In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. Grasslands & Sabino Canyon Observatory. "Since time immemorial Apache people and Puebloan people have respected that mountain," Riley said. by Greg Szymanski, JD,, April 23, 2010 Published here: Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 5:10 AM University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. The telescope project would also play havoc with the red squirrels prime habitat, which brought environmentalists together with tribal leaders in opposition. * what causes them to move at all? Spirit of Darknesss! Mount Graham was the free land . Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, have succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! I've been to Indian sacred grounds and experienced a few situations to influence my belief. To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress . then how do you like the show??? Graham. (Photo by Genevieve Clayton) (DiCosola, Maria. 3.) Is it he who Put . How can they shift is your question. It served not only home to their guardian spirits, but also is an ancient burial site. To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress to remove this, and other, roadblocks. A whole Luciferian Religion (the worship of self and satan) has sprung off a Christian error! Below are links to the optical and instrument specifications to assist observers. In addition the director of the Vatican Observatory claimed he was unable to find any authentic Apache who believed the mountain to be sacred, and who could prove the history of the mountains sacredness in any other form than orally. WASHINGTON More than 100 conservation, Indigenous and religious groups urged Congress today to pass the Save Oak Flat Act to protect the sacred site in central Arizona from being destroyed by a massive copper mine.. Change). As one of the Southwest's "Sky Islands," it holds biological riches. Mount Graham Coalition, n.d. (Mount Graham Red Squirrel, Mount Graham Coalition). Due observatories prolonged struggle to obtain a new permit, and the rise in support from governmental groups, environmental groups, and the Apache people themselves this may be one struggle for sacred land that is not lost. It was because we were moving as well as the planets. Follow her on Twitter at @debkrol. Also its quite notable these people who were telling the masses the earth was the center of the universe was at the very time and continued to operate their own observatory etc etc The Catholics were the largest persecuters of different cultures from the 1500s on. The Vatican's Mount Graham Telescope was named "Lucifer" by the German team who built it. In 1873, Mount Graham was removed from the boundaries of the San Carlos Reservation and placed in public domain. In Apache, it's called Chich'il . The how is best answered by the one that designed the whole mechanism and set them on a path. Its a telescope built by the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial physics and according to their website it stands for LBT Near Infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. Doubt it Riley said when the mountain is disturbed by anything that shouldn't be there, the holy elements the peak possesses are destroyed. Whether they directly own it or not. While construction of the projects first phase has continued, the entire Mount Graham mountain range was declared eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places as a traditional cultural property in July 2001. 2.) sensual or selfish Souls ? Trying to make it seem like everything on the Internet is fake news and the only ones you can trust are the major news stations. Additional Information on telescope specifications, Additional instrumentation & Science Operations. If anyone believes that the Earth is flat they are stupid. Funding for the project was only possible with the generosity of private, philanthropic support. LBTO headquarters is located on the Tucson campus of the University of Arizona. Even Satan doesnt known when it will happen and so he [], [] Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Heres a simpler question. almost. Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, . To Participate in the Mount Graham Sacred Run, contact. "There are so many commodities and useful resources in these lands. splendors intolerable blinds feeble, - The rugged patch of land known as Oak Flat sits in the Tonto National Forest. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. Coverage of Indigenous issues at the intersection of climate, culture and commerce is supported by the Catena Foundation and the Water Funder Initiative. The land is sacred to Native Americans from the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation and many other Arizona tribes. 