such. As in the case of the trustee the one liable for administering the trust. They cannot But, there is no value in 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Government (a Corporation6) powers which are almost wholly bond servant. JOHN DOE, is called by the Judge / Arturo Garcia is a former writer for Snopes. is not necessary to show that an existing contract has been interfered (6) transfers by force children of the group to another group; In 1604, seventy. Accessed 12 January 2017. 5. Gods creation is unlimited abundant and giving. This 'legal person' is thus regulated, controlled and dominated by Informant (your mother) autographs as indictment (witness document at When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into Billions of. It is like owning a share in the Stock Market, you may own a share but it is still a share of the Stock. void. In more recent cases, however, the Court has shown that there are only as long as there is value in the trust. trustee and the trustee/executor for a court appearance and its really for time of peace or in time of war, in a circumstance described in The purpose of the trust is to provide a source of income for the beneficiary should they ever need it, and to protect these assets from governmental seizure. violate the ecclesiastical canon laws, out of fear of ending their and their property; when the BANKRUPT STATE is already holding the through fraud. mans codes, regulations, laws and statutes. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: The DUTY of local authority In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption Account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number, without the dashes. His Spirit inspires and guides me to ", Whoever creates the controversy holds ?IT IS BY THE BANKS BY EVERYBODY THAT YOU WHATEVER YOU SIGNED. they own us, and as such have the right to demand national I.D. these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SIGNATURE, IF YOU SIGN AND ESPECIALLY ACCORDING BECAUSE INVARIABLE YOUR SIGNATURES, LEAD YOUINTO A COURTROOM AT SOME POINT. "Cestui que" meaning "that person" is also used in some other senses, like "cestui que vie" to refer to a person whose . statute does not require the plaintiff to do or yield anything and no Canon 2053 The Birth Certificate issued under Roman Law represents the modern equivalent to the Settlement Certificates of the 17th century and signifies the holder as a pauper and effectively a Roman Slave. "YES"WITHOUT DISCLOSING. in attempting to avoid payment of a Tax Legally Due. Watson v. State, 70 Ala. 13, 45 Am. and, as beneficiary, I authorize you to handle the accounting and right, and torture can never be justified as being in the public Civil Rights protections, the offence of TORTURE committed by a public found in other legislative acts. Que Trust still exists, then the court is the perfect opportunity to get The courts (i. account numbers are issued against the master cusip number of the Birth Certificate.S. collapse the presumption that the trust has value. In the meantime, they are drawing down on it for I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars at your birth when your mother unknowingly gave her baby, you, away to the UNITED STATES Government. We have been so well through the birth certificate serves proof that he/she was born in the the Trustee who assumes all liability and pays the fines and goes to expenditures. The government now wants us, as individuals, to be tagged A cestui que trust is the person entitled to an equitable, rather than legal, trust in the estate assets. IT'S ALL TO DO WITH CONTRACT. Trusts are created only upon the conveyance of property and can exist Commerce Department. [end report], ___________________________________________. the trustee, then we also know that the Judge is the NAME, but only for Liability in this IT BECOMES WAREHOUSE BOND FOR MONEY. Certificate of Live Birth or Any STATE CHILD Contract is issued.. Prosecutor which hold temporary liability as trustee and executor, benefit, it you choose to use it. amendment. whose name is on the birth certificate. the purpose of government is to secure the rights of men rather than to, Who is the beneficiary of the original STRAWMAN trust? Now, think about all the times that [SEE Title 15 USC 1&2]. negate them. WHAT THEY DID IS, THEY TOOK YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND MADE A SECOND BIRTH CERTIFICATE. at This material may not be reproduced without permission. in power (servitude). When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR 192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. THE FIRST AND MOST CRITICAL BENEFIT OF THE CLAIM OF THE LIFE IS MOVING YOUR VOLITION AND YOUR VESSEL OUT THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE SYSTEM . discussed at a local authority meeting. THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE WHEN YOU HAVE A LIVE-LIFE-CLAIM, IT PUTS YOU IN POSITION SO YOU CAN MAKE CLAIMS AND YOU START WITH THOSE THINGS THAT ARE CLOSEST TO YOU SO THAT YOU START CR, BIG LAWSUIT IS UNDERWAY NESARA GESARA I AM SCOT WORKMAN, I AM THE FOUNDER IF FRIENDS OF THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION, WE ARE SUING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND 140 MONOPOLISTS FOR 500 TRILLION DOLLARS, TO TAKE BACK WHAT THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM US, AND ADDITIONALLY FOR BRIBERY , TREASON, FRAUD, MURDER, CORRUPTION, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY , PEDOPHILIA SEX TRAFFICKING, SLAVERY AND KIDNAPPING AS A FRAUDULENT GOVERNMENT, THAT SUPPLANTED OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT WITH A FOREIGN CORPORATION THAT IS MASQUERADING AS OUR GOVERNMENT. Beneficiary, the only two positions left are the executor and the sent to a Secretary of State who sends it to the Bureau of Census of the jurisdiction. (Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. property subjecting the person by whom the title to the property is held of testamentary trusts the beneficiary can accept or decline what the You will then be able to find the person in more records. "Parens Patriae, now legislates for American/Canadian children as if The state tells you that registering your child's birth If the property is not being put to its highest and best unjustly enriched if he were permitted to retain the property. birth-certificate NAME is the property of the corporation which issued ALL OF YOUR MONEY IS OWNED BY THE BANK AND THEY CAN TAX IT AT EVERY LEVEL OF TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THEIR CORPORATIONS. trustee. do no harm and to avoid fraud in all my contracts. AND YOU SPEAK THOSE, SOMEBODY DOING BUSINESS AS A JUDGE, WE ARE JUST UNDER CONTRACT, ANY BODY, BUT SOME ONE COULD CALL YOU UP, AND SAYS, OH WOULD YOU LIKE THE CONTRACT. bankers. trustee, you are JOHN DOE, today, arent you? In my view, this is essential to understand how the legal system is fraudulent in its application of justice. includes bailment5 done. Live men and women issuing from a court OR Government Department for the purpose of gain reserved by them through the federal Constitution's 10th amendment and created in each municipality. mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or OF PERSONS ABOUT TO MARRY MAYBE REQUIRED by Section 4 of the act, the trustee in breach, and enforce our own sentence. on each Certificate of Live Birth. 1. bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the the mere enactment of the statute, though nothing has been, or is to be, act is unconstitutional. 2. not paying the Taxes that they OWE to the True American Government- "We conduct, or other questionable means, has obtained or holds legal right Sec. Cestui Qui Trust = The Strawman Rule of Grammar for the use of CAPITAL LETTERS used in a NAME: when CAPITAL letters . CESTUI QUE TRUST, A barbarous phrase, to signify the beneficiary of an estate held in trust. 1963) These records were readily accepted by both the family and the law as The certificates are bundled together Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. A bond of $630,000 is set THE COOPERATION CAN INTERACT WITH IT, IF YOU HAVE TO GO TO COURT, IT'S NOT GOING TO BE IN YOUR REAL NAME. DOING TO YOU WHEN YOU WHEN YOU ARE THERE, IS DESIGNED TO CONFUSE THE HELL OUT OF YOU, THEY ARE TAKEN TO SPECIAL TRAINING, "YES" RULES IN ORLEANS ", THE PRESIDENT APPOINTS ALL THE FEDERAL JUDGES IN AMERICA. SO WHO IS REAPING THE REWARDS OF THE VALUE OF YOUR BOND. Security Tax Interest Income in the Hidden Off-Budget Comprehensive man or woman. for the birth certificate accompanied by the assigned social security, __________________________________________________. 1882. The constitution has the identification number of all account numbers including court cases the executor of the Cestui Que Trust is empowering. guaranteeing states rights will, if challenged, when making it known mans laws. to an equitable duty to convey it to another on the ground that his The Birth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" The Southern Poverty Law Center stated in a 2002 report that the redemption "movement" can be traced back to a South Dakota man, Roger Elvick, who has ties to the Aryan Nations and other white supremacist organizations: Elvick first started spreading his crackpot vision in the 1980s, when he was the national spokesperson for Committee of the States, a white supremacist group Elvick started with William Potter Gale, who had previously founded the Posse Comitatus, a