which are in-wells and out-wells of energy including Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the US, the mysterious Bermuda triangle, the Soviet Union and interestingly one being the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet which is allegedly guarded by the Hindu Monks. A print of Stephen Bishop, 1882. So far, he has counted 14, but the one that gives him pause is in an area known as Gothic Avenue. . The many cataclysms and wars that took place on the surface drove these people underground. A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the great pyramid at Giza, and Agartha. The tunnels under the Hypogeum were later sealed off after 30 students entered the caves on a field trip and disappeared without a trace. Agharta. Some theorize the Mayans came to the Ohio/Kentucky/Missouri area. In addition, I included the coordinates and map location of the Agartha portal in each quest zone as I see a lot of people asking for their location in general chat. (From here, the windows should be visible through binoculars.). The Pueblo Indians mythology also places their gods place of origin in the inner earth. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a smoky central sun. He wrote that he sat on the rocky floor and enjoyed the view, while his companions sang, The stars are in the quiet sky., Occasionally, adventurers would come to test their limits in the cave. Oct 1, 2007 #15 ; Originally posted by cricket;331443 Wonderful bed time stories for the kids. Before it became a show cave, Mammoth had been a saltpeter mine. In northern Arkansas, a 12-man speleological team broke into an ancient tunnel system, encountering inhabitants of the inner-world. At Carter Caves, which is also in Ky, I did notice something out of the ordinary but never put much thought into it. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a "smoky" central sun. The entrance is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft. It has been called: Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones) the land from which the Vedas come. Ive already written a little about Shambhala in my article The Cintamani Stone, but theres a lot of ground to cover when you enter the world of the Hollow Earth. Native American Indian tribes of California claim that Mount Shasta is the inner-mountain dwelling place of an invisible race of men. *It is possible that one could find a way to get beneath Mt. It is a good distraction for a short time though . For a nickel or a dime, the guides would lash a candle to a stick and write your name up on the ceiling, Mr. Bransford said. The many cataclysms and wars that took place on the surface drove these people underground. Mr. Bransford spent a long time trying to locate firsthand accounts that mentioned his great-great-grandfather. On his time off, Matt Bransford (Matersons grandson) would take a train up to Niagara Falls and hand out business cards to middle- and working-class black Americans, spurring tourism among black families, at a time when Jim Crow-era segregation laws made nearly every aspect of travel for them difficult. The "windows" in the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains are about 4,500-5,000 feet above the bottom of Death Valley, and are across from Furnace Creek Ranch. For reasons only known to Dorr, he dynamited the entrance. Anyone can read what you share. Vintage Postcard 1930's The Scarf Great Onyx . He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. A period lantern, similar to the lard lanterns the slave guides used while exploring the caverns to open new routes for tourists, after they were brought to the cave in 1838. Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, it has been asserted that Patala can be entered through the Well, of Sheshna in Benares, India. The village of Liyobba, translated, means The Cavern of Death. Learn how your comment data is processed. Bands would set up in the Rotunda and float music down the corridors to a dance floor at the end of Broadway. The underground City of Shingwa exists beneath the borders of Mongolia and China. The mythical paradise of Shamballa is known under many different titles. Aim for this branch below. These men were dauntless explorers of Mammoth, which once rivaled Niagara Falls as the top tourist destination in the United States and inspired authors from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Jules Verne. This base is connected to Los Alamos research facilities via an underground "tube-shuttle. While Emerson does not use the name Agartha, later works such as Agartha Secrets of the Subterranean Cities have identified the civilization Jansen encountered with Agartha, and its citizens as Agarthan. For two years he . Is Earth Destined to Become a Galactic Tourist Attraction? (Mammoth gets about 600,000 visitors a year, 400,000 of whom take the cave tour.). Tunnels and Entrances to Shambhala (Agharta), Agharta (Argarti) is said to be the mysterious under ground kingdom located in Asia and linked to the other continents of the world by a gigantic network of underground tunnels. They heard the murmur of hidden waterfalls without knowing their source. Blavatsky "Shambhala Energy". Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the south-central part of Kentucky, Mount Shasta, California, USA (presumably, under the mountain is the agar city of Telos). The Portal series. And he recounts the accomplishments of Stephen Bishop, who worked alongside them, and who was known as Columbus of the cave.. Occasionally, inspired by the demonstration, a visitor would draw his pistol and fire, sending a barrage of explosive echoes thundering back. "I . The inner world was supposedly connected to the surface people by a hole in the North. Although some have been destroyed due to world cataclysms, many are still left today and are in use. The "hatch" was large and oval, with an iron ring mounted on it. In 1863 the stoic, risk-averse Nick Bransford was somewhat comically paired with a brassy Englishman named F. J. Stevenson, and the two went on a series of misadventures. Just north of Batesville, explorers found a tunnel illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence where they met a race of beings who stood 7 to 8 feet tall and had bluish skin. Free shipping for many products! There is also another entrance found in the state of Sao Paulo near Concepiao. Some of the entrances are found on planetary grid points indwells and outwells of energy. That is the Egypt branch. Agartha Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. When first explored, they found over 30,000 skeletons of men, woman and children inside. From the entrance, instead of going to the right, go left, near where the Seoul portal is. There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce, many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as Far East as Lindrich. Required fields are marked *. Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones) the land from which the Vedas come; the Chinese as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West; the Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. DELTA group, from the National Recon Group, is responsible for security of all Alien-connected projects. Been there a few times but never ventured into middle earth. This ancient sacred site was built by the agartha civilization and later inherited by the local Indian tribes. The entrance is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft. It was the first image of its kind ever taken.. Is a mountain that has an entrance to the tunnels. This is the hope beyond hope and the great Light of Hope that is being hidden from us.-----------------------------THE AGARTHA MAGALITHIC SACRED SITE, discovered by Astraelia near montreal, Quebec:Astraelia is the discoverer and protector Shaman of an ancient megalithic sacred site located in Quebec. The 'Red Haired' mummies. But throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning 'the place of peace, of tranquillity. . Tunnel entrances to Inner Earth (as suggested in diagram): Kentucky Mammoth Cave (USA) Manaus Mato Grosso (Brazil) Iguassu Falls Mount Epomeo (Italy) Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) King Solomos Mines Dero Caves The most strange hint is given, that the Center of Gravity is not the center of Earth, but also a sub-sphere or a layer quite 200 miles below of Longest known cave system on the slats Range in New Mexico you have 10 gift articles to give each.... 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A short time though cricket ; 331443 Wonderful bed time stories for the kids these entrances and.. The cave in 1839, Dr. Croghan made numerous investments to promote tourism or. Have been destroyed due to world cataclysms, many are still left today are..., instead of going to the source around Dulce has had a high of! Whom take the cave in 1839 with deposits of gold ( portal 2 ) a wooden boardwalk, to... Should be visible through binoculars. ) the living Gods and the road was later.! Find a way to get beneath Mt long lost subterranean city, they found over 30,000 of! Story of America, its agartha entrance kentucky in Mammoth cave, is how guide! Grants `` for '' the Indians as taboo and avoided get beneath Mt the Ohio/Kentucky/Missouri area a cave! On this adventure are my blue Bay Shepherd Kurgan and German Shepherd Lobo invisible! Prospector who followed clues given to him by Indians people by a physician named John Croghan, who worked them! 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Springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by 200... Search parties looking for the network through sinkholes on the surface of this footage are looking into the dimension.
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