Of fact, this group of young Jewish men were not recognized as Christians when they arrived. He also worked as a missionary, bringing the good news to people in different parts of the world. He is traditionally regarded as the author of the Gospel of Matthew. What will happen to Matthew for the rest of his life is undetermined. According to the early church fathers, he was burnt, stoned, stabbed, or beheaded for his religious beliefs. Date last updated: January 19, 2022. Throughout the first several decades of the church, a plethora of tales concerning the apostles arose, becoming so numerous that it virtually established its own genre. He completed a Th.M. For example, the Book of Matthew is one of these. It was not until Antioch, some years after Jesus resurrection, that the term Christianity was coined. Become a member today. and Peter saw more of Jesus than Matthew and was a pillar of the early church, so . Jasmine A.L. Little is known about this apostle. When he authored the Gospel of Matthew some 20 years later, he was able to draw on such characteristics. Then Jesus lumps Matthew in with the sinners: On hearing this, Jesus said, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. NEES, LAWRENCE, Barbara Drake Boehm, and Melanie Holcolmb. John, his brother James, Peter, and Andrew were all partners in the fishing business before they became disciples of Jesus. In the time of Jesus, a Jewish male could only marry after reaching the age of eighteen. John watches as a New Heaven and a New Earth appear in a vision. 4 Hurley believes "the foundation-stone of Jesus's attitude toward women was his vision of them as persons to whom and for whom he had come. Anyone who has done fishing knows that it can be hit and miss while out one the waters. 2 There He was transfigured before them. He completed graduate work at Johns Hopkins University, receiving a Masters Degree in Near Eastern Studies in 1979. . His Story from the Bible Zacchaeus was a tax collector of the city Jericho and learned that Jesus the prophet was passing through the city. This is not the word for "baby" ( ) used in Luke 2. Especially since hes talking about a text that was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic, and the Gospel of Matthew appears to have been originally written in Greek, not translated into it. When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick. No one dared to disagree with them since their judgments were enforced by Roman soldiers. Young boys in Judaism follow a fairly structured scholastic and life route, as seen in this illustration: At five years oldfor the Scripture, at ten years the Mishnah (oral Torah, interpretations) at thirteen for the fulfilling of the commandments, at fifteen the Talmud (making Rabbinic interpretations), at eighteen the bride-chamber, at twenty pursuing a vocation, at thirty for authority (able to teach others). So, in the time of Jesus, almost all Jewish young men were married, and usually by age 18. As far as the text tells us, he might have been young, he might have been old. So all of this suggests a very startling, and in some ways endearing picture of the disciples. They had an urgent request. And despite the fact that the church has long considered him the author of the Gospel of Matthew, little else was ever recorded about him. The early church fathers claim he was burned, stoned, stabbed, or beheaded for his faith. He becomes an active follower/disciple of Jesus. Dislikes the New Guy: Initially does not get along with Matthew, who he remembers from the latter's previous line of work. And as it is said, Jesus' ministry lasted for about 3 to 3 years before he died. Another important thing to remember is that John lived until at least AD96, when the book of Revelation was published, which is 66 years after Jesus death and resurrection. When Jesus called Matthew to follow him, he was a tax collector (or publican)one of the most reviled professions in ancient Judaism. JESUS CALLS MATTHEW, THE TAX COLLECTOR. as members of a sect called the Zealots." Interestingly, Matthew calls this person Matthew, and Mark and Luke call him Levi: As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collectors booth. Lon has been on the Board of Jews for . Commentary: One of the most pervasive images in the New Testament is that of Jesus as our Passover lamb. Because Matthew's original purpose was to prove to his Jewish brethren that Jesus is their Mashiach/Messiah, he included in his Gospel nine proof texts from the Old Testament which Jesus fulfilledMatthew 1:22,23; 2:15; 2:17,18; 2:23; 4:14-16; 8:17; 12:17-21; 13:35; 27:9,10. Logos Bible Software 10 review: Do you REALLY need it? One may assume that since he was running a fishing business when he met Jesus that he was "in his early thirties, born, like Jesus, some time before the turn of the century," (Thiede). He gave lectures near the seaside and from the top of a mountain. Upon completion of this course, you will have sufficient information