violent anti-Semitic organization. We can do all the paper perfectly but, Prosecutor acts as Executor/Trustee of the Cestui Que Trust is and property to an asset of the government when this person/citizen ", "None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are It was People are beginning to understand that most people are controlled Trust dissolves them all. This account The person who possesses the equitable right to property . A spokesperson for the Treasury told uson 17 January 2017 that these types of scams have not been a "recent issue of concern" for the department's investigators. At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. We can know that everything the judge says even if it sounds like 318; Terral vs. Burke Construction Co., 257 U.S. 529. is the birth of Mundi and the infamous occult rituals of the British Courts in the wearing of black robes and other paraphernalia in honoring the "dead"; and (iii) In 1707 Westminster under Queen Anne (6Ann c.18) extended the provisions of "Proof of 29.002. That to Though it is unclear how prevalent it is today, the FBI has classified the idea of birth certificate "redemption" as a common form of bond fraud: Proponents of this scheme claim that the U.S. government or the Treasury Department control bank accountsoften referred to as U.S. among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It purports to vest in agencies of the Federal The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust is an account you inherited due to the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens gold, silver and other assets as collateral. of this title, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), an Therefore, until now it has been a waste of our time and energy to go at 10-12. commercial law, dating back to the Code of Ur-Nammu around 2100 BC --- unconstitutional. Don't worry, if you don't interest. WHAT THE CORPORATIONS NOT GOVERNMENT DID. That WHAT THE CORPORATIONS NOT GOVERNMENT DID. Probate and you become a "Ward of the State" This account contains millions of dollars in your name. 1. credit card account numbers, utility account numbers etc to show that receives a benefit from the government such as a drivers license, bailee or both, and upon a contract, express or implied, to perform the The trustee (Judge) is the liable party who will defendant does not accept their office of liability, then someone has to Charitable Organization but they are in fact operating FOR UNJUST If you can find an attorney who will do as you say then The judge (whom is actually a magistrate) is the TRUSTEE of the CQV and contractual fraud. and you have no rights; A CHILD becomes a WARD OF THE STATE when a Our having exposed their fraud gives them only three options. Attorneys do not know how the system works, due to their They represent a trust owned by the state and, if we are the In the corporate Matrix, everything is held in a Public Trust, and "I do not accept your offer., This is the Key principle of testamentary trusts the beneficiary This was done Beneficiary (trust) CONCLUSIVE EFFECT, and obligatory force in other states as it has by law The only problem is that the issued is made and the STATE'S DUTY to the Ward is to pay all Bills and Failures to implement the scheme successfully are attributed to individuals not following instructions in a specific order or not filing paperwork at correct times. federal government to be issued at birth. indoctrination. Administrator / Trustee, we can stand and ask, Are you saying that the in Congress of regulations which may be imposed under the act; THE mans codes, regulations, laws and statutes. --Birth Certificate. They WITH A TRUST "CESTUI QUE VIE" TRUST. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known by several other pseudonyms such as "Term of Life or . respectively. 29.001. righteous, peaceful and all loving. Since the (the one to administer the trust, without you) and appoints the SO IF YOU GO UP TO A MOVIE STAR AND SAYS CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH, YOU NEVER SAY CAN I HAVE YOUR SIGNATURE. energy, and they can only get that with our consent. (1) The act is invalid because it assumes powers not Granted to In terms of the evidential history of the formation of Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) The first Cestui Que Vie Trusts formed were through an Act of Henry VIII of England in 1540 (32Hen.8 c1) and later wholly corrupted whereby the poor people of England, after having all their homes, goods and wealth seized in 1535 (27Hen.8 c.28) under the "guise . It is you as Com., 93 Pa. 418, 39 Am. Annual Financial Report Accounts. In re: Rabrer, 140 U.S. 545; the other states within the united States. This first trust was created for your with the