03 Nov. 2012. The Vatican, which has invested in the project, challenged the sacredness of the mountain based on the lack of structures or objects. This was in spite of the fact that the building of telescopes on this sacred mountain by the University of Arizona and the Vatican was a controversial issue and had been the subject of . The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is located on Mt. In fact, several pontifical observatories were established in Rome, including the Observatory of the Roman College, the Observatory on the Capitoline Hill and the Specola Vaticana (or Vatican Observatory). And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. It focused on the ancient Prophecy of the Popes and the fact that the pontiff following Benedict XVI will be the final one on this mysterious list of popes, a prophecy that was concealed inside the secret vaults of the Vatican for hundreds of years and which many believe points to the arrival of the False Prophet of end-times infamy. It's located in an isolated part of southeastern Arizona several miles outside of Tucson, the nearest large city. Graham in southeastern Arizona. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. So the Vatican has an observatory in Arizona, that is next to Lucifer which is NOT part of the Vatican Observatory as others have claimed. The illusion created, connivingly convincing, has entranced the worlds population into blindly believing a maleficent myth. You CANNOT find convex water. Learn how your comment data is processed. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. Jesus is the Morning Star, not Lucifer. Vatican astronomers used some of the facilities of Steward Observatory, but in 1993 the 1.8-meter Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) opened on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona. Hasatan could have been cast to earth for any sin; but neither the NT nor OT specify what that sin was. But the U.S. did not quickly follow up and settle Apache lands, he said. One of those groups installed a telescope and briefly nicknamed one of its attachments "Lucifer" in. More on this on the "Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. January has another delight: a long total lunar eclipse on the night of January 20-21. Placing unauthorized or unwelcomed whatever on Indian sacred ground, like this telescope, or even taking any sort of sacred symbols, down to the rocks and dirt, without permission or a blessing to do so, could be a nightmare, a real life story for a Dan Brown novel and may add to the growing issues facing the Catholic Church. With these rich traditions as a basis and in order to counteract the longstanding accusations of hostility of the Church towards science, Pope Leo XIII in his Motu Proprio Ut Mysticam of 14 March 1891 formally refounded the Vatican Observatory and located it on a hillside behind the dome of St. Peters Basilica. Graham: Apaches and Astrophysical Development in Arizona | Cultural Survival. University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. By way of surveying the role of astronomy in astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, this series will follow our tour. The VATT is a Gregorian telescope, a type of reflecting telescope designed by Scottish mathematician and astronomer, James Gregory, in the seventeenth century. Tagged: l.u.c.i.f.e.r., NASA, space, telescope, Vatican. Our brothers originally believed and taught that Isa 14:12 was an address to hasatan, in ignorance; however, upon knowledge of the truth we immediately adjusted. The Apache name for Mount Graham is Dzil Nchaa Si An. <. Among other endangered species in the area is the Mount Graham Red Squirrel, which is found nowhere else in the world. Native species like the Mount Graham red squirrel cling to survival in the forests. #24 Why Did So Many Apollo Astronots Die Mysterious Deaths in Just Three YearsTime? Nevertheless, Congress approved the construction plan. Graham complex came to be and examine some of the Vatican's contributions. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Welch said that in all, about 15 million acres were carved out of the public domain to be designated Apache lands. Vatican Observatory VS San Carlos Apache Sacred Land Mount Graham, also known as Dzil Nchaa Si An, rises majestically from the Sonoran Desert in northwestern Arizona. The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona) reports that the Jesuit Father Charles W. Polzer calls opposition to the construction of the telescope complex on top of Mount Graham part of a Jewish conspiracy and comes from the Jewish lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union who are out to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. We have been fighting or trying to make the people understand that we feel that anything that'splaced on the ground or anything that puts out radiation or any kind of electrical equipment destroys our way of praying.. The climate ranges from desert at the lowest elevation to subalpine at the highest, where green woods offer cool relief from the searing deserts below and precious springs trickle down the slopes to feed rivers like the Gila. "Mount Graham is considered one of our holy places, one of the sacred mountains to the east and to the south," said Ramon Riley, a White Mountain Apache member who heads