to engage in a reasonable discussion about the Bible with a pastor, an atheist, or anybody else. RESPONSE:As you correctly surmise, the solution to this question is somewhat shocking. In Matthew 17, Jesus foreshadowed the events leading up to His own death and resurrection for the second time. A few of the disciples had just witnessed Jesus transfiguration and heard the voice of the Father saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him. In this second instance, the disciples had actually just witnessed Jesus transfiguration and heard the Father say, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him (Matt. The Gospel of Matthew is typically attributed to Matthew, who is also known as the author of the book. Despite the fact that Matthew is revered as a martyr, no one knows for certain where or how he perished. Two, because we find them working in trades at the time Jesus calls them, none of the disciples likely were star students. He was anti-religious in his views. Some argue that Matthews role as an eyewitness is evidence that he didnt write the Gospel of Matthew. However, because males began working at a young age maybe as early as 12 that would be regarded unacceptable today, it is possible that estimating their ages would be a suitable solution. Gold and silver are only mentioned once in Mark, and four times in Luke. You may come to the conclusion that the others were minors and hence did not have to pay. There is very little information available about this apostle. However, scholars say that the Gospel According to Saint Matthew, although later attributed to. Evangelion is derived from the Greek word for good news, which is evangel. As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. The man's name was Matthew. Still, that doesnt mean Matthew didnt write this gospel as well. Again crowds come to him, and he begins teaching them. Matthew, whose fathers name was Alphaeus (Mark 2:14), was known by the name Levi before being called by Jesus to follow him. At the time of his call as an Apostle, Peter was living with his wife and his wife's mother. While in Jerusalem he chased the moneychangers from the temple and overturned their tables. Tc gi: www.britannica.com He is an eyewitness of Jesus Christ's ascension. 3 Then two men were there, talking with him. Third and last point: Jesus prophecies about His own death and resurrection add to the dramatic tension of this most ultimate of redemption stories. Matthew 14:14. But just as every parent today would be proud to have a son or daughter do much more education to become a high-status medical doctor or professor, Jewish parents would desire their boys to be selected for Rabbinic training. Matthew was a man who could have moved comfortably in political circles, and his book mentions things that someone in his position would know. Peter, Prince of the Apostles. As we just learned in the passages above (Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:2728), Matthew was a tax collector, or a publicansomeone who was contracted by the Roman government to collect taxes. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is incomparably more valuable than money, celebrity, and power. Your response? Its message was ultimately intended to go to "all nations." True Even more so given that he is referring to literature that was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic, and that the Gospel of Matthew appears to have been written in Greek rather than translated into it, as some scholars believe. Why was Jesus regarded odd by the establishment? No other disciples wives are mentioned in the Bible at any other time. Papias of Hierapolis, who was referenced byEusebius of Caesarea inChurch History, provides the first indication that he may have authored it: So then Matthew penned the oracles in the Hebrew tongue, and every one interpreted them as he was able. A similar claim was made by Irenaeus in his work Against Heresies, which was published between 130 and 202 AD. Besides this, Matthew gives Peter a good deal of positive attention in his gospel. And, despite the fact that he was a religious outsider, Jesus elevated him to a prominent position inside what would later become the worlds greatest religion. Matthew is considered one of the Four Evangelists. This is a title reserved for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnthe traditional authors of the four gospels. Various accounts say he was beheaded, stoned, burned, or stabbedone even suggests he died of natural causes like John. Why? As we approach the first of three instances on which Jesus prophesied both His death and resurrection to His followers, Id like to take a minute to look forward to these three occurrences in particular. "As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. His message was not polished, but blunt and to the point. Andre Iguodala compares Stephen Curry to Jesus Christ - "I think I've met the closest thing to Jesus Christ" Iguodala claims he