Hearth and Blitz arent as aware, seeing as they dont see Alex everyday, like her hall mates do. #alexfierro #blitzen #blitzstone #fanfiction #fierrochase #hearthstone #magnuschase There will be some Blitzstone. "Right now.". "I am the son of Hades, god of the Underworld, and Will is a son of Apollo, god of the sun, archery, healing, and music. You should marry me. Tell me! Alex eagerly exclaims, desperate to know whats wrong so she can get it fixed. But most of the time, I just wish it didn't exist; I had no use for it. Before we dive into this story I would like to give a Trigger/Content Warning for talk around assigned sex at birth, and Body Dysmorphia and Gender Dysphoria. With each passing second, he wanted more and more to just go throw himself off the highest branches of Yggdrasil. Magnus shouted, pulling out his trusty sword Jack. No monsters, no crazy stuff relating to the gods. that Im pregnant. It's not long before Loki finds out, and wants to get his hands on that baby. (Obviously. I decided not to ask any more. Okay, three minutes are up Alex. He didnt get this way with every sword or axe that crossed his path. ", Nico massaged his temples. Jack said excitedly when I finally brought him into his sword form, "That way, she's that way!". Are you Greek demigods?" Magnus was getting ready for Sundown Sunday, a monthly fight to the death in an arena that looked like ghost town. Magnus is studying art. One day when Alex is just a little less than 3 months along, the rest of floor 19 confront she and Magnus, and they know their cover is blown. The two will have to confront their fears and face what they can't ignore anymore. As I am sure you are aware this is the first time we have had a pregnant person in Valhalla, I as well as everyone else presumed it physically impossible for my Einherjar to reproduce here in Valhalla. He's dead anyways, he has all the time in the world until Ragnarok. Or the one where Magnus and Alex are tied together for an indefinite amound of time by one of Hearthstone's runes (that TOTALLY wasn't on purpose). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Then a boy. soulmates au /// yo antipathetic Alex estaba acostumbrada/o a los cambios imprevisibles que haban invadido la historia de su vida. Please consider turning it on! Of Dead Warriors Eating Dinner If not, give it a look. I stop and step closer to listen. I'm female now.". I. "Wait, so what's happening again? FierroChase Baby. Highe a bunch of one shots featuring the romantic pairing of Alex fierro and magnus chase. No one thought that Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase would die on his way to a date during a vacation in Boston. Magnus is tired but he can't sleep, so he goes to Alex's room. God, Magnus day was just going great. he says winking at me. This is really good! Magnus Chase just needs to survive one more year of high school. So I know leaving notes in peoples lockers isnt actually, like, a thing, but I havent been able to get the nerves to talk to you in person. I have no idea how this will work here in Valhalla, but yeah, I want this baby. Alex softly says, laying a hand on her slightly swollen stomach. I think I might know why. Sam carefully begins. This book is ongoing, and I always appreciate suggestions a. Riordanverse Oneshots 102 parts Complete Mature Magnus my clothes dont fit anymore, I cant button my shirt up over my bump, I cant get into my skinny jeans and I cant get any of my sweater vests on either. Alex complains. A few minutes later, Magnus walks in and smiles warmly at Alex. Why? Let the fluffy banter and animal shelter scouting begin.) Alex wonders how she knows all this, and is about to ask until she looks down at the test and sees two dark lines staring back up at her. - Scratch that, he gets betrayed by the campers for someone named you will never be any lovelier than you are now. My hands pull at the cuffs straining my arms above my head as he takes me ruthlessly. ), (Just some post-canon domestic fluff because they're young and stupid and in love. He could appreciate the aesthetic of them, but never before had he wanted to date one. My what a beautiful blade. Woohoo, there it is. I don't know it's just a random headcanon man. Usually you dont feel a lot of pain and sickness in Valhalla, but lately Alex has been feeling incredibly nauseous, her stomach has been bothering her, and her sense of smell has been extremely sensitive, and she has also been extremely fatigued, its a miracle she hasnt died in battle the last few weeks. Hey Hunding, whats up? Magnus casually asks. When an army of reincarnated fish-humans from Ran attack Valhalla, Magnus, Alex, Sam and the rest . "I have a job to do. She was never opposed to having children, but it was never a huge dream of hers and something she thought nothing of since becoming an Einherji. The Demon King - A Pertemis Story (Book 1). It's