6/16/2021 Jennifer Davis, GOARCH, OCA hierarchs celebrate Patriarch Bartholomews names day at pro-LGBTQ Episcopal church font-weight: normal; $('.divSocialShareCustom').jsocial(); TeachingtheWord Pure heresy and manipulation. (Romans 5:1-2), For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. And coming closer to home, why the theological terrorism in our own home? John Whiteford, The Living Church 2.0 5/4/2020 Fr. including Byzantine rites. ", A reader asks, "Are Eastern Orthodox practitioners (Russian, Serbian, Greek, Antiochian, Ethiopian, etc.) Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple This is called by them "thelaver of regeneration". 7/13/2022 Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, Met. 7/10/2022 Nick Stamatakis, How Big Foundation Money Is Subverting Traditional Christianity Very few people are gifted by God as prophets; spirits must be discerned; and sadly to say, most prophets turn out to be false prophets. margin-top: 0; text-align:justify; Later, he and his wife were married in the Orthodox Church. 7/14/2015 Fr. 5/1/2017 Fr. Zechariah Lynch, The Pro LGBTQP Orthodox (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2) Why? Gabriel (Hieromonk), Against Modern Legalism Also, refer to the article on theDogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church. 6/16/2018 Rod Dreher, The Rise of Antichristianity The Mystery of Lawlessness Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US Part 2 Robert Arida: Why Dont You Become Episcopalian? John Whiteford, Christian Pastors Must Stand for Truth, Righteousness, and Morality in the Public Arena John Whiteford, Deeply Disturbing Concerns Homosexual Militancy Threatening the Orthodox Church Essentially Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism, are unbiblical pyramid systems where the so called "laity" are in effect the lowest of the low, almost like a lower caste, with the Pope or thePrimus inter pares at the top, and Catholic and Orthodox laity at the bottom like a doormat. font-family: Verdana; In my own situation, over time it became evident to me that while I may have used words that Romans used, when I did use them I often found myself not employing them in the same fashion; that what I understood as hesychasm and negative theology many refused to accept as valid contemplation; that I had a propensity to iconography over statues; and then when I came across an imprimatured book published in Rome that said that everything necessary for salvation could be found in the Orthodox Church, many things became a house of cards for me: purgatory, papal primacy, papal infallibility, the filioque etc. margin-bottom: 6px; 2) That the scriptures alone, on their own, are enough to make a person wise unto that salvation. He was also told to ask the Baptists questions about why they were attending churches other than the Orthodox Church. It signifies the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for man's salvation. As Quoheleth says, Nothing is new under the sun. And the Apostle writes, Jesus..the Same yesterday, today and forever. They simply cannot see beyond their delusions and narcissism and their need not only to move the furniture around in the room, but to introduce new furniture, and to deny the removed furniture was ever removed. All this does is to add yet another heresy to their growing list of heresies: namely - "There are two gospels that save!". The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. } margin-right: 20px; Interesting point of discussion. 4/13/2018 Fr. Provacateurs do one of two things: they persecute the innocent by false accusations of heresy; and they also promote real heresy and division. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. {margin-top:12.0pt; 85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save. http://www.teachingtheword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=6435&view=post&articleid=81482&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, The writings and decisions of the first seven ecumenical councils, which took place between the 4th and 8th centuries, The writing and decisions of later church councils through the centuries (which have often conflicted with each other as well as Scripture). perhaps the best western theological term that expresses the Eastern Orthodox Churches view on the nature of human free will, in combination with "ancestral sin", versus the human nature of free will in combination with "original sin" as expressed in the most common Evangelical and Protestant belief calledArminianism. For if by the one man's offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. the word inserted in the Western (Pope's) version of the Nicene Creed to assert the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Ghost from the Son as well as from the Father, which is not admitted by the Eastern Church. Jesus saves, and nothing else! 11/14/2014 Terry Mattingly, Texas Orthodox Priests Reject Fr. They would later prove Orthodoxy utter diabolical heresy on the grounds of adultery. The book containing the rules and regulations /. font-family: Verdana; 4/17/2017 Fr. margin-top: 24px; font-size: 10pt; font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; margin-left: 20px; The Orthodox Church describes as such all other Christian denominations. 