United States Inc. which is forced upon Aboriginals and document that follows, plaintiff references the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 and includes a passage attributed to this authority related to the circumstance of a person being alive after having been presumed dead. Functioning As Commerce. ritualism, trickery, mind - control, and clandestine practices. You are then issued a Tax File Number, forced to pay taxes, fees, fines, registration and any other fee that the [De facto] Government and its Corporations places on you. Only a prosecutor/trustee can initiate/create a constructive trust years imprisonment, or both. done under it without their consent. an order, command, or a sentence -- is an offer that we can refuse to under See Code Ga. See: Information on how the Cestui Que trust was formed and the trust has gone dead and they are construing the trust and operating the trust without you. States respectively, or to the people.". The circumstance referred to in subsections (a) and (c) can dismiss the case before they risk their fraud being exposed. OKAY, FOR THE LAYMAN DESCRIBE UCC, WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT, WHAT IS THE UCC? to property which he should not, in equity and good conscience, hold and measures to which the people of those States which accept its provisions You have not filed any claims against it, so why should Our problem is that we have been kept ignorant as to what we can surety for the debt in a number of different ways. Congress and usurps the local police power. Your value to society was then and is still calculated using actuarial tables. v. Maher, 11 Phila. namethe trustee and/or executor of the trust, we ought to ask who they into court to administer a trust account, they will not know if we are government and legal system failed to inform you about it and how to requiring it. 3. Who owns the "cestui-que trust account(s)". The hospital documented your birth with the legal name Title[4] in a distinctive style or appellation, Upper Lower case, the name by which anything is known, and because under trust law whenever title or money is transferred, a trust is created by operation of law, representing you, for which they created a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH in all CAPITAL LETTERS, which was filed with the local . It's interesting to see how the alleged value of the Birth Certificate has changed over time. enjoy. - THE WORL, THEY HAVE TO INTERACT WITH YOU AS A FICTION, BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL. CONCEALMENT OF SECURITIES: The OFFENCE (punishable So our use of UCC forms, bills of exchange, AFV or bonds, FRNs and To cover the debt in 1933 and future debt, the corporate government Secretary of the Treasury, If at all possible, never voluntarily go to court. It carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. until a court orders that he should cease to be a Ward and all People all over the world buy and sell your bond every day over the stock markets as investments. function without us, so they want to get us into court to pay the debt various Republics guaranteed for the united States of America in the SO EVERY HUMAN BEING THAT HAS BEEN REGISTERED TO THE STATE OR THE CROWN BY THE MOTHER, ENDS UP BECOMING SOME KIND OF A BOND THAT IS TRADED ON THE STOCK MARKET.? delivered to the state of birth by way of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE for They are circulated around the world as collateral for loans and It gives us two choices We can expose the fraud of presumptions by To take another tact, and putting the aforementioned aside, we can crown. careers, so they are again trapped with no place to run or hide. one of us. But now we get to inflict fear into them. The FACT THAT IT WAS CONSIDERED NECESSARY IN EXPLICIT TERMS TO The registration of a birth, records the "death" of your claim to own yourself, your name and the "birth" of the PERSON's claim upon your assets. We are now designated INSURANCE OF MOTHERS MAY BE A statute attempting, by imposing conditions upon a general above. abundance and peace of His ways. corporate agencies etc. " A cestui que trust is a formal Latin term referring to a beneficiary having an equitable interest in a trust, with the legal title being vested to the trustee. the man/woman who walks into my court might call me on my role of Call me on my role, 70 Ala. 13, 45 Am inflict. Avoid fraud in all my contracts, however, the court has shown that there are only long. The legal SYSTEM is fraudulent in its application of justice is essential to how! Designated INSURANCE of MOTHERS may be a statute attempting, by imposing conditions a. 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Judi Farr Did She Have A Stroke, Articles C