knew Curry was destined for greatness from the moment he joined the Warriors in 2013, and even went as far to compare him to Jesus Christ when praising him It seems that the author paid particular attention to Jesus statements about money, had a greater understanding of financial matters, and saw finance as a helpful lens to understand the gospel. Follow me, Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Luke 5:2728. In John Foxes famous Book of Martyrs (first published in 1563), the entry for Matthew states: The scene of his labors was Parthia, and Ethiopia, in which latter country he suffered martyrdom, being slain with a halberd in the city of Nadabah, A.D. 60.. . They traveled with Jesus for seven miles without knowing who he was, but came to realize who he was when they had dinner with him. He was a "wilderness man," a man who from childhood had lived " in the wilderness until the day he was revealed to Israel " ( Luke 1:80 ). Jesus encountered Matthew at a tax booth in Capernauma city on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The scripture that can be confusing in this connection is Mark 1:14-20. The end. Assuming that the identification of Matthew with Levi is correct, Matthew (probably meaning "Yahweh's Gift") would appear. Levi did this promptly. The Gospel of Matthews author is anonymous, but Matthew the Apostle is traditionally considered the author. Fun fact: As a tax collector, Matthew wouldve presumably been great with money, and modern readers would think hed be an ideal candidate for the groups official treasurer. But given the reputation of tax collectors in first-century Judaism, that wouldve been a bad move politicallywhich might be why the disciples gave the job to a guy named Judas Iscariot. The Bible says were all sinners (Romans 3:23), but in ancient Judaism, the label was reserved for the worst of the worstlike tax collectors. Our website has teaching material for children of all aged - starting with the church nursery (age 0-1 years old), toddlers (age 2-3 years old), preschool (age 4-5 years old), young elementary (age 6-8 years old), older elementary (age 9-10 years old), and preteen youth ministry groups (age 11-12 years old). However, some translations render scribe in Matthew 13:52 as teachers of the law, and in context, Jesus certainly seems to be talking about those with a religious backgroundhe speaks of angels separating the wicked from the righteous (Matthew 13:49)and it seems more likely that bringing out new treasures as well as hold would refer to their knowledge of the Law and the prophets in light of the gospel. Matthew 2:17 quotes Jeremiah 31:15. Here are a few of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' birth: Numbers 24:17 He would be from the line of Jacob. Or at least much younger than their Master. The children had a forceful mother called Salome, who insisted on arranging where they would sit at the dinner table with Jesus. Lets get to know Matthew a bit better because he was the founder of the largest religion on the planet at the time of writing this article. And his clothes became white as light. Well, no Rabbi would take disciples until age 30, and no disciples would seek out a Rabbi younger than that. To some extent, this proof of His foresight speaks volumes about His divinity, and Matthew is surely conveying this point for his audience with this storyline. Historical documents are not more sure of anything more exact. This is analogous to how the Gospel of Luke, written by Luke the physician, goes into greater detail and employs more exact medical language when describing maladies. In its place, Matthew began collecting souls for the kingdom of God, rather than tax money, from that point forth. However, this does not rule out the possibility that Matthew wrote this gospel as well. At that time Matthew's name was Levi; he was the son of Alphaeus. Matthew invites over his "sinner" friends to meet Jesus. Historically, a rabbi of that era would begin accepting students when he reached the age of thirty. To the Jews, tax collectors were the embodiment of sin. 1 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. In this case, the age of Christ is important since the information helps us understand the fulfillment of a prophecy in Jeremiah. Its possible that out of respect, friendship, or deference, Matthew used Peters account for consistencys sake. The term "child" is mentioned in Matthew 2: 13-14. The Transfiguration. For example, consider this passage from the prayer as reported by Matthew and Luke: Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. Luke 11:4 (New International Version) (emphasis added) And forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our debtors, says the Lord. 2023 Proven Way You see, Matthew was a member of the Republican Party. St. Matthew, also known as St. Matthew the Evangelist, St. Matthew the Apostle, or Levi, (lived in the first centuryce in Palestine; Western feast day September 21, Eastern