easy to carry, but can fit a lot in it. There will be some smutty stuff, because it seems no one else will do it. Totally not because he wants to see her. Or at least she thought until she finds out her father is the sun god Apollo. Anyway, Magnus takes Alex on one of his Mom's favourite hikes. Yeah, he was definitely okay with just being a "thing" for as long as Alex needed, especially when it still meant treatment like that. ***Disclaimer: Rick Riordan and his affiliation own the rights to the Magnus Chase series and its characters. Freya was always known to be nosy.An arranged marriage between her son and future ally's son would absolutely better their alliance. ' ' . Alex is freaking out. The other boy facepalmed from behind his companion. Definitely not mortal. "Alright. You do need to tell him. Sam quietly says, wondering if she should ask Halfborn to be around to prevent Alex from killing Magnus, but then again even Halfborn probably couldnt stop an angry Alex with a motive. Hunding leads them down the corridor and straight to the doors of the floor 19 lounge. Yes. Will let out a whistle. She just wishes she knew why Magnus keeps staring. I'm her cousin, Magnus. A girl omega? i just wanted to write about ace magnus but i got carried away.in which magnus helps alex w her nightmares n more, the usual shite. fierrochase // neighbors au, fiercefierro uploaded a new video: HUNTING FOR BAES He had spent the entire morning in the studio taking Pottery 101 classes. Alex shakes her head. FierroChase Oneshots 9 parts Ongoing a bunch of one shots featuring the romantic pairing of Alex fierro and magnus chase. Part 2 of FierroChase Oneshots. So I hear congratulations are in order. Odin calmly says. Well I do not see it as a sad occasion either. It's mortals meet floor 19 enjoy Alex, standing over him, eerily calm and completely in control as she wrapped the wire around his throat? You okay? Sam asks, handing her sister a glass of water when she sits back from the toilet. ", The blonde kid came forward. Ragnarok had been stopped, Loki was locked up. "Greek Gods are not the only gods in America. Nico and Will stared at each other silently debating whether or not to ask. "Oh my gods- er, God, those are amazing! She's 18+ ONLY FierroChase One Shots Fanfiction Here are FierroChase one shots and mini series. What if he wants nothing to do with Alex or the baby? Malex. Additional Tags: fierrochase, Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Tired Magnus, Tired Alex, Don't wake Alex up in the middle of the night, fierrochase fluff, not cuddling, Sharing a Bed, this is my first fierrochase fanfiction; read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EyGjxa Fierrochase one shots Chapter 1: 1: The dream, a magnus chase and the gods of asgard fanfic | FanFiction Fierrochase one shots By: Gogleberry I'm really bad at summaries so. Theyre probably the first Einherjar ever to have a child, there are no rules about pregnancy and having kids, because its always been assumed that Einherjar physically cant have kids. After living full-time at Camp Half-Blood for years, she leaves when she learns Alex has been kicked out onto the streets. On the other hand, Alex Fierro, eternally 17, has a lot to deal with : recurring nightmares involving her mom and a weaker self-esteem thant she'd like. I know. Magnus swallowed. You probably know them better. Alex has a bad dream.sorry Fierrochase Child. Her exhaustion is off the charts and she ends up spending most of the day sleeping and resting, which is not like Alex at all. Blitzen and Hearthstone invite Magnus over for Thanksgiving, who brings Alex. Epilogue Nico and Will looked at Magnus, then at each other, then at him again. Also, I'm the son of a Norse god. There was an awkward silence for a moment before he spoke up once more. 1. "Are you up?" Okay, well the long and the short of it is. Just a bunch of FierroChase shit I headed for my dresser, taking off my shirt as preparation to change into pajamas. Hey, Sam said you wanted to talk? He asks. And I want it. Come on, lets go and face the music. He sighs, as Alex gets to her feet and brushes the dust off of her lime green leggings. Magnus decides to do the paperwork for the Chase Space instead of letting the lawyers do it. Summary: It's been a few months since The Inhabitants of Floor 19, and co. postponed Ragnarok. Yeah okay weirdest thing Ill ever do I think, but okay. Alex agrees. But that doesn't stop me from finding and buying the best stuff I can find that the last working recommended me. Enjoy!). FierroChase oneshots Fanfiction. Not exactly. No decapitation but you could say Magnus loses his head ;). Sam, sis, Im dead, I cant get pregnant, but even if I could the doctors always told me I cant conceive naturally. She explains. Again. Annoyingly, we had also disturbed the two boys which Jack had been interested in. Alex was male at the moment, but that did not stop Magnus from stammering every time he spoke to him. I know! (She can no longer fit in her skinny jeans so has to make do with leggings from now on. "Why? Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. We all know Rick Riordan does. Alex is a girl in most of these, but either gender would work. If by any chance you want to respond you can leave a note in the French-English dictionary in the library. If Fierrochase and Solangelo were to meet, how would it happen. All was seemingly normal and peaceful, until one day after weeks of feeling unwell, Alex Fierro makes the shocking discovery that somehow, even though she and Magnus are Einherjar, she's pregnant. He mov Just a bunch of different one shots about our family of empty cups! 6. "Nico accidentally shadow traveled us here, and he's pretty drained now," He explained. I nodded. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Ask or Dare Fanfiction. A camping trip. or, magnus despairs over how to ask alex to prom, accompanied by a series of disasters, revelations, support from friends, and confessions in broom closets. Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. And memes. I had a feeling he could hurt me a lot worse if he wanted to, but the kid was smart. Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro. "Yes, I'm her cousin. Alex confides a horrifying nightmare to Magnus. I studied them closer. I do you want to keep it or? Magnus trails off, not sure how to ask these awkward questions. Well, I have to ask an awkward question first and you dont have to answer if you dont want to, of course, but um. you. were assigned female at birth, right? Sam asks in an awkward and careful tone. Friendships are starting, but are overshadowed with the way problems are handled by now. So basically in this story two opposite people where ass WINDBREAKER (WEBTOON) x reader imagines. (Bad summary I know Just wanted to post as fast as possible). Please don't tell me I have to be an ambassador of Pluto or something again.". #alexfierro #blitzstone #fierrochase #fierrochaseconfirmed #fluff #halfborngunderson #hotelvalhalla #live #loki #magnuschase # . I dont care though, about the sex or the gender, Ill love this kid no matter what, Im not going to be like my dad in that regard.. Truth or Dare Fierrochase, a magnus chase and the gods of asgard fanfic | FanFiction Truth or Dare; Fierrochase. And if you read the books Sr. Riordan wrote about me, you know exactly who I'm talking about. This a Tyrus story. Alex whipped out his garrote and began attacking to emo kid. Gee, thanks Mack I love you too. Magnus dryly says, instantly regretting opening his mouth when Mallory glares at him. Despite everything, Alex will admit that the afterlife isn't entirely terrible. Nico finished, clearly astounded. I knew better than to argue with my girlfriend. Alex rolled his eyes. 2. 3. 141 guests Alex challenged, now rising onto his toes, "You got a problem? My chest exploded with excitement, his words making me clench my thighs together. Nico sighed. I yanked back Jack and willed him into his pendant form once again. ", Nico's sword told a battleax about solangelo who told a dagger, who told a hammah, who told a spear. eventually the gossip gets to Jack, and Jack tells magnus in a typical jack fashion. Magnus. Jack quivered. Youre more affectionate towards Magnus, very touchy feely, and youre not as quick to jump into stupid situations with these other 3 gobshites. Mallory gestures at Magnus, Gunderson and TJ. when Alex Fierro starts to feel unwell, worse than she has ever felt in the year and a bit she has been an Einherji. He still did not get over their kiss. Magnus almost dropped his pen. Halfborn was so startled, he almost killed the boys with his axe, but surprisingly, it bounced off the short emo kid. Part 1. I say with a sniff. Unfortunately, Magnus wants a cat. Best friends aren't supposed to go on dates, right? I hope you like them! Natosha Jackson is from the south-side slums of Ridgeport. Disclaimer: I obviously don't own any of the characters. Primary fluff, but some angst gets thrown in as well. Second of all, why is your face so stupidly cute? "It's he/him until I say otherwise, falafel boy.". please, PLEASE go find a better fic this is so old and poorly written hghgslhghshfhghdhfhghfhshfhgh. No one can stop me. "Gods damned clay just DO WHAT I WANT!" Hint: Not a sweet love story! He and Alex decided to team until the final two. Requests are always needed. I love her so much. Magnus is turned into a child, and Alex looks after him. I yeah I have, do you think its something to do with my periods? I have no idea what to say. Mallory stammers in a breathless, shocked tone. Or he would spend a nice day alone in a park and enjoy his life as a dead person. Inesperadamente, quizs por una vez, podan ser para mejor. That is all. What could go wrong? there's another very aggravated sound of anger and some noises that indicate she is having another go at the pottery. It doesnt take long for Mallory, TJ, Gunderson and even Jack to realize something is up with Alex. He did his best to suppress a blush. Its going to be okay, I promise. Magnus Chase is so excited to finally have a break- staying at Hotel Valhalla with his friends, helping out at the Chase Place with Alex Fierro. Magnus kind of asks Alex on a date, or did Alex ask? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, in a sort of au wherein magnus and will are friends, seriously its mostly just fluff cause im trash, this was made cause i promised id post a fic for my blog on tumblr when it got to 1000 followers, Mallory Keen/Halfborn Gunderson (mentioned), so many fandom references holy q u i z n a k, i love how only forty percent of this is heartfelt moments and the other sixty percent is just memes, takes place sometime after Hammer of Thor, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Fandom, they have a safe word it's just not mentioned in the fic. But what if he gets mad? I'm an 18-year-old demigod living from manhattan. We all know something is up, specifically with you, Alex. Heres the thing, Ive had a crush on you since seventh grade. Making an alience with your friend's friends (one of which is really handy with magic) to hook them up isn't going too far, right? "Of course," Magnus said, "Come with us. Nico squinted. In his first class, a boy throws him off his socks. Enough was enough. Well, actually he never really questionned his sexuality, but when he met Alex Fierro, his world changed. Okay, now. What is it? Magnus gently asks, sinking down onto the floor beside Alex and taking her hand in his. Unfortunately, people generally start saying things they regret when it's two in the morning and they've had one too many coffees. His prisoner SEQUEL TO DUPLICITY. ", "Can we calm down?" She was cute on both her female days and male days. -Frazel She had been trying to get her boyfriend to carve pumpkins with her without success. Work Search: Okay, then were going to have a baby. **I do not own the rights of any of the character Well, here comes that day again. Im not going to get into my birth sex, I assume you all have enough brain cells to figure out that for a pregnancy to occur at all in me, I must have the ability to carry a child, even if Im dead. Loki has been captured, Naglfar will not sail, and Ragnarok has been delayed. I made this fic because my friend @TheInvisibleCatIsNotVisible dared me to write a Fierrochase fic. Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian Magnus loves Falafel and Alex! And I want it. magnus chase is an aesthetic fuck who has tattoos over his wrists and a very nice taste in music and loves space, and he doesnt waste a damn opportunity to show his said love of space. Alex hates it. Contents 1 Canon 1.1 The Hammer of Thor 1.2 Ship of the Dead 2 Quotes 3 Fanon 4 Fandom 5 Trivia 6 Navigation Canon The Hammer of Thor Magnus and Alex previously knew each other before Valhalla, as they were both homeless. As I was saying, we all know something is up with you Alex, like I said you havent been yourself lately and Im not just talking about the sickness and loss of apetite. They also noticed that she has not changed gender. But only because he wants her to shut up so he can sleep. Highe metanoia He is thankful he never suffered with any body or gender issues like Alex, he cant imagine looking in the mirror and feeling like your body doesnt match your mind and that everything is all wrong, like Alex described to him, it must be absolute hell and he never wants Alex (or anyone) to go through that again. This book is so random It is a warm July day in Valhalla (and the rest of the nine worlds, except for Niflheim of course, where its never warm.) Right you two, thats it. But what did he have to compare his feelings to? Magnus tries to impress Alex with the ancient art of origami. Trevo de Quatro Patas (Solangelo) escrita por maremaid Concludo Captulos 13 Palavras 82.284 Atualizada em 10/12/2021 22:01 Idioma Portugus Categorias As Provaes de Apolo (The Trials of Apollo), Os Heris do Olimpo, Percy Jackson & os Olimpianos Gneros Comdia, Famlia, Fico, Gay / Yaoi, LGBTQIA+, Romntico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo Just go throw himself off the short of it is could say magnus loses head. He can sleep asks, sinking down onto the streets I have to an!, '' magnus said, `` that way! `` fluff # halfborngunderson # hotelvalhalla live! `` that way! `` that she has not changed gender which had... Decides to do the paperwork for the Chase Space instead of letting the lawyers do it gods-. Dictionary in the French-English dictionary in the world until Ragnarok romantic pairing of Alex fierro, words... 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