7/20/2018 Fr. The concept of the "first among equals" is that of giving this title to a person whose office was founded historically first, in Eastern Orthodoxy thePatriarch of Constantinople, The idea of having Patriarchal bishops over huge jurisdictions, and a lower formof bishops, is not found in new covenant law. margin-left: 28px; Apocrypha may have different meanings depending on how it is applied to the Old or New Testaments and whether it is being used by Catholics, Protestants or Orthodox Christians. John Whiteford, Is the Patriarchate of Constantinople an Enemy of the American People? p.article_id { But when I heard the Word of God preached for the first time, and the concept of repentance and being born again, I was touched. line-height: 200%; Authentic Christianity, in contrast, declares the doctrine of original sin and the guilt of all men in Adam, and the necessity of the person and work of Christ as the Second Adam who redeems them from that condemnation: Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned - (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Their bible is false because: 1) The racist error of translating the old testament from Greek. Canon law not only governs the activities of th church but also claims a degree of authority in matters of state. (Catholics had a long line of mass murderer and debauched Popes all supposedly "handing-down" power by the laying on of hands. 4. margin-bottom: 12px; Lawrence Farley, Fr. Lawrence Farley, Progressives Use the Terms Dialogue and Fundamentalism to Attack and Subvert Orthodox Tradition 11/5/2021 Orthodox Reflections, Homosexual Unions or Intercourse Can Never Be Redeemed or Blessed by God Lawrence Farley, Public Schools and Antichristianity Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. 1)The fruits that thy soul lusted after - world wide trade in artefacts, and dainty and goodly things. denoting the doctrine that the first steps towards good can be taken by the human will, though supervening divine grace is needed for salvation. The act of contracting a new marriage while a previous one is still binding (in the view of their church NOT God), an act forbidden by the Orthodox Church. The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. font-weight: bold; John Whiteford, Cultural Marxism and Public Orthodoxy However what was banned was any image, statue, or likeness, of God or a false god, whether it was like a man, a fish, a creeping thing, an animal, or a flying bird, Orthodoxy is therefore full of idols. [Exposing Inga Leonovas False Arguments Supporting Homosexuality in the Church] Verily I say unto you, They have their reward." They confirm themselves the "scarlet and purple heresy" by saying these crowns derives from Byzantine Emperors!!! I try to convert people, because I believe the Orthodox Church is wrong and is leading people astray.. Patrick Henry Reardon, Giacomo Sanfilippos Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers It has been a money spinning dogma for many years, by bleeding the Greek people dry by threats of exhuming bodies if yearly payments on graves are not paid. font-size: 10pt; Though not as bad as quote "The Holy Mother Church" of Rome, the murders committed by the Orthodox Faith are still extremely bad, and this website givesa long list of such murders. A line of unbroken succession all the way back to the Apostles. 73)Canons (or Canon Law). Gabriel (Hieromonk), On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 1) On the Holy Fathers and Holy Tradition font-size:10.0pt; Isapostolos). 2/5/2022 Fr. 1/23/2018 OrthodoxChristian.com, 2017 11/21/2017 Fr. Others abandoned the Orthodox Church to become priestesses in other churches. 7/12/2022 Metropolitan Antonios of Glyfada, Abp. This reverent but bold work offers the necessary insight and inspiration to create a community that welcomes all its . That said, it becomes perplexing to me that, for example, an atheist woman minister of the United Church of Canada (located in Toronto) would demand a canonical hearing in order to stay incorporated in the United Church and not move on to, let us say, the Unitarians, or better yet, the Humanist Society? In the true Christian religion this rebirth makes you part of the one church of God immediately, his bride, without some man deciding if you have to his vain satisfaction answered a list of confirmation or catechumen issues correctly. Eastern Orthodox canon law is known as the, Copyright 1998-2023 TeachingTheWord Ministries. 95)Ousia: the complex subject of the expression of the essence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how to explicitly state this. 91)Mitre. I am totally sure, based on the authority of Gods Word alone, he replies firmly, again appealing to the sola scriptura principle. The multiplicity of false gods to pray to was replaced by praying to saints, burning incense was kept, and the mother goddess religions took immediately to praying to a dominant female saint figure, Mary, empowered with some of the powers of God himself, the ability to hear, answer, and mediate for millions of prayers (humanly impossible). 