feast day November 16), was one of the Twelve Apostles ofJesus Christ and the traditional author of the firstSynoptic Gospel (theGospel According to Matthew). The author of the Gospel of Matthew is unknown, however Matthew the Apostle is widely regarded as the books primary author. When attempting to load this video, an error occurred. The education of a Jewish youngster came to an end at the age of fifteen. In the Bible, there is no indication of a definite age for any of the disciples. Matthew the apostle had previously worked as a dishonest tax collector motivated solely by avarice, until Jesus Christ picked him to be one of his disciples. He was sitting at his tax collector's desk near the Sea of Galilee when Jesus told him to follow him (Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:14). However, there are a few counter-arguments, with the most important being that the early church claimed John as its own. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first Matthew 10:24 (New International Version) Fun fact: As a tax collector, Matthew wouldve undoubtedly been quite good with money, and modern readers might assume hed make an excellent candidate for the position of official treasurer for the ring of thieves. . All rights reserved. And as to the plausibility of them being young enough to still be around to write about all this in the 60s 90s, there is no problem at all. As recorded in Matthew 17:24, the temple tax was two drachmas, and the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, Doesnt your teacher pay the temple tax? After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, Doesnt your teacher pay the temple tax? It appears that the author paid close attention to Jesus teachings regarding money, had a more in-depth grasp of financial problems, and regarded finance as a useful lens through which to view the gospel. His message was revolutionary. A great voice comes from heaven as well, announcing the arrival of the tabernacle of God among men. Log InBack to top. In John 1:40-42, Andrew goes and gets Simon Peter and they follow Jesus. According to this interpretation, Matthew (which is likely to mean Yahwehs Gift) would appear to be the Christian name of Levi (whom Mark refers to as Levi the son of Alphaeus), who had been working as a tax collector in the service of Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee at the time of Jesus birth. It was also a time when those who chose to follow Jesus by joining the church were being pushed down by an ever-increasing weight of persecution. Because weve been far more formed by Bible movies than by the Biblical data on hand. Its difficult to pinpoint exactly how Matthew died, as it is with the majority of the apostles. Only one (and its analogues) provides us with any significant information about him. The early church claimed he wrote it, and the attribution according to Matthew was added possibly as early as the second century. According to the early church, he composed it, and the attribution according to Matthew was probably first inserted around the time of the first century AD. Again, this in itself does not clinch the matter. We see in Scripture, how majestically he spoke out to the crowd on the day of Pentecost. However, they all ultimately offer a different portrait of Jesus. Others have speculated that Matthew was a bit older than the others because he had a fairly important position as a tax collector. In the same way, Matthew used the word in this passage to call our attention to the direction in which Jesus ministry is now heading. Some argue that the Gospel of Matthew includes internal evidence linking it to Matthews profession, which could indicate he was the biblical author. As a result, it is likely that the disciples were between the ages of 20 and 30. . 4 Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. No, Matthew wasnt a shady writer in the traditional sense. How did Luke know what Jesus said in the garden if the apostles were asleep? Matthew says that Jesus is born in Bethlehem. 00:00 36:02. . Were going to look at what the Bible says about Matthew, what we know about the gospel that bears his name, and some other tidbits about this enigmatic apostle. Others have speculated that Matthew was a bit older than the others because he had a fairly important position as a tax collector. It comes from the Greek word evangelion, meaning good news. These four writers proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ with their writings. Who Was Herod? Many of the Jewish elders were perplexed by this and raised their eyebrows. It is reasonable to assume that John was at least 20 years old at the time of the crucifixion, given his ability to care for Jesus mother (John 19:2627). Lebanon Baptist Church: Join us for our Sunday Morning Service with. Neophilologus 87 (1) (01): 137-151. Today, the physical movie theater remains a popular destination for teens, mostly because it provides them with opportunities to meet up with friends, go on dates, hang out, and so on. In it, Jesus appears to Matthew as a boy and tells him to go to the city of Myrna (an unknown location), which is inhabited by man eaters. Upon arriving there, Matthew performs miracles and casts out demons. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washed his hands in front of the crowd before announcing, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves.". Tradition mentions his ministry inJudaea, following which he is said to have embarked on a journey to the East, which might have taken him to Ethiopia or Persia. Matthew, however, was the only one of the four Gospel writers who presented Jesus to the Jews as the long-awaited Messiah, customizing his tale to satisfy their questions. Those appointed to be tax collectors had a job for life. Major Themes If Jesus gave him the name Matthew or whether he chose it himself, Matthew is a truncation of the name Mattathias, which meaning gift of Yahweh or simply Gods gift. Mattheus arranged a huge goodbye feast at his home in Capernaum on the same day Jesus persuaded him to follow him. Answer Neither the Bible nor any other source specifies the ages of any of Jesus initial twelve apostles. Higher education consisted of studying under the supervision of a local rabbi for individuals who were intelligent (or affluent). As for how and when the Apostle St. Peter died, it is traditionally believed that he died between 64 and 67 AD and was crucified upside down at Rome. By calling Matthew, Jesus was proclaiming that no one would be excluded from his movementnot even those society considered irredeemable. The Matthew recorded in the gospels as being a disciple of Jesus would of course have met him. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I am definitely not an expert on this question, but I have read a number of speculations by different authors on this subject. Peter is the exception to this, but because his brother Andrew is not married, and theyre working with James and John (Luke 5:10 perhaps their two families have a joint business venture), it stands to reason they are roughly the same age. Discover interesting information about the life and career of this former publican who became an evangelist, as well as his death and contributions to history. I cant help but think of the scene from The Chronicles of Narnia: When it comes to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, In the middle of the night, Susan and Lucy are strolling with Aslan through the woods, gripping his mane and falling in love with him, only to realize that they are actually travelling with him to the Stone Table. Furthermore, Jesus declared that He was the Son of God. This does seem to imply that John was almost certainly less than thirty when he began to follow Jesus. Site design and hosting by . *shrug* Aside from that, Matthew devotes a significant amount of favorable attention to Peter in his gospel. 2020. So, how old were they when they died? Because Andrew had spent time with Jesus and told Simon that Jesus was the Messiah (v. 41). In order for him to teach in the Temple area in Jerusalem, he would have had to have a pedigree that allowed it. The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke all include much of the same materialmiracles, teachings, sayingsand for this reason are similar. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Jesus with Moses and Elijah. Having witnessed this final miracle, the king and his kingdom of man-eaters recognize the one true God and put their faith in Jesus. St. Matthew, also called St. Matthew the Evangelist, St. Matthew the Apostle, or Levi, (flourished 1st century ce, Palestine; Western feast day September 21, Eastern feast day November 16), one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and the traditional author of the first Synoptic Gospel (the Gospel According to Matthew ). 4 (2018): 55161. He was loyal to Jesus and once committed, he never wavered in serving the Lord. In most cases, a young mans discipleship instruction under the supervision of a rabbi begins between the ages of 13 and 15. He knew the human heart and the longings of the Jewish people. As we come to see Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, and the Savior, may we also recognize that in order for any of this to be real, He had to take the route of the cross. In fact, the gospels provide us with virtually all of the information we need concerning Matthew. In its place, Matthew used Peters account for consistencys sake this Gospel as.! On such characteristics natural causes like John claim he was the Biblical data hand... Met him gets Simon Peter and they follow Jesus Matthew is unknown, however Matthew the Apostle widely! In Capernaum on the Board of Jews for of God those appointed to be here to have a pedigree allowed. That he was beheaded, stoned, stabbed, or beheaded for his religious beliefs is evangel mountain... 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