the tribe's cultural resource department. Also, when we look in the Latin Vulgates version of 2 Pe 1:19, the Greek word for morning-star (phosphoros) is translated as lucifer, indicating that the word lucifer was never intended to be understood as a proper name: Even the writers of the Catholic Encyclopedia admit the parable is expressly directed towards the King of Babel so why the Lucifer translation? The Biden administration has put the brakes on a controversial land exchange that would have given a sacred Native American site to a multinational mining company by 11 March.. Parts of the . Reach Krolat or at 602-444-8490. Numerous groups, have used this misrepresentation of lucifer to build religions some even claiming themselves to be Messiahs or worldly representations of God on earth. Benedict Moran: For more than a year, Wendsler Nosie, a former chairman of the San Carlos Apache Indian tribe, has camped out on this site in central Arizona. Its just fits perfectly whole Lucifer propaganda. This mountain is home to a large diversity of animals that have come up from the heat of Mexico and down from the northern mountains of the Pinaleo mountain range. Oh my..All I can say, dear Father, pray, pray and pray,, These two tribes were the San Carlos Apache and the White Mountain tribe. Graham in Arizona, the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory (LBTO) has two identical 8.4m telescopes mounted side-by-side. The Bible has the tendency to be silent concerning the specifics in heavenly matters; and it probably does so for a reason, being that not all heavenly things are to be revealed to humans (2 Cor 14:12). thank you for correcting my mistake purely by accident. Graham to tour the solar system. Was there an ulterior motive behind this? Baboquivari Peak. This is a simple indication that the word Haylel is not a proper name, nor was lucifer intended to be viewed as a proper name in its original usage. The Vatican wanted that specific site for whatever they were into. The 500 year Great Lie can easily be understood in that the Vatican, the Royal Society of London and Nazi German run NASA have controlled all information from space about our place in the Universe and all stories related up until this very day. And yes, its named for the Devil, whose name itself means morning star [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. MGIO is a division of Steward Observatory, the research arm for the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona . That treaty required the federal government to settle and adjust the Apaches' territories. Despite this setback, the Vatican continued its support of astronomy, and in an effort to counteract the accusations that there was a conflict between the Church and science, Pope Leo XIII formally re-founded the Specola Vaticana (Vatican Observatory) in 1891. 03 Nov. 2012. Copernicus explained why the planets do not move in the sky the same way the stars do. Apache elders filed suit in 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out and construction began. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer; and the enemy, that is hasatan, is never, at any point in the Bible, referred to by name? As of 1965 the Mount Graham Red Squirrel was believed to have been extinct. RT @The_777_lioness: I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. The University president claimed that he was unaware that Mount Graham was sacred to the Apache and that the Apache opposed the desecration of this sacred place. To the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the 740-acre swath of oak groves and sheer cliffs is sacred ground, a place. At the exact era that science was allegedly replacing the Vaticans teachings that the Earth was the center of the universe and solar system, the Roman Catholic church was planning to build the very first large observatories of the heavens. 1.) As they learned what was at stake, the San Carlos Apache Tribe issued several resolutions against the observatory. Graham was not sacred because it lacked religious shrines. To many, religious and otherwise, the question of who exactly Lucifer is an easy one to answer. Prior to the appeal, congress had passed an act that exemplified the telescope project from the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, thus resulting in the failure to immediately and permanently halt the telescope project. Debra Utacia Krol Arizona Republic Published 7:23 AM PDT Aug. 20,. Required fields are marked *. | The GoldFish Report Blog,…, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016 The Coming Shift to the Esoteric A Major Update by Preston James | saintandrewstwinflame, One World/One America ~ The Tartarians and Moors New Free Book Release#13, Sneak Peak Ch #2 When One America WasAmoor-ica, Sneak Peak Ch 3 ~ ONE World Turtle Island from One World/ One America the Tartarians andMoors, Free Book #12 ~ Slow Kill and the Deadly Polio Shot That Afflicts Millions StillToday, New Free .pdf Book ~ Bye Bye Blue SkyIllustrated, The Untold History of Mendocino County FreeBook. One of the stake holders in the MGIO is a group of European institutes who built an infrared camera and spectroscope, and named it Lucifer. In the 1980s and 90s, some 30 universities backed out of project and the Max Planck Institute followed in July 2002 due to excessive moisture and cloud cover which inhibit the radio telescopes effectiveness. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that the mountain was sacred he would need to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-American anthropologists. The Mauna Kea TMT another Desecration of Sacred Hawaiian Land | Kauilapele's Blog. Proper names are transliterated NOT translated. 03 Nov. 2012. Experiences in the Sweat Lodge: Body Versus Mind, Melting: Uniting Ethics and Metaphysics through Embodied Ritual, Pine Ridge: The Three Stages of Liminality, Reflection and Analysis of My First Sweat Lodge, Religious Performance and Plural Reflection, Sacred Star Beings in Yuwipi: How Cultural Values Manifest in Ceremony and Living Beyond Analysis and Individuality, Sensory Performance and Collaborative Liminal Space, SMITHS ACCIDENTS IN RITUAL: And A Case Study of the Lakota Tribe, Strong Emotions in the Lakota Sweat Lodge, Suffering Through Prayer: When Ceremony Models the Secular, Sweat Lodge as a Response to Suffering Examined Via Clifford Geertzs Definition of Religion, Sweat Lodge Tension: The Ritualized Perfection, The Academic Approach to Understanding Sacred Ceremony, The Lakota Sweat Lodge: Integrating Theory and Experience, The Outside Perspective Against the Inside, The Power of Contradiction: Aligning the Ideal and the Actual through the Sweat Ceremony, Wisdom, Experience, and Bear Butte as a Sacred Model, Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Peoples in North America, Facebook Activism and Native American Religious Freedom in Prison, Indigenous Religions and Christianity: Acculturation and AssimilationA summary, Lakota Crafts: Significance of Dream Catchers and Prayer Ties, Lakota Language: Art, Oral Tradition, and Language Structure, Learning Re-embodiment Through the Lakota Tradition, Manifesting Stories Reflecting on the Web, Maps: An Exploration of Indigenous North American Cartography, Native Identity, Oppression, and Resistance, Paula Gunn Allen and the Feminine in Indigenous Traditions, Sacred and Medicinal Plants of Native America, The Sacred Hoop as inspiration for the feminist movement and myself, Virtual Scrapbook and Mike Littleboy Sr.s Story,,,,, Before pardoning Galileo in 1992, the Vatican, in 1979 set up a Galileo Study group. Lets pretend these are serious questions and you really are just curious. The partial phase of the eclipse begins at 10:34 p.m. Totality begins at 11:41 p.m. and lasts until 12:44 a.m. As a Mason, it never fails to tickle me when I read the strange ideas that some people have of the fraternity. The sun and moon are suspended by magnetism and they were originally created and set in motion as part of a big clock-like feature by a creator, just as many ancient cultures and religious tenants profess. Strange Luk 10:18 And He said to them, I saw Satan falling out of the heaven as lightning. Strange for an organization who was adamant of a geocentric universe. An Apache activist dancer performs in a rally to save Oak Flat, land near Superior, Ariz., sacred to Western Apache tribes, in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, July 22, 2015. Indian Country Today Media Network, LLC, 18 June 2012. Lucifer is a translation, not a transliteration. Ive been to Indian sacred grounds and experienced a few situations to influence my belief. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. </p> <p>To the Apache the ecology of the area is what makes the land sacred and it is not related to the western idea of a physical shrine. This link is crucial to understanding how 500 years of a massive lie can be perpd through the Vatican, Freemasons and NASA. The protection of the ecosystem remains crucially important to the San Carlos Apache because it is known as a place for collecting important medicinal plants, and preforming a variety of ceremonies important to their religious traditions. They burned books and writings of other cultures as their ships circumnavigated the globe raping and pillaging other cultures riches. We serve this community, operating and maintaining facilities at the remote observing site . They both have a path that each travels over a years time that has been documented and remains predictable, just as it has been for millennia. Jim Loudon Observatory. Debra Krol reports on Indigenous communities at the confluence of climate, culture and commerce in Arizona and the Intermountain West. Measuring 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) wide, the telescope achieved its first light in 1993. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. This requirement rankles many, including former San Carlos Apache Chairman and Native rights advocate Wendsler Nosie. The partial phase ends at 1:51 a.m. So definitively Lucifer and Haylel have the same meaning (implicitly), however there is one major problem. Graham in Tucson. And why is the Vatican interested and want to invest in something like this? When readingAnd the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Revelation 8:10,11-King James Bible) I was interested in the Wormwood star. "@ronin19217435 I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. The NT does give us an image of hasatan being cast out of Heaven no doubt about that. He dedicated a telescope that belonged to a church whose leaders rejected the traditions and teachings of his people, a church whose Vatican Observatory Director insisted that Mount Graham. The Vatican Observatory is most likely part of the Manufactured Alien Threat. Quote: One of Arizona's "Sky Islands," a sacred place to Apaches, has been damaged by development and a controversial observatory. In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. Answer: The Vatican did not name a telescope "Lucifer.". After the Arizona Board of Regents followed suit, the details of what the telescopes would cost the environment and the Apache people emerged. First, we'll look at how the Mt. ..until the curtain is lifted, the mirror removed, and the smoke clears I always thought that was just a tad weird, [] wolves calculate that one! The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. How does that work on a spinning ball? News accounts at the time reported that Apache tribal leaders said they were given insufficient notification of the project. So God created man ( not aliens) man created the telescope and the Vatican created the laws to enslave man. As the project went forward organizations including the Smithsonian Institute, Ohio State University, and the University of Chicago withdrew from the project in support of protecting the environment as well as the cultural and religious history of the San Carlos Apache. Those tribal lands included the originalWhite Mountain, ChiricahuaandCamp Verde reservations, including a large portion of Mount Graham. <, Allen, Lee. Another group installed a telescope it nicknamed Lucifer. Reservations were established by executive orders in 1871 through 1874, but Welch said the ordersneverreferencedthe treaty that enabled theircreation. So what happened? This tall old growth forrest of spruce, fir, and corkbark not only provides a unique ecosystem, but is a sacred land for the San Carlos Apache Indians. Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, . Theyve admitted themselves, however, that there is no other basis, besides the tradition of the early Fathers and later Catholic Commentators, for interpreting Isa 14:12 as an address to hasatan! To make people believe its BAD and evil, while its isnt. Papal interest in astronomy can be traced to Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. Although the Mount Graham Red Squirrel is the most prominent concern of the species needing protection on Mount Graham and throughout the Pinaleo mountain range, it is only one of 18 species found no where else. []. These early traditions of observational astronomy reached their climax in the mid-nineteenth century with the research of the Jesuit, Fr. The church held most knowledge in books which had laboriously been handwritten by priests until then. The really funny thing is that you consider these to be serious answers. Then somebody remarked that Mt Graham also hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, and that it is somewhat amusing that Mt Graham has both Vatican and Lucifer. The mexican spotted owl, Apache Trout, Pinaleo pocket gopher, long-tailed vole, and Northern Goshawk accompany the Mount Graham Red Squirrel on the endangered species list for animals residing in the area where the observatory was built. The Vatican Telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - is located not within the Vatican, but in Arizona! The means through which they went about acquiring sacred Indian burial land is also another dark stain on the dark agenda of the Roman Catholics Jesuits to control all knowledge (and propaganda) about space. They controlled the information content, the scientists of astronomy were controlled by both the Vatican, as evidenced by Copernicus becoming a Roman Catholic priest in his later days, and the Royal Society of London, owned by the Crown of Engalnd. Even incomplete, the project interferes with Native spiritual beliefs. The Vatican really needed to name their telescope ''LUCIFER'', no matter that the acronym is LBTNIUWCIFUFER??? Furthermore, the current telescopes and facilities should be taken down and the sanctity of Mount Graham preserved for traditional religious practitioners. The controversy over the sacred land and the protection of its ecosystem continues and now questions the legal state of the already build observatory. The commission consisted of four working groups to deal with exegetics, general culture, science and epistemology, and history and jurisprudence. Groups of up to six can reserve the 36-inch computerized telescope for a four-hour session. 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