9/17/2019 Orthodox Christianity, Transgender Ideology is Anti-Christian, Anti-Science, & Marxist (Colossians 2:4-10). font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 99) Chrismation: They actually say this is a sacrament, and that the Holy Spirit is imparted through it. Unlike the early Quakers (who were much more pious than modern Quakers who are more like a social club thana church) the Eastern Orthodox church makes the usual excuses for swearing oaths, and quote "The general rule in the Greek penal law requires witnesses to take an oath on the Gospels. font-size:10.0pt; Following Apostolic Tradition, Orthodoxy teaches that the original apostles appointed bishops, who in turn appointed bishops, and on and on through a laying on of the hands that touched the hands that touched the hands of Christ. (Matt 6:16). } This led Pelagius to deny the doctrines of original sin and predestination, and to deny the need for special grace to be saved. {margin-top:0in; For the most part, the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon.Since most English language bibles are from non-Orthodox sources, they sometimes are subtitled with . 5/9/2018 Fr. font-weight: bold; Evangelicals unashamedly profess and believe in having a relationship with God, were the Holy Spirit is our teacher. 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article 6/19/2017 Fr. 6)bride and groom- marriage falsely termed a sacrament Nowhere in scripture are we told to baptize a person 3 times consecutively, let alone a baby. 9/29/2019 Petition started by Elizabeth Dunbar, Fordham Scandalizes with Mixed-Media Orthodox Exhibition [Aristotle Papanikolaou and George Demacopoulos Promote Blasphemous Art] http://www.jesusandbible.com/list-of-orthodox-heresies. .numbered_bulleted_text_1 { {margin-top:0in; One need only look at dum traditions such as the holy fire miracle, the cremation myths of Orthodoxy, and myrrh dripping icons, etc, etc to see the absurdity of their credulity. 41) NEPSIS linked with CATHARSIS: when linked with Monastic practices is an oxymoronic concept. 6/16/2018 Fr. / the 7Ecumenical.Council, /Euchologion. 8/6/2019 Fr. John Whiteford, 2015 .normal_text { 2/12/2018 Fr. Boiled wheat is used as a symbol of the resurrection of everyone at the Second Coming of Christ. Ioannes Apiarius The Creed is heretical by omission in that it has no salvation gospel. 5/17/2022 Fr. I didnt have a Bible, but no one encouraged me to read one anyway.. font-size: 10pt; 8/29/2017 Fr. 10/18/2019 Fr. Lawrence Farley, Theodore Feldman: Scriptures, Orthodox Church, and Holy Tradition are Wrong on Homosexuality and LGBTQ Issues The Orthodox religion treats the bible as if it was a box of chocolates were there can pick and chose things from different covenants, and meld them together into a man made potpourri religion. line-height:200%; The spirits of Babylon have now transmigrated across the Earth from the country of Iraq to Italy, in the especially the City of Rome, and dwell in any country where Catholicism thrives. 5)candle burning rituals 7/21/2021 Teena Blackburn, Sin Cannot Be Blessed by the Church font-size: 10pt; 3:15). 87)Liturgical Languages. Sacrifice. Joseph Birthisel, Priest vs. Why do they believe this? Ioannes Apiarius, More on the Question of the Toll Houses For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. Shortly thereafter, he rejected the Orthodox doctrine of infant baptism. I have pleaded for the past thirty years with my Orthodox friends to come to Christ and know Him personally, John says, with tears in his eyes. - certain sinner Patron Saints, instead of a birthday party. Accordingly witnesses are a priori considered to be of the Orthodox Christian faith.". see 2 Kings 18:4. John Whiteford, Clergy, Scholars, LGBT Activists, Drag Show Host Gather to Discuss Opinions on Orthodoxy, Sex, Gender, Sexuality color: #0F4679; Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity, Parable of the Wheat and the Tares Why Priests Must Vigilantly Keep Watch, How to Know When God is Calling Tuning in to the Call of God, https://russian-faith.com/greek-american-bishop-feels-proud-about-golden-idol-of-athena, Sermon on the Nativity of Christ by St John of Kronstadt, The Nativity of Christ as Our Joy and Judgment, Christians Cannot Watch Indifferently and Allow Evil to Abuse Good and Destroy Innocence, Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US, Male and Female The Only Two Genders and Sexes, Theres No Spectrum, Gender Identity is the Great Lie of Transgender Ideology, Lazar Puhalo is Not a Canonical Orthodox Bishop, Hes a Deposed Deacon, Hidden Source of Heresy is the Pride of the Human Mind, George Demacopoulos: Christian Moral Teaching isnt Black and White, We Are Called to Proclaim the Good News of the Truth. A local Council, convened with Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria presiding, condemned the false teachings of Arius. Juvenaly Repass, Anatomy of a Foreword: Metr. The priest never confronted us in our sins, he says, with a mixture of grief and anger. The Orthodox Church is the only Church which has maintained from the beginning a coherent interpretation of its teaching. We should give Biblical reasons for holding popular trends up to the measuring rod of God's Word. Johannes Jacobse, Fundamentalism & Dialogue These things are good and profitable to men. He pauses for a moment, looks at me intently, and says, Baptists preach that You must be born again.'. margin-bottom:6.0pt; margin-left:15pt; 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist. "correct or true belief"). they choose old testament laws, like beards and incense, like a religious potpourri, and yetthey throw out music, that the new and old testament both encourage. The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such "instruction" of children or other faithful. } An Orthodox Christian that is truly born again would realize that the church is wrong and would turn to evangelicalism. For John, coming to Christ and joining an evangelical church are two sides of the same coin. text-align:justify; The main liturgical languages in the Orthodox Church are Greek, the various descendants of old Church Slavonic, and Arabic. I accept there are many forms of blasphemous attitude and speech, and the word has wider usage, howeverIt is because Orthodoxy attributes powers to Mary that belong to God alone, and invent so many church artefacts outside of holy writ this becomes heretical. 1) Calvinism = man is totally depraved (heresy) I realized that the Bible was the authority, even over the Church. 3)craftsman- idols, church finery etc Kallistos Ware on the Ordination of Women and Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages Blasphemy is essentially against God. making shrines is a step further than just having idols. Subsequently there will always be a culture of denials about any division on it. 4/13/2018 Rod Dreher, Fighting the Wrong Battles I believe this is because of the Greek influence of Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Italian influence of Catholicism. Some people wrongly believe that the Eastern Orthodox Church is false? Ioannes Apiarius, A Christian cosplay coup dtat [Exposing Lydia Bringeruds Attacks on Orthodox Traditions] Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches the necessity of confession of sin to a human priestly mediator in order for the individual to maintain his salvation, and teaches that the Eucharist is a propitiatory sacrifice for confessed sins in addition to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. ), (I hope later to put these beliefs in another order). And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. As I began reading Scripture, I understood Jesus to be the only way to God. Gabriel (Hieromonk), On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 2) The Church and Modernity color:black; A second heresy is to think that their clergy can allow marriages that are adultery (as stated above) on the grounds of compassion. 6/2/2019 Fr. -The DivineLiturgy of Saint John Chrysostom said to be a"mass"in the Byzantine Rite. font-weight: bold; The ten commandments forbid you to make them in the first place, as well telling you not toworship them. Lawrence Farley, St. Vladimirs Seminary Reacts to Amsterdam Conference, OCA Bishops Remain Silent The Faith I Loved. According to Holy Scripture, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. {margin: 6.0pt 15pt; I was born Orthodox, in an orthodox country, in a family that is generally pretty faithful. Ioannes Apiarius, On Priestesses and Ecclesiological Deism [on Sr. Vassa dangerous nonsense] font-weight: bold; (an heretical definition, remarriage is bigamy in the new testament -post marital adultery, or desertion etc are no cause for remarriage). Ioannes Apiarius, Orthodox Episcopal Aloofness with a Side of Cake [Abp. Scripture itself qualifies the exceptions, by its own use, your physical father on earth, the "fathers" as important historical figures in scripture itself, but never as a spiritual title for a living person, and certainly not for a gaggle of historical Orthodox heretics. Those groups were called "heterodox" or "heretics." Please note that "Orthodox Church" refers specifically to Eastern Orthodoxy, the Church of the Seven Great Ecumenical Councils. font-size:10.0pt; Johannes Jacobse, A Response to A Response: Sanfilippos Latest Broadside The mitre derives from the crown of the Byzantine emperor. 1) There is no definition of quote "the gospel by which we are saved" in it, and thus it is not fit for purpose. In addition to Scripture, the Eastern Orthodox church recognizes these forms of man-made tradition as authoritative: Authentic Christianity, in contrast, tells us to reject the commandments and doctrines of men: Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words. Way to God margin-bottom: 12px ; Lawrence Farley, St. Vladimirs Seminary Reacts to Amsterdam,! Sins, he says, with a Side of Cake [ Abp `` instruction '' children... The Holy Spirit is our teacher Whiteford, is the Patriarchate of Constantinople an Enemy of